It feels like even the writers haven't made up their minds about whether she's evil.
Scene that's been in my head since Monday:
CAT GRANT - "And tone it down with the black and gunmetal, James. Heroes are suppose to inspire people, not give them night terrors. Even the one in Gotham throws in s splash of yellow. Here- try this..."
(Cat scribbles on a napkin and hands it to Winn)
WINN: "Actually, this could work"
We've known the President was an alien since her first appearance though. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Of course, but now she revealed it to the characters
Edit: watching Jurassic World. Katie McGrath's accent... I forgot she isn't American.
She's much better here in Supergirl, where you can only really hear it if you're looking for it in certain words. But on Slasher it was damn distracting.
Was that show any good outside of that? Might put it on my shopping list to see some more Katie.
No. One of the worst shows I've watched.
She's much better here in Supergirl, where you can only really hear it if you're looking for it in certain words. But on Slasher it was damn distracting.
MON-EL FIGHTS FOR LOVE; SUPERMAN RETURNS - Mon-El (Chris Wood) challenges Rhea (guest star Teri Hatcher) to battle to save National City. Meanwhile, Superman (guest star Tyler Hoechlin) returns and Cat Grant (guest star Calista Flockhart) offers Mon-El some sage advice. Glen Winter directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg & Jessica Queller and teleplay by Robert Rovner & Caitlin Parrish (#222).
So what are our guesses for the finale: Arrow > Legends > Supergirl > Flash?
So what are our guesses for the finale: Arrow > Legends > Supergirl > Flash?
In terms of possible salt Flash > Supergirl
Nobody cares enough about Supergirl to get salty over the finale. At least not on here.
So what are our guesses for the finale: Arrow > Legends > Supergirl > Flash?
Or Lena after saying she only liked Kara as a friend in her dying breath and Kara says the same and both went homophobic at the suggestionUnless they kill Maggie.
Or Lena after saying she only liked Kara as a friend in her dying breath and Kara says the same and both went homophobic at the suggestion
though people will smile if James dies or pretend not to be happy
She is also incredibly stupid, after last episode at least.Flash > Supergirl
Cat Grant is boring and sucks, no offense.
Truth.Flash > Supergirl
Cat Grant is boring and sucks, no offense.
Flash > Supergirl
Cat Grant is boring and sucks, no offense.
Both shows have been lame as fuck this season, but only one has characters like Captain Cold showing up, so sure, Flash is better.
As for Cat, I mean, I see what people mean when they say she makes things livelier, and it's fun to see her tell off superpowered beings, but uhh, makes her look rather pathetic when she nearly dies immediately afterwards. Also her big speech shtick is getting old...
I was talking about the finale...
I was talking about the finale...
The Flash finale will have to spend a lot of time fixing plotholes to be worthwhile, the Supergirl finale just has to deliver kickass action and some small teases.
Supergirl < Flash < Arrow <<<<<<<<< Gotham![]()
I'm conflicted about my feelings towards Season 2. I think I'll probably land on it just being mediocre. On one hand I don't find it as frustrating to watch as The Flash. On the other hand, the show seems pretty content not building up these threats until the last minute. Love Lena Luthor, and most of the CADMUS story. But the Cyborg Superman and Jeremiah parts edge towards being really terrible genre TV cliches.
So basically I'm on board for
Supergirl Season 3 |OT| The New Adventures of Lena Luthor
Flash > Supergirl
Cat Grant is boring and sucks, no offense.