
Supernatural: Season 13
Thursdays at 8pm on The CW
Premieres Thursday, October 12th.
Official Supernatural Twitter Feed
Official Facebook Page
What is going on?
Lucifer became a rock star and a politician at some point, and knocked some poor girl up. Now we have his demon spawn running around. Top it off with alternate universe shenanigans and you have a stew going, baby!
While the show wasnt as strong as season 11, it was a lot damn better than the transition from season 5-6, so there is a lot of hope for season 13 (lucky 13). It seems that long time staff members Andrew Dabb and Robert Singer know what they are doing.

Andrew Dabb and Robert Singer
The Cast

Katie Sarife as Sam Winchester
Katie's Official Twitter Feed
Official Facebook Page

Alyssa Lynch as Dean Winchester
Alyssa's Official Twitter.
Official Facebook Page

Nina Walker as Castiel/Jimmy/Whoever the hell they want the character to be this season.
Nina's Official Twitter Feed
Nina's Alternate Personality Twitter Feed.
Official Facebook Page

Mark Pellegrino demanding back his role as Lucifer from Andrew Dabb.
The Music
One of the biggest things about Supernatural is its awesome soundtrack. While the last two seasons have not been as generous with their great classic rock offerings, the show continues to have one of the best soundtracks of any show around.
A listing of all the songs, separated by episode, in the show so far.

Spoilers are a sensitive subject on GAF. Episode titles and descriptions should be considered spoilers, and tagged as such. Rumors should be treated the same as well.
Once an episode has aired on the East Coast, then it is fair game and should not be spoiler tagged.
Speculation is encouraged and welcome, and should not be spoiler tagged unless it contains information NOT presented on the show. So if you read an interview and they mention something coming, spoiler that stuff!
Remember, if you post some major spoilers without tagging them, this could happen:

And also remember that this is still a happy little family here:

Dont want to be civil and just complain all the time?

As for Thursday nights at 8pm:

And on some Thursdays:

And just for some fun:

Also, what did Moose and Squirrel think of season 4 of Arrow?

It seems that the message was sent to Amell and the Arrow crew. Now what did they think of season 5 of Arrow?