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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.

She's been by herself one day! How can she be in such terrible shape already?!

It's pretty much the exact same thing the original beauties did, with Morgan, Jeremiah and Alexis all immediately trying to throw the others under the bus and get in good with the brains.

I completely forgot about that! That was pretty pitiful/awesome to watch...was it LJ who thought he had a bromance with Tony, only to get immediately stabbed in the back? They were a mess once they had to start strategizing.


You would think after all these years they would come up with some truly new and unique puzzles other than going under water to get puzzle pieces. Survive the puzzles.


Anna seems the most logical choice to go tonight. The others won't want Julia coming back and hooking back up with Anna.


Outside of Debbie, I don't feel like there is there a winner (or final three) edit so far. And you could argue Debbie could crash and burn eventually.

Neal and Scot as potential darkhorses ?
I wouldn't be shocked if it's Tai, unfortunately. Either Scot is stabbing him in the back after saying how much he loves him, or Anna's blabbing was for nothing. I feel like blabbing buys her an extra few days.

EDIT: forgot Tai's idol. Hmm.


I mean, Tai will get at some point the "booted because he is too likeable". The question is if it's goinng to be this episode.
If Scot can talk two different people to into giving up their idols, he'd be way, way smarter than anyone suspected. That would be mastermind-level playing.
Peter sounds just like Spencer, but with out that tiniest bit of humanity that Spencer was at least able to scrape together when he absolutely needed.

edit: ffuuuuuck. I liked Anna. Dammit.
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