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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.

Jason/Scot getting blown up by the editors is awesome.

I thought the whole "It's ok to enjoy your ice cream you won" and Michelle's saying he was being bossy was a little too hamfisted. It seemed like a regular damn thing to say with that group just talking about being so close to them. I think they're just setting up too hard that Michelle will be the undoing of them, they have focused way too much on Michelle specifically not liking Jason.


Is it just me or is the edit almost going too hard on Michelle? She gets so many random commentating moments and at this point I think she's a shoe in for the FTC if not the outright winner.
I think the big clue is that Cydney only needed to court ONE of Michele + Julia, to garner the fifth vote. Now, that's not to say it wasn't smart of Cydney to try and talk to both, but the giveaway is that they could have edited it as Julia as the swing vote, especially since she was the one who had the startling reaction to Tai's idol revelation at Tribal, which seemed like it was edited as somewhat of an impetus to encourage her to swing against the guys.

But no, Michele got TWO confessionals right before Tribal, and it was all about whether it was good for HER to switch... when technically her switching was irrelevant.


Michele/Julia have been tight since early on, you're not getting one without the other.
That may be true, but the edit made it seem like it was all down to Michele's game plan, and what option is best for her.

There were no confessionals from Julia leading into Tribal, or any discussion where it seemed like Julia was calling the shots ;)
Is it just me or is the edit almost going too hard on Michelle? She gets so many random commentating moments and at this point I think she's a shoe in for the FTC if not the outright winner.

I think it's pretty likely Michele could be at FTC. If it's not Aubry, I could see Michele winning.

I still lean toward Aubry winning, as I think that she's getting more of the right content at this time.


(S34) - So if this is what's happening with one tribe -.

8/10 Winner Tribe

Natalie A.

That leaves one more male and one more female winner.

Todd's name was floated a few months back re: S34 by someone, he would make sense here (Probst has said previously they've wanted him back but he's a hard guy to fit to a gimmick theme.) With the girls, Kim's out because of pregnancy, so Denise or Natalie White would probably be the ones they'd call. edit: Oops, forgot Jenna Morasca, she's wanted to play again for forever.


Why does everyone so quickly assume it'll be a theme based on the cast?

I'm betting on a One World redo. Would be interesting to see returnees deal with that.


(S34) - So if this is what's happening with one tribe -.

8/10 Winner Tribe

Natalie A.

That leaves one more male and one more female winner.

Todd's name was floated a few months back re: S34 by someone, