Will the episodes be up on a streaming site after they're shown?
They'll probably be available for streaming on CBS.com a few hours after they air.
Will the episodes be up on a streaming site after they're shown?
Oh Jeb!
Huh. I just realised that. I wonder how long before GG gets a whiff of this.
I've been hoping for that since they announced Kara's surname. lolIf this show sees several seasons of success, I wonder if there will be confusion when Captain Marvel comes out. Cara Danvers....Carol Danvers...
"Omg what a ripoff of Supergirl" etc.
Episode 2 out yet?
Er, doesn't this start on the 26th?
I've been hoping for that since they announced Kara's surname. lol
I think I said it before but they laid it on way too thick with the poorly written "grrl power" based over audiences' heads, I really hope it's toned down beyond the pilot or at least better written, a little subtly might've went a long way. I liked the idea I saw posted on another board I go to with Kara being a "rookie" due to not really using her powers, maybe due to the Danvers and how they raised and encouraged her to hide her powers where as the Kents along with living on a big farm gave Clark a chance for a lot of exploring and practice with his powers which could've been coupled with some subtle commentary on the way boys and girls are treated differently.
I hung in there until the "Why? Because she's a girl? That's exactly what we're counting on" line. I let out an audible groan. Giving them a pass for hitting us over the head with it because it's the pilot.
What age do you think a child should be to watch this? I'm wondering if it would be OK for a six year old. I suspect not, but she seems interested in superheroes, so it would be cool if it were.
What age do you think a child should be to watch this? I'm wondering if it would be OK for a six year old. I suspect not, but she seems interested in superheroes, so it would be cool if it were.
What age do you think a child should be to watch this? I'm wondering if it would be OK for a six year old. I suspect not, but she seems interested in superheroes, so it would be cool if it were.
Is that supposed to be a punch? Such poor form. But not like she needs form when she has super strength.24 hours left.
Pilot was fine for kids, and the show has been marketed pretty heavily to little girls. Of course, it's all dependent on what you want your child to watch, so give it a couple episodes.
Sorry Gotham but this getting watched live tomorrow. Between both shows it's going to be a good night.
Is the 8:30 air time a permanent thing or just for the Pilot to get that Big Bang crowd to stick around? Hate the weird half hour start time for an hour long show.
It's only for the pilot. It'll air at 8:00 PM after that.
By the way, if anyone misses the pilot, it'll be re-aired on Saturday at 8:00 PM.
Maybe watch the episodes beforehand to screen it, but the pilot was kid friendly enough.
I think I said it before but they laid it on way too thick with the poorly written "grrl power" based over audiences' heads, I really hope it's toned down beyond the pilot or at least better written, a little subtly might've went a long way. I liked the idea I saw posted on another board I go to with Kara being a "rookie" due to not really using her powers, maybe due to the Danvers and how they raised and encouraged her to hide her powers where as the Kents along with living on a big farm gave Clark a chance for a lot of exploring and practice with his powers which could've been coupled with some subtle commentary on the way boys and girls are treated differently.
Well, it was hers first though as Linda Lee. I get the simplifying but Kara did have the surname first.
I say this to myself all the time then she gets more adorable some howThere is no way she's this adorable.
Liked the Pilot its fairly cheesy not up to the Flash level in terms of quality but not as bad as The Arrow but that's purely based on one episode so it could swing either way. Its a tiny bit shoving feminism down your throat or at least the offhand shitty comment from a government official making awas pretty shit something you would expect from a Drug Lord not a Government Official who clearly has other women working beside and under him...or the*Your better off getting coffees*something my SO and myself felt was slightly cringe worthy but once again first episode I expect them to get a better stride as it goes along and it plays around with its themes better.*Women on my world bow down to men*
the offhand shitty comment from a government official making awas pretty shit something you would expect from a Drug Lord not a Government Official who clearly has other women working beside and under him.*Your better off getting coffees*
If you want to see people say some truly horrific things about her, look at the comments section for just about anything relating to the show.
Is that supposed to be a punch? Such poor form. But not like she needs form when she has super strength.
I think it's just meant to be Supergirl striking a pose.
Comic geeks love female superheroes but hate that they are female.
Oh they like them alright... as long as they're eye candy and/or wearing ridiculous outfits like *shudder* Power Girl's. It's when they show a modicum of grey matter and independence (and God forbid, not be sexualized) is when they go apeshit.
Always tickles me when people use Power Girl as a example of a vapid sexualize object. People look at Power Girl, but not many read Power Girl
I tend not to give her shit, but that boob window justification is laughable.
Always tickles me when people use Power Girl as a example of a vapid sexualize object. People look at Power Girl, but not many read Power Girl
In all fairness: PG's costume is absolutely an example of vapid sexualization, even if the character very much is not.
I hope Laura Vandervoort shows up in the show as Power Girl someday.
It is suspect, but it is a shame most people never gone beyond that. I just hope she doesn't pop back up and have her taking selfies. RIP Oracle, RIP Starfire, and RIP Troia
Liked the Pilot its fairly cheesy not up to the Flash level in terms of quality but not as bad as The Arrow but that's purely based on one episode so it could swing either way. Its a tiny bit shoving feminism down your throat or at least the offhand shitty comment from a government official making awas pretty shit something you would expect from a Drug Lord not a Government Official who clearly has other women working beside and under him...or the*Your better off getting coffees*something my SO and myself felt was slightly cringe worthy but once again first episode I expect them to get a better stride as it goes along and it plays around with its themes better.*Women on my world bow down to men*
Benoist occasionally overdoes Kara's nerdy side (though you could argue that it's Kara overdoing it so no one sees through the secret identity), but on the whole hits the right balance between exuberance at what she can do now that she's stopped hiding, and tentativeness at having to be responsible for protecting an entire city, and possibly an entire world. Between Stephen Amell on "Arrow" and Grant Gustin on "The Flash," Berlanti's casting people know what they're doing when it comes to picking out plausible superhero stars.
But Benoist is appealing enough, and the action sequences impressive enough, that the show gets away with the lack of subtlety. It's a competent superhero show made by people who've been doing this a while (even though Adler's new to the DC TV universe, she wrote for "Chuck" and co-created "No Ordinary Family" with Berlanti) and have gotten better at it with each new stage of things.
Oh they like them alright... as long as they're eye candy and/or wearing ridiculous outfits like *shudder* Power Girl's. It's when they show a modicum of grey matter and independence (and God forbid, not be sexualized) is when they go apeshit.