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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.


I think this was a good move by Scot and Tai. Especially for Scot. Peter is a great shield for him, and he's totally unlikable. And don't forget next week it's still 3 vs. 3, with another beauty tribe member (Julia) joining both of them.
She really got screwed up by the swap. I don't feel like she did anything wrong in the game.

Yeah, I really don't care for tribe swaps. If your tribe sucks you shouldn't get a second chance like that while screwing others that do well. Doubly sucks since Caleb was medevaced.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Great play by Tai there.

Now only him and Scott know about the idol, gives him that final 2 bond.

Scenes from next week, fuck Joe. Peter sucks though as well.


The thing about Peter is that he is so oblivious and obvious it makes him someone you may want for the long haul. You know he will turn on you in the end but for now I would trust him over Tai and a few others. Tai to me is a snake.
Yeah, I really don't care for tribe swaps. If your tribe sucks you shouldn't get a second chance like that while screwing others that do well. Doubly sucks since Caleb was medevaced.

I kind of see where you're coming from, but by now the swaps are so established -- especially in three tribe seasons -- that you have to account for them. Blabbing immediately wasn't smart, and now she's hung her main ally out to dry, too.
Not sure about that. Sounds like a waste using the idol on someone else this early in the game.

They'd have been up 4-2 with Julia joining them, though. And with connections to a number of people on the other tribe.

Using your idol to save someone else early on isn't always a great move, but I think with the added wrinkle of an extra person joining the tribe after the vote (who would be tight with you), the dynamics are quite different.
What's stopping a player from blurting out who has the idol after they are eliminated?

Didn't somebody just do that last season? With a lie, but they just blurted out "X has the idol" as they were leaving.

edit: Apparently it was edited out of the show. It was last season. Shirin said Terry had the idol when she was voted out. It never panned out into anything interesting, so it ended up on the cutting room floor.


But if you're eliminated, who cares? Sounds like a really easy way to destroy a player
Yeah but you can also lose graciously and accept that the person outplayed you (which Tai definitely did). So yeah, she could harm him, but it would look worse on her as a human I think.


They'd have been up 4-2 with Julia joining them, though. And with connections to a number of people on the other tribe.

Using your idol to save someone else early on isn't always a great move, but I think with the added wrinkle of an extra person joining the tribe after the vote (who would be tight with you), the dynamics are quite different.

This... terrible move on Tai's part. Shoulda taken out Peter.

Not only would they have had the majority next week but they also would be in a position where they could happily lose three immunity challenges to dump the other two Brains and Scot.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Not Anna :(. There goes the eye candy.


Swap boot just sucks, one day she's probably the leader of her tribe the next she's completely on the outs with another tribe. Almost nothing she could have done other than throw Tai under the bus as soon as he shows her the idol.


She should've just screwed over Tai and said out loud that he had an idol when she was booted.

Or is that not allowed?



Swap boot just sucks, one day she's probably the leader of her tribe the next she's completely on the outs with another tribe. Almost nothing she could have done other than throw Tai under the bus as soon as he shows her the idol.

Eh, the situation could have been much worse. The tribe swaps are incredibly even and she even had the bonus of having Peter who could have easily flipped. She aggressively turned on Tai immediately instead of trying to split the Brain alliance, at least from what we saw, so it's not like she just got Aaron'd out of the game.

She should've just screwed over Tai and said out loud that he had an idol when she was booted.

Or is that not allowed?

It does nothing for her since she's already out of the game. Trying to submarine the chances of potentially the most likable survivor ever due to being butthurt isn't a good look.
Eh, the situation could have been much worse. The tribe swaps are incredibly even and she even had the bonus of having Peter who could have easily flipped. She aggressively turned on Tai immediately instead of trying to split the Brain alliance, at least from what we saw, so it's not like she just got Aaron'd out of the game.

I'm not saying she just had no chance, but it sucks seeing someone go from top to bottom so fast with honestly not a whole lot they did themselves to put them in that position. It definitely seems like she starts in on Tai having the idol instantly which I'm sure soured the brains on her at least a little bit. But to me it seems like Peter was all in on getting rid of a beauty because flipping now would have just put him at the bottom of another alliance. I don't think there was much wiggle room there just yet.


Anna could have formed a better bond with Tai in the first 13 days. She could have found the idol herself or worked with him in helping him find it. She could have done a better job manipulating Peter but he of all people saw right through Anna's veneer.

I mean, it seems like such a fall from top to bottom but you have to know in a game like this that being "on the top" can be an illusion and that anything can happen. Overall I just don't feel like Anna had prepared enough for a swap.
Anna could have formed a better bond with Tai in the first 13 days. She could have found the idol herself or worked with him in helping him find it. She could have done a better job manipulating Peter but he of all people saw right through Anna's veneer.

I mean, it seems like such a fall from top to bottom but you have to know in a game like this that being "on the top" can be an illusion and that anything can happen. Overall I just don't feel like Anna had prepared enough for a swap.

