That gives me a window to ask yet again why the hell has Bruce Campbell not been in this show yet?
Loved this ep, excited where they are going to take the show.
Also hope that Mark Pellegrino still plays a big part, that actor is great at the role and it sucked to see him gone for so long, by far the best villain on the show imo (I don't count Crowley cause he's great at being a sort-of anti-hero, don't see him as a villain).
Really hope we get both Cass/Crowley back, I want to see them have more adventures together, Misha/Mark are just plain awesome when they are playing off each other in episodes.
The show was going down hill, with the Leviathan arc and then Amara (I couldn't stand either as the villains, both annoying as hell and so melodramatic/boring) but picked back up with this past season and starting off great so far.
Regarding Jensen, I still am bummed that no one at Sony thought of him for Uncharted.
I mean seriously,
Freaking PERFECT for Drake/Sully and it's like no one in Hollywood could see how obvious it is, instead we got Tom freaking Holland.
Anyone watch tonight? How was it?
Anyone watch tonight? How was it?
I am behind on the show still, but posting this for no reason.
Anyone else notice Jack is acting like Castiel? The way he tilts his head, the way he talks?
That is early next year.Please don't tell me this was the Scooby Doo crossover that we were teased with earlier
Anyone else notice Jack is acting like Castiel? The way he tilts his head, the way he talks?
Please don't tell me this was the Scooby Doo crossover that we were teased with earlier
Anyone else notice Jack is acting like Castiel? The way he tilts his head, the way he talks?
Asmodeus looks like Gabriel with a wicked beard.
"It's not my fault you were born a wimpy little human with your wimpy little lungs and your weak little legs"
Fucking lol. Thank you Lucifer. I'm pretty interested in how this alt-universe will turn out and in this alt-Michael. But Michael subdued Lucifer a little bit too easily though. It's not like Lucy is shown to be weaker here, he had just mass ganked a bunch of fodder angels with a finger snap after all.
"It's not my fault you were born a wimpy little human with your wimpy little lungs and your weak little legs"
Fucking lol. Thank you Lucifer. I'm pretty interested in how this alt-universe will turn out and in this alt-Michael. But Michael subdued Lucifer a little bit too easily though. It's not like Lucy is shown to be weaker here, he had just mass ganked a bunch of fodder angels with a finger snap after all.
That line cracked me up. And Mary was just like "wtf?" maybe alternate universe Michael is a lot stronger? Or maybe Lucifer is just toying with Michael a bit before kicking his ass. I'm still super interested in what they're gonna do with Chuck. I wonder if the alternate universe has its own Chuck, or if Chuck is also God there and can go between universes at will.
Hm, so I havent watched it, but is there no alt-Lucifer? Maybe alt-Michael won the war and thats why hes stronger than our boy Luci.
Alt-Michael tells Lucifer that he killed Alt-Lucifer.
Ah, I see. If thats the case, itd make sense that Alt Michael is stronger than Lucifer, especially since he has a territory advantage as well.
"It's not my fault you were born a wimpy little human with your wimpy little lungs and your weak little legs"
Fucking lol. Thank you Lucifer. I'm pretty interested in how this alt-universe will turn out and in this alt-Michael. But Michael subdued Lucifer a little bit too easily though. It's not like Lucy is shown to be weaker here, he had just mass ganked a bunch of fodder angels with a finger snap after all.
Lucifer was so on point this episode. Even after punching a hole in that guy & just glaring at Mary like, really. Look what you've made me do.
Him snapping those angels out of existence was hilarious. They were talking tough & boom. I think Michael took him down easy because Lucifer was confused as hell about what's going on & he was just hit with a new version of one of his archenemies.
Anyone else notice Jack is acting like Castiel? The way he tilts his head, the way he talks?