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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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OMG I Cant wait for next week

i love this show and my mom does too. she said that the girl whos playing supergirl is perfect

shes a superman stan so shes very happy about this show
Preview says
she's powerless for a while
. This storyline's been done before, but let's see how it goes.

It's too bad they don't have a superpowered army robot on their side for times like these!


omg this episode brought out mah emotions

Cat and Kara + angry the laser eyes bit mixed with her parents was so well done.

the sfx were brilliant tonight. Red looked really good. Hoping that's not all they used him for though
The show is steadily getting better with each episode, specifically Cat remains amazing in every scene.
There's still problems with the writing and dialogue, some of the acting, and the effects/costumes.


Ted Sullivan (one of Supergirl's writers) was talking up director Larry Teng as being a big comics nerd so this is great news :)

"@larryteng: I'm happy to announce that I've been hired as Co-Executive Producer/Director on @supergirlcbs for the remainder of the season! #UpUpAndAway"


the way you can see the veins around her eyesockets and her cheeks as the beams get hotter............ my wigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg


love on your sleeve
Some people hate and mock things just for the hell of it. That actually looks really fucking cool for a tv show.


So that's another good episode. Yeah, Red Tirnado looks bad, but when he was summoning tornadoes it was cool.

As it's been mentioned, that scene defeating RT was great. Score continues to deliver and it helped sell the full fury and frustration of Kara. Great scene with her and Jimmy before the finale (even though right after she talks about not being able to have a special someone, an ad with married couples aired Lololololol).

And now she's lost her powers for the next episode. Let's see how she handles it.


I was giggling during the tornado sequence because the score (probably unintentionally) quoted Madonna's "Like a Prayer." Unfortunately, that was about the most memorable thing about this episode. Some really terrible dialogue and I'm struggling to figure out why Winn is on this show. The actor is charming enough but they need to give him dimensions fast beyond lusting for Kara.


Also what in the hale at Luke Macfarlane randomly being in the background this episode. LOL

I knew it was him based on the Brothers and Sisters connection but it was such a bit part that it was odd.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
This episode sure had it's share of assholes.

I wish that general died like he did in X-men First Class.
Just finished the episode... one of the weakest yet imho, though not iffy in the same way some of the earlier stuff was. too many characters just acted in the most stupid ways:

  • Winn--
    for the first time in like...ever, a character says no to doing illegal hacking and sticks to their guns, which i was pleasantly surprised by, but then he agrees to it after hearing the story about it being Alex's father. Like, why the fuck should that change anything? It's still illegal, incredibly dangerous, and generally not a smart thing to do. Like, I understand it's a trope for hacker characters to say no before saying yes, but he actually full-on said no and stuck to that until now he's saying yes for reasons?
  • General Lane--
    Yes, he's supposed to be biased, but still--RT gets loose, he blames Supergirl for going too far, like what? Dude, it's your fucking test, when shit goes sideways it's on you, not the person you threw at your weapon in the hope that your weapon would kill them. Supergirl "going too far" didn't do jack shit other than setting off a self-preservation function or whatever, which, you're testing its effectiveness why do you have that enabled and don't have a emergency shutdown switch? Also, the whole thing about "a one billion dollar asset that you set upon the city" man it's your fucking mess, just fucking accept it. And nobody called him out for blaming Supergirl, like what. She saves your daughter's life, your life, and a bunch of civvies cuz your shit hit the fan, and you blame her for letting it get away? You're an ass, Lane.
  • Alex--
    Morrow's right there and you have a clean shot, like pull the fucking trigger. You're not Supergirl, like, you don't have to care about not killing people. You end up killing him anyways without hesitating later, so why do you pause when you can take him out as soon as you find out you need to do so?
  • Morrow--
    Bad acting aside man what the hell were you thinking making so that they have to kill you to save Supergirl? Like fucking what?
  • Red Tornado--
    not so much being stupid as looking stupid. fucking worst villian/hero costume fucking yet out of arrowverse.
  • Lucy--
    you're in the military, in a post where you have access to and work with top secret projects. you can't just quit suddenly cuz daddy issues.
  • Red Tornado--
    bringing it up again, cuz that outfit was fucking terrible.

like, early episodes were iffy cuz they were a bit too cheesy while being too cringey at times, this was fine outside of everybody suddenly losing like 100 IQ points.
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