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Lena taking more Ls than the Legends of Tomorrow.
all Lena wants is Ls but she doesn't get the Ls she actual wantsLena taking more Ls than the Legends of Tomorrow.
all Lena wants is Ls but she doesn't get the Ls she actual wants
Yes and LoveLicking? Luscious? Lips?
all Lena wants is Ls but she doesn't get the Ls she actual wants
More like wants the El.
The Zor-El.
does that mean Clark and Lex Luthor are.....................Members of the House of El are naturally attracted to people with only L's for initials.
Who did Clark date? Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris, Lois Lane
Kara wants Lena Luthor. She just has to admit it to herself. Its science.
does that mean Clark and Lex Luthor are.....................
You can feel the sexual tensionThat rivalry is laced with some serious Tumblr-tastic overtones.
does that mean Clark and Lex Luthor are.....................
Will we ever see Supergirl‘s Mon-El in a super suit?
T'would be nice to see the boy do his thing not in street clothes, and ideally by the Season 2 finale. When we delivered your Q to showrunner Andrew Kreisberg, he answered, ”I can't say right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if one day you got to see that."
Please!Also boo this bullshit:
Will we ever see Supergirls Mon-El in a super suit?
Twould be nice to see the boy do his thing not in street clothes, and ideally by the Season 2 finale. When we delivered your Q to showrunner Andrew Kreisberg, he answered, I cant say right now, but I wouldnt be surprised if one day you got to see that.
He clearly already has a phenomenal outfit:
This is all I want, and him wearing the flight ring, and the Legion of Superheroes
This is all I want, and him wearing the flight ring, and the Legion of Superheroes
Hope it follows the storyline where he gets lead poisoning, gets sent to the phantom zone. But instead of spending an eternity before being rescued by the Legion in the future, they rescue him immediately from his perspective. But then he has the opportunity to return to the present but has already fallen in lust with Shadowlass revealing him to be the fuckboi he really is.
I wonder if this invasion is why they got nerf in general so you don't get a bunch a kryptonians level army steamrolling everybody and saves on budgetI was already glad the show was smart enough to bring up Daxamites as being really weak to standard guns.
I wonder if this invasion is why they got nerf in general so you don't get a bunch a kryptonians level army steamrolling everybody and saves on budget
Yeah but you save money this wayNah. You could simply bring more dakka if they are faster and stronger.
does that mean Clark and Lex Luthor are.....................
Nah. You could simply bring more dakka if they are faster and stronger.
Smallville all but said it.
Is this a Warhammer 40K reference in a Supergirl thread?
Yeah but you save money this way
Is this a Warhammer 40K reference in a Supergirl thread?
CAT GRANT RETURNS Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) grapples with whether or not to obey the Presidents (guest star Lynda Carter) orders regarding Rheas (guest star Teri Hatcher) latest actions. Meanwhile, Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) returns to National City after James (guest star Mechad Brooks) disappears from the world's cognition. Millicent Shelton directed the episode written by Jessica Queller & Derek Simon.
does that mean Clark and Lex Luthor are.....................
New episode tonight! It's the start of a two parter apparently!
#2.21 "Resist"
Episode Promo
Supergirl boss teases big two-part finale
Organize a mock surrender.
Serve the Daxamite water from Flint.
Indeed.Cat's asking the right questions.