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Supergirl S2 |OT| The Sky's the Limit - Mondays 8/7c on The CW

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It makes me wonder if they're gonna have a cheeky reference to "Martha" at some point in crossover.

"Wait- your mother's name is Nora? Does that mean we're friends now?"

"What? No. I said Moira. Take those decals off your ears and listen, Barry"

"Hey guys- did you say both of your mothers were named Alura?"

"Geez, Kara. For someone with super hearing, you're deaf as shit."


It makes me wonder if they're gonna have a cheeky reference to "Martha" at some point in crossover.

"Wait- your mother's name is Nora? Does that mean we're friends now?"

"What? No. I said Moira. Take those decals off your ears and listen, Barry"

"Hey guys- did you say both of your mothers were named Alura?"

"Geez, Kara. For someone with super hearing, you're deaf as shit."

Oliver: "This isn't the first time I've heard of Martha..."



Not to mention Supergirl just debuted a Superman who acts completely different from the movie version

Who is basically an hommage to Donner Superman, like Supergirl herself. Even if he behaves completely different, there is nothing mean spirited in there.

Well I mean WB did just release an animated movie that is kinda an apology and makes fun of modern/movie Batman.

Which one? But again, the people making those movies aren't trying to get a DCEU movie made. Berlanti is.


So not worth it
And the movie universe will have their own Flash.

Until they give up on the movie universe because Snyder fucked it up to bad, anyways, there will be no merger of universes.
Which one? But again, the people making those movies aren't trying to get a DCEU movie made.

And I mean directly references modern Batman and shits on him.


And the movie universe will have their own Flash.

Until they give up on the movie universe because Snyder fucked it up to bad, anyways, there will be no merger of universes.

Berlanti isn't trying to get a Flash movie made. He isn't trying to connect universes. Berlanti will do Booster Gold and Blue Beetle in the DCEU.



Miley Cyrus has a beef with Supergirl:
For example, there's a show called Supergirl. I think having a show with a gender attached to it is weird. One, it's a woman on that fucking billboard - it's not a little girl. Two, what if you're a little boy who wants to be a girl so bad that this makes you feel bad? I think having a title like Supergirl doesn't give the power that people think it does.

Supergirl showrunners respond:

It's based on a pre-existing property that's called Supergirl, so we never had any intention of calling it something other than that. I think we worked hard, especially in the early part of season 1 to address the discrepancy. We actually had a scene about Kara herself lamenting, 'Why aren't I called Superwoman?' and had Cat with her great rejoinder about how the word 'girl' in and of itself is not offensive. We continue to be proud of this show, we continue to be proud of Melissa and the character she represents and the hero that she represents. We stand by the show.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

Oh goodness.
If I was to guess, I'd say they're attempting to expand the world of the show a little by introducing the idea of James becoming a new hero. Then you can watch his struggles with becoming a hero instead of it just being Kara. I think it's a little weird to go in that direction since they have the DEO, which is pretty underdeveloped. Working with that would be a more organic way of expanding their internal universe. Like maybe there being a new group of characters who are part of an Alien Response Team. James from this show becoming a crime fighter seems so out of left field and bizarre.


Oh goodness.
If I was to guess, I'd say they're attempting to expand the world of the show a little by introducing the idea of James becoming a new hero. Then you can watch his struggles with becoming a hero instead of it just being Kara. I think it's a little weird to go in that direction since they have the DEO, which is pretty underdeveloped. Working with that would be a more organic way of expanding their internal universe. Like maybe there being a new group of characters who are part of an Alien Response Team. James from this show becoming a crime fighter seems so out of left field and bizarre.

Eh, depends on what his intent really is.
The thing that seems to trigger his heroism is when he tries to save that one woman from debris. Maybe he just wants to focus on saving the little guys that maybe Kara can't help when dealing with a bigger threat.
I thought the season opener was rough, but I'm glad the majority enjoyed it. I guess I just wasn't able to suspend my disbelief enough to just accept everything as it happened. Kara getting knocked out by a drone missle, a building collapsing because one support beam was destroyed, Supes just hanging out in National City, because fuck Metropolis and him wanting to catch up about Krypton was weird, too. It's not like they had 12 years or so for that. But I suppose AOL messenger isn't the most secure platform to talk about superhero secrets (don't tell Snyder, though). And regarding the last scene, it's also a little weird that they now seem to do every job together, instead of splitting up and taking on different jobs, which would seem more efficient ("actually, I'm pretty sure they do split up for different jobs, you know, off-screen...", shut up, I know it's a minor nitpick). The "up up and away" was pretty cute, though.

All that said, the episode wasn't bad and still had it's moments, as the show usually does. I loved Clark and Superman. Absolutely loved it. I wasn't really concerned about him taking away the spotlight, but still had mixed feelings. But the second I saw Clark clarking it away at the phone with Perry, I was all Cat over him. It really fits nicely with the tone of the show and he got good chemistry with Kara. Cat was grand, as usual. Not sure if all the "I can see through you" stuff is getting a bit too on the nose, though. I also liked that Superman and Manhunter had some history and aren't best friends forever, even if the reason could've been a little better explained. But an uneasy alliance is always fun and you got only so much time.

I also missed the news about this show not really joining the Arrowverse, which changes the perspective for me quite a bit. I guess Clark won't die after all. Huh.

We have been in the arrowverse five years now. People complained all the time when the plot was reporter Iris or night club Thea dates, or Tommy goes on a date.

You're right. The quality in Arrow shot right up, once they put everyone and their mother in a costume. Best seasons of Arrow ever.

You need to stop excusing bad writing. Just because they're incapable of portraying anything interesting outside hero activities for more than 5 minutes or more than one supporting character, it doesn't mean that it couldn't be good. Just like the hacking scenes aren't fine, "because lines of codes in terminals are boring" or whatever, so we need sparks flying, eyes of Sauron on screens, pcs going up in flames and people getting electrocuted through monitors.

People tend to care about good stories and interesting characters. Night Club Thea was neither good, nor interesting. It being a CW show does not excuse bad writing. They can do better and they've shown that before. Just adding more heroes is not a solution.


Can we not post promo pics in this thread please? I'd personally rather see these things as they happen in show.
Officially released promo pics are fair game to post. You're just gonna have to guard your eyes with a shield scrolling through.


Officially released promo pics are fair game to post. You're just gonna have to guard your eyes with a shield scrolling through.

No, that only applies to before the show starts airing and the DC TV thread where spoilers are mostly open. You're a real wise guy.


I've seen differently in other threads but OK.

Not an excuse.

Stuff like Mark Hamill in Flash is posted publically because dummies/people who don't often post in the threads can't control themselves, doesn't mean it's how things should be. And again these rules are specific to the OTs, not other threads.


Not an excuse.

Stuff like Mark Hamill in Flash is posted publically because dummies/people who don't often post in the threads can't control themselves, doesn't mean it's how things should be. And again these rules are specific to the OTs, not other threads.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Because Calista Flockhart doesn't wanna have to move to Vancouver, so they're trying to create as little reason for her to be present as possible.

But she is the best part of the show. damn. Maybe Felicity can fill in for Cat Grant
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