Yeah, that all makes sense. It just feels wrong.

I just wanted more Anna.


Isolating someone from everyone else in this season seems so cruel especially after what just happened.

Joe throwing around FBI credentials like it's a credible organization is hilarious.


Classic case how the merge can flip the game. Luck of the draw.
Can't say there isn't luck involved in this game, but that idol can be a trump card.


Eh, the situation could have been much worse. The tribe swaps are incredibly even and she even had the bonus of having Peter who could have easily flipped. She aggressively turned on Tai immediately instead of trying to split the Brain alliance, at least from what we saw, so it's not like she just got Aaron'd out of the game.
I'm not sure how it could have been worse? The isolation twist sending Julia away all but guaranteed a Beauty would leave at this vote. I mean, Peter has been swearing for weeks in confessionals that he'd flip in a swap, but even he didn't go for it here. It was just so objectively the right course of action to target a Beauty here so that they don't gain a majority at the next vote once Julia joins them.

I guess you can criticise how she handled throwing Tai under the bus, but I wouldn't really agree with that based on Joe calling her sweet in the episode, as well as others impressions of her in secret scenes. The music cues and general way it was presented did try to paint that she was doing a bad job of it, but they kind of have to do that to explain her boot to the casual viewer. Seriously though...in what universe does Anna stay over Tai here? He's one of the most likeable and hardworking contestants of all time. No matter how hard Anna (or anyone in this cast tbh) tried, they wouldn't be able to magically make themselves more endearing than him, so I don't think you can really criticise someone for that. And even if they for some reason DID target Tai, she'd still have gone home because Tai has the idol. She was just totally doomed in this situation.

From all accounts Anna was running the show on Beauty before this, so it is a shame to see someone get a bad draw like this, regardless of how you feel about her. Obviously I'm not saying she's the most swapfucked ever, but she's in the conversation.


What's stopping a player from blurting out who has the idol after they are eliminated?
Discussing this with my friend last night. I would definitely be the type to burn it all down on my way out. Reasons...

1) Got backstabbed by someone you trusted. Well payback is a bitch.
2) Makes for great tv I mean come on. If I am getting eliminated I am getting remembered.
3) Could land me a spot on the next Heroes vs Villains.

I don't really care if I torpedo someone's game or look butthurt on tv. I just lost my chance at 1 million, I'm not going out without spilling the tea all over the remains of tribal council.


I'm not sure how it could have been worse? The isolation twist sending Julia away all but guaranteed a Beauty would leave at this vote. I mean, Peter has been swearing for weeks in confessionals that he'd flip in a swap, but even he didn't go for it here. It was just so objectively the right course of action to target a Beauty here so that they don't gain a majority at the next vote once Julia joins them.

I guess you can criticise how she handled throwing Tai under the bus, but I wouldn't really agree with that based on Joe calling her sweet in the episode, as well as others impressions of her in secret scenes. The music cues and general way it was presented did try to paint that she was doing a bad job of it, but they kind of have to do that to explain her boot to the casual viewer. Seriously though...in what universe does Anna stay over Tai here? He's one of the most likeable and hardworking contestants of all time. No matter how hard Anna (or anyone in this cast tbh) tried, they wouldn't be able to magically make themselves more endearing than him, so I don't think you can really criticise someone for that. And even if they for some reason DID target Tai, she'd still have gone home because Tai has the idol. She was just totally doomed in this situation.

From all accounts Anna was running the show on Beauty before this, so it is a shame to see someone get a bad draw like this, regardless of how you feel about her. Obviously I'm not saying she's the most swapfucked ever, but she's in the conversation.

Could have easily been worse like with Aaron from China. Or it could have been 4 non-Peter Brains on her tribe. You can't tell me this is 100% the worst combination of 6 players that could have been on her tribe lol. She got comfortable and wasn't prepared for a swap.


Could have easily been worse like with Aaron from China. Or it could have been 4 non-Peter Brains on her tribe. You can't tell me this is 100% the worst combination of 6 players that could have been on her tribe lol. She got comfortable and wasn't prepared for a swap.
Okay, so it could have been worse if the swap worked entirely differently, sure lol.

As for 4 non-Peter brains...I'd say that would be slightly better as long as it wasn't Tai who was with her? The way it worked out meant that if the three Brains (Aubrey, Joe & Peter) targeted Scot, Julia would join the tribe and they'd be deadlocked 3-3. Therefore they had absoutely no choice but to target either Tai or Anna, and I find it hard to criticise Anna for falling short in that comparison.

How could she have prepared any better for a swap? She had a working relationship with literally everyone on her tribe, and a tight alliance with the other girls. I find it hard to believe that she wasn't looking for the idol too, and I don't hold it against her that she wasn't the one to find it - there's a huge amount of luck involved in finding them, anyway.


Probst mentioned in his post-ep Q/A that Anna's on their radar as a second chancer. (Seems like that's everyone but Liz and GIRL JESUS so far)
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