Lens flare's are a little extreme aboard this ship
Lens flare's are a little extreme aboard this ship
Did ... did they just put the season ending cliffhanger in the extended trailer? Because I have no idea how that fits in the finale unless it's the tease for next season
Did ... did they just put the season ending cliffhanger in the extended trailer? Because I have no idea how that fits in the finale unless it's the tease for next season
Maybe she respects peoples privacy?I thought Lena would know by now that Supergirl is Kara... I guess I expected too much from a TV character???
Rumour, take this with a grain of salt.He's probably going to be let out of the Phantom Zone assuming they don't make him a Daxamite
Rumour, take this with a grain of saltIt might be a hallucinations. Superman thinks that he is fighting Zod, when he is actually fighting Supergirl
New episode tonight! It's the start of a two parter apparently!
#2.21 "Resist"
Episode Promo
Supergirl boss teases big two-part finale
I feel like this was one of the most poorly written and poorly executed episodes I've seen of ANY show all season. I was laughing at bad it was.
How many times did Kat say women tonight?
Is this really who you want to be? Testosterone-driven windbags, boasting about your big guns? Surely we don't need to measure anything. We're women. We're tough, we're wise,and we're way above this pettiness. So let's just roll up our sleeves and talk peace.
Oh, well, let me just give you a little bit of friendly advice, Rhea. That tiara that you have on the top of your head, it's overkill. Real royals, they don't need to try that hard. The thing is, is that I have brokered peace between Kanye and Taylor Swift, so I think mediating peace between our two worlds should be a piece of cake. And, the future is female, we've all read the T-shirts. So we are three strong, formidable women and we can do anything we want. So let's just talk it out and come up with a harmonious solution, shall we?
You all caught that "Make our world great again" subtext, right?
Should have done the wedding like on Arrow.They really missed an opportunity to go full ham last night with the wedding a la Flash Gordon. Shoulda done an awesome guitar solo too.
Rumour, take this with a grain of saltIt might be a hallucinations. Superman thinks that he is fighting Zod, when he is actually fighting Supergirl
CW on point with the red dresses this season.
Evelyn from Arrow
I thought the alien costuming for Lena, Mon-el, and Mama Mon-el were nice, considering the budget. My only issue is that the Daxamite grunts look way too similar to Guardian.
Yay more punch kick Supergirl in regular speed.
I hope the fight is not close at all next episode, I want Kara to wipe the floor with superman.
Maybe she respects peoples privacy?
Either way, Lena is going to learn Kara's secret identity by the end of this season, seeing she's a regular next season.
Love the way Lena nonchalantly saves the day.
How do people in here feel about the messaging of the show? This past season ran through a number of social and political issues, and we've seen specific references in the script to politics in the US. I also noticed that the most recent teaser for the show is titled "Nevertheless, She Persisted."
Personally, I've felt that the writers have at times been pretty clumsy with how they've handled the topics, not blending them with the show well enough. I don't mind politics working their way into media (it's inevitable and unavoidable, imo). However, I don't enjoy a show as much and am taken out of it when I feel the show is trying to teach me something via "telling," rather than delivering a compelling story that "shows" its message through its characters and plot. I figure this more blunt approach also turns away the people the show is probably trying to reach.
I hope I haven't already asked about this in the thread.
They really need to try and get Cat on more episodes next season
I wouldn't be surprised if Mama Luthor's line about how Lena will hate Kara when Lena learns Kara lied to her about her identity was a set up for a moment in Part 2 of the episode. I'm pretty sure Lena isn't going to care by the end, though she might have a momentary bit of "you lied to me!" drama. If she does care and goes evil because of it, that will be very dumb.