The best yellow Ranger.To be fair...
Both times Clark talked to Perry im 100% picturing
version of Perry on the other side of that call.
Are they fucking serious? Dumbest fucking criminals ever.
They see them both stop the car and yet they pull put their guns and shoot at them..fucking lame....loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
dumbest shit...dont they know you cant hurt them? who wrote this garbage
I think it was just making fun of a common superhero trope. People always try to shoot and punch superman, just like they try to run away from Flash etc.Are they fucking serious? Dumbest fucking criminals ever.
They see them both stop the car and yet they pull put their guns and shoot at them..fucking lame....loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
dumbest shit...dont they know you cant hurt them? who wrote this garbage
Good second episode but now we see where it all goes with Superman gone, hopefully the ratings held up and they continue being as solid as the first two episodes.
I guess a bit may Lane Smith RIP but he never used "great Ceasar's ghost" his thing was "great shades of Elvis" because they made his version a huge Elvis fan.
GREAT SHADES OF ELVIS! Supergirl as a show is fantastic on CW. This 2nd episode fleshed out characters, had conversations that were just as enjoyable to sit through as the action scenes, the plots made sense, and had more super action than I'd expected. Hope they didn't blow 10 eps worth of budget on these 2!
I lol'd at the timing of Winn's line, "...grumpy!" HAW HAW HAW! And as perfect as I thought Melissa was as Supergirl/Kara last season, Tyler is the Superman I want to watch. I just love how the show has so much of the DC history (both comics and film allusions). The Fortress, the flying diagnostic robot there, seeing J'Onn in action (did the scared littler girl surprise you too?), great show.
I did not miss Max or Jimmy. Their characters need some new direction or written out.
Is Kat leaving the show permanently?
I hope that Mon-El can carry some of what we lose with Superman going back to Metropolis. We better get some more Superman later this season. DCU - pay attention.
Is Kat leaving the show permanently?
Suit is practical, head is CGI
This Superman is fantastic. So much charisma and presence, I take back all my scepticism.
Also I love how it's Superman guest starring in a Supergirl series, not the other way around.
Good second episode but now we see where it all goes with Superman gone, hopefully the ratings held up and they continue being as solid as the first two episodes.
I guess a bit may Lane Smith RIP but he never used "great Ceasar's ghost" his thing was "great shades of Elvis" because they made his version a huge Elvis fan.
Still can't believe this Superman was the kid from The Road To Perdition.
What an awesome season so many I was afraid the move from CBS to The CW would bring a lower budget for speciall effects and all but its been the opposite IMHO,I hope it keeps up and that we get a few Supeman appearances again...and also Kat.
And lol at Jerk...guy. ;P
What an awesome season so many I was afraid the move from CBS to The CW would bring a lower budget for speciall effects and all but its been the opposite IMHO,I hope it keeps up and that we get a few Supeman appearances again...and also Kat.
but losing Calista Flockhart
I really wish they'd bring in Lois somehow as a similar mentor figure while Cat is gone.
They could even set up a rivalry between them however based on respect(Lois considers Cat somewhat of a traitor,meanwhile Cat is disappointed in Lois for not creating her own thing or running the Daily Planet at that point).
Another inconsistency from last season: Cat literally brought Kara to an empty office with a desk and told her it was hers. This episode, she complains of having no desk. *shrug*
This was a good ep. Barring Winn and that horrible Metallo design. This episode's climax was pure joy to watch.
Agreed. He's so much better now that he isn't a mopey dweeb pining over Kara.I thought Winn was a lot of fun in his new role full-time at the DEO. Especially pushing J'onn's grumpy buttons a bit lol.
That's pretty sweet.Promethium, the "strongest metal known to man", and also element number 61 (this is true), apparently has the chemical formula of table sugar.
I know this is a comics thing but come the fuck on Cat: Kara=Supergirl. I really thought she was going to say something in their second goodbye scene.