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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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The soft or remixed songs playing in the background is getting too corny lol

Glenn Morshower needs to go back to playing agent Pierce, I don't like him as a dumb general
Just started the episode. What a stupid opening. No one would throw that shit on Supergirl after these two dumb motherfuckers nearly murdered a dozen kids, especial the fucking kids. Fucking Maxwell Lord. Such bullshit. They should have written a better way for her to get pissed.

Cat's mom is a total bitch, wow.

Wynn. The IT guy at CatCo. He's gonna break into the most secure agency's network. Most secure in the world. That deals with aliens. This fucking guy.

Lol, this army douche is obviously such a douche. And they're pulling some goddamn executive order bullshit on her? She's fucking Supergirl. Don't fall for this shit, Kara. Clark played this government shit better in Man Of Steel.

Lucy is secretly a bitch eh. Superbitch.

And now this shitty Vision knock off robot.

Come on, Cat. Don't be such a bitch, yeesh.

Wowwwwww, this game night is just so cringey. Kara, please just fall in love with poor Wynn.

Lol, way to lose your temper, Kara.

And wow, Sam Lane is a total Cunt.

Lol Sam Lane is super incompetent to boot. Fires this obvious genius cause he doesn't want his life's work destroyed.

Lol, I like angry Kara. Oooooh, Cat with the evil bitch stare. Is she playing mother to Kara cause she stood up for herself?

I'm so tired of Lord. Hope he dies.
I'm already done with Sam Lane.

He's an asshole. Just nothing remotely likable or interesting out captivating. He's just an asshole. I never wanna see him on my screen again.

Melissa Benoist is captivating though. They knocked the casting out of the park.

I wanna see more Rage Kara. Bring on the angry snark.
Actually, this scene at the end with Supergirl and Red Tornado is fantastic. Great music, effects, rage. Really well done. Kara's rage is a great differentiator from Clark.



I love how many people in the BvS thread are all 'blue?' LOL. Lame.' Ignoring that blue heat is hotter than red heat. Mah girl Supergirl owning Supernerd again.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Cat Grant is my favorite part of this show. I love all her scenes.

Red Tornado was about as goofy as I expected. But fantastic sfx work on Supergirl's laser vision in that end fight. That and their depiction of her flying usually impress me.

Good character moments with Kara having to deal with her anger. I could imagine her situation would be pretty frustrating. One aspect of her arc reminds me of One Punch Man in a way, she is heavily criticized anytime she saves the day. Which I hope they don't drop. It makes sense that not everybody would be okay with what she does with almost no accountability.


Subete no aware
Well, at least they acknowledge that they have this jail full of mutant super villain whatevers that they have no idea what to do with. lol

Does Arkham Asylum exist in the Berlanti-verse? Because you'd figure that would serve as a warning to not keep all your super powered villains in one location.


This series is fucked if they don't do something about it. Also lmao at Red Tornado and I remember someone saying he looked fine in this thread. Only way to save this turd is to start the crossovers, bet they are regretting saying there werent going to be any.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Well, at least they acknowledge that they have this jail full of mutant super villain whatevers that they have no idea what to do with. lol

Does Arkham Asylum exist in the Berlanti-verse? Because you'd figure that would serve as a warning to not keep all your super powered villains in one location.

I can't recall an Arkham reference, but Iron Heights prison is used in Arrow and Flash, and apparently now has a meta-human wing.

This series is fucked if they don't do something about it. Also lmao at Red Tornado and I remember someone saying he looked fine in this thread. Only way to save this turd is to start the crossovers, bet they are regretting saying there werent going to be any.

Yeah, Red Tornado looked really bad. But the show is aiming younger and I'm not sure if they are going for the hardcore comic fans. Drama is standard stuff you would see in Arrow or The Flash. Effects were way better in this episode, it just seems like they're struggling with coming up with good antagonists and decent fights.
Was it just me, or did anyone else while watching the two cars ramming each other and think that, yeah, that looks about right for the average BMW driver?


This series is fucked if they don't do something about it. Also lmao at Red Tornado and I remember someone saying he looked fine in this thread. Only way to save this turd is to start the crossovers, bet they are regretting saying there werent going to be any.

This show needs to be good on its own without using crossovers as a crutch.


Did they straight steal superman's new power and give it to Supergirl? except for her, instead of soloar flaring she just used a crazy amount of heart vision?

Only reason I can think of off the top of my head why she is now human and can get cut.


I liked it. The "anger" thing was a cool theme for the episode which affected the vibe of everyone in the cast - everyone was snapping or being bitchy or passive-aggressive or pissed off at something. And it's a lot more interesting when there's tension between characters who normally get along, instead of all the conflict put against some new villain of the week who only gets two minutes of character development.

Having not seen any form of Red Tornado before, I actually thought it looked pretty cool. The costume not so much, but the actual fights had more creativity to them than your average human-shaped fighter.

And the final rage fight was a really cool moment. Great editing, effects, and music.

Yes, there are some spectacularly large plot holes. The army makes an unstoppable killing machine without an off switch. Kara's freeze breath works the first time but she never uses it again. Sam Lane is such an unbearable ass that it's a wonder why Lucy still talks to him. But honestly I'm not too fussed, because it gave us probably the strongest episode of Supergirl yet. There have been some pretty big lapses in logic from Arrow and The Flash and Gotham that I guess I'm just used to it by now.

Also, Jimmy's "Are there like, extra emotions I don't know about on Krypton?" was priceless.


Funny that the next episode is about
Kara losing her powers
, when on the exact same episode number of
The Flash season 1, Barry temporarily loses his powers against Blackout

HOLY SHIT LOL I just found out that David Harewood is British


Passing metallic gas
I can't really tell if the show is getting any better or worse. I don't really care for the love triangle they got going but I am a fan of cyborg and the gentleman they got to play him. Red Tornado was so hideous he even made Kara's eyes vomit super lasers.


Funny that the next episode is about
Kara losing her powers
, when on the exact same episode number of
The Flash season 1, Barry temporarily loses his powers against Blackout

HOLY SHIT LOL I just found out that David Harewood is British
I had a feeling it was the same ep Barry lost his. LOL

Kara is definitely more inherently interesting considering how indestructible she is


I hope the Henshaw's red eyes is him being evil is a misdirect, I want him to be a good guy. I will cheer for team Martian Manhunter.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Red Tornado and General Lane sucker so much lol... what a joke.

Cat was great again, she is now official the best character in the show... Which is crazy considering how much I hated her in the pilot. Not a big fan of the actor either.


Certainly getting better. But they really need to turn down the Winn creeping on Kara and the Kara creeping on James....

Cat is awesome.


Certainly getting better. But they really need to turn down the Winn creeping on Kara and the Kara creeping on James....

Cat is awesome.

Again, the most believable part of the show for me. Nerds be creepin'.

But hey, at least Winn didn't get shat on in this episode (sadly). Plus, Cat calls Kara out like a mad woman.

I want to echo the sentiments above on Cat. She's great, which is funny because for the first few episodes I couldn't have cared less.


Supergirl ticked up in the ratings this week.

Remains fairly strong in the overall audience.

Curious to see what next week is like without Gotham


The anger aspect was done quite well, it is even logic that she has this problem while Superman is okay. She lost her family, he never knew them. I liked her freaking out, but I would probably have done worse to the road ragers. Just for being that stupid.

Red Tornado was a good enemy, he looked a bit like bicentennial man at first sight but he was a lot stronger afterwards. I do like the beatdown Supergirl gave her first. Handling the tornado was great too, just missing The Flash like sparks flying through it.

And a Clinton presidency?


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Is it as jarring to anyone else as it is to me that they cast Perd Hapley as the newscaster in this show? I always expect him to say something like, "I'm Perd Hapley and I just realized: I'm not holding my microphone."


Is it as jarring to anyone else as it is to me that they cast Perd Hapley as the newscaster in this show? I always expect him to say something like, "I'm Perd Hapley and I just realized: I'm not holding my microphone."
Glad I haven't seen Parks yet in that case. I'm more amazed at Berlanti casting an actor named Jay Jackson and a character called Jay Jackson.
Is it as jarring to anyone else as it is to me that they cast Perd Hapley as the newscaster in this show? I always expect him to say something like, "I'm Perd Hapley and I just realized: I'm not holding my microphone."

I'm amazed every time I see Perd.

Seriously, this might be one of the best moments in this show so far. I haven't been terribly impressed by the villains or fights, but this moment, solid as fuck. I watched this, and I'm like "Holy fuck." Just a great moment for this young show. Well done. Absolutely nailed that epic rage feel.
Maroon Tornado does not impress at first look.

Let's see how this goes...I do like how snippy Cat is being. Forgot how good an actress Calista is. She needs to work more...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The thing about that finale for last night's episode is that all that rage wasn't really given a worthy opponent. They did nothing to really make RT into a more personal adversary for SG. As much as her 'rage laser' attack was masterfully executed, both in terms of the effects and the emoting on the part of the actress, it still felt a little wasted because it was aimed at such a 2-dimensional antagonist.
Not the greatest episode, but the final few minutes were pretty damn great.

Loved the scene where Kara lets loose. Would love to see something similar in BvS from Clark...


So If they're going for the connected universe with Arrow and The Flash they would have to get into some serious trouble to be able to ask Supergirl for help.
So If they're going for the connected universe with Arrow and The Flash they would have to get into some serious trouble to be able to ask Supergirl for help.

it's more likely that this is another earth to the one barry and ollie are on right now, and if they ever plan to do a crossover it'll be barry traveling to supergirl's earth by accident or something.
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