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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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Totally wrong on the Eradicator train, but gladly jumping on board the Martian Manhunter hype train. In fact, more giddy than ever that we have Martian Manhunter in live action now. I was literally bouncing up and down on the couch and had to explain my enthusiasm to my wife at the commercial break.
It's amazing how much of this Justice League Berlanti and Kreisberg have given us



Oh man

Can you think of the DCTV Justice League

Green Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Hawkpeople, The Atom, Firestorm, Black Canary, Vixen

Possibly Red Tornado
I thought that the King Shark moment on Flash would be impossible to top for the sheer giddiness it got out of me this year.

I was wrong.



Hank is the last of his kind, but will he have to face any ghosts from his past down the line? Maybe prisoners from Fort Rozz?
Yes, absolutely. There’s a White Martian that turns up that wants to kill him. He’s ready to give his life. There are a whole litany of guys that J’onn wants to take out, that’s why he’s called a Manhunter. He doesn’t necessarily kill humans. He wants to protect humans and wants to kill anything out there that threatens humanity.
To make her work harder, to take things seriously -- once he realized she was going to do the hero thing, he had to make sure she was the best she could be to keep her safe. It makes his original reluctance then sudden acceptance make perfect sense in hindsight. It seemed rushed before, but now it's clear.


Oh man

Can you think of the DCTV Justice League

Green Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Martian Manhunter, Hawkpeople, The Atom, Firestorm, Black Canary, Vixen

Possibly Red Tornado

Yeah, they're kicking ass.


They need to stop teasing Green Lantern and do it already.


But I guess the one thing holding them back from doing a GL show is that such a show would eventually need to do something about OA and the Corps. And that surely would be costly, even as much as I want Kilowog on my TV screen (again) in the worst way.
Oh dear go I hope this
opens the door to Miss Martian.
That would be beyond amazing if this show played that card.

Nah, this can't happen. Our sage Slayven has already decreed it not to be.

Sorry, I never do this, but this has really gotten me worked up. I'll shut up now.
They not going to suddenly start givng him more screen time. Not when they got Supergirl still learning the ropes, a love pentagon, AND Kara's flashbacks

But you right, I never hate watch, so I will just drop it and catch up on the flash.


ugh, get over it already.
I mean, we get a great moment of the Martian Manhunter and your complain is what exactly? that we won't get more? I too would have likled to have seen Bones as the director of the DEO but it didn't happen and instead we get the Jolly Greent Giant as a consolation prize. that ain't bad.


Not sure if it has been asked before, but is Director Henshaw actually Martian Manhunter?

Jesus i fucking knew it! Everyone said nooooooo hes Cyborg Superman....but i knew it was Martian Manhunter. I jumped up when he shifted, got a little too excited for no reason lol.


Someone smarter than me should think of a new OT title that makes a joke about Matt Damon (The Martian) and the color Green


Why does he wear the mask!?
Newsarama just spoiled the reveal for me.

Utter fucking cunts. Unliked their page.

I'm pleased it's J'onn, I love him.


I'm surprised he looks as good as he did. If they were going to do him I was expecting something terrible like Red Tornado.
I'm still just gobsmacked. I never thought we'd live in a world where Martian Fucking Manhunter would be on a TV show and treated seriously. Based Berlanti.

Oh hell yes.

Also lol
"It’s a lot of fun, actually. As you’ll see in episodes to come, there’s a lot of fun to be had. He’s a shapeshifter, so he can be whoever he wants to be. So, I think you’ll find me being other members of the cast at various points in the story."

Oh man, yeah this bit's going to be amazing lol.


Damn, still bummed they used supermans power of solar flare, but it wasn't like he was using it, so I'll let that sly. But that revel, that was some next level shit right there. Can't wait to see what they do with it.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Would've loved to have not known the reveal before watching the episode :(

Really pissed off with Newsarama


Damn, still bummed they used supermans power of solar flare, but it wasn't like he was using it, so I'll let that sly. But that revel, that was some next level shit right there. Can't wait to see what they do with it.

Was Kara's power before it was his. By several years in fact.


Really, shows how much I know lol Thanks for the clear up. ignore me people, I am derm!

It is a common mistake. Not many people really read nu52 Supergirl.

One interesting thing: in the comics, she has a degree of control over this ability whereas Superman is an all-or-nothing deal.


I liked that they didn't resort to Supergirl having to save the DEO this week, I guess.

Alex was pretty badass all things considered.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Well technically they debuted it last episode. The heat vision she used. It was just named and referred what she did to that based on what this Superman had done in the past.

That wasn't the solar flare power I'm thinking of

I'm thinking of Superman's new power in the comics where he basically explodes and is powerless for a day.

If that was it in the last episode then it was shit. It was just a more powerful laser beam.
Well that was pretty easily the best thing this show has done. And NOT just because J'onn was revealed. But the editing was pretty solid, the storytelling was just as solid, and some legitimate character progression took place in a fairly fun way.

Well, except for Winn being a little shit. I really do hope that sooner, rather than later, the writers abandon BOTH legs of this stupid love triangle, Because this Pretty in Pink bullshit is just that: bullshit.

But still - that was a really, really fun episode.
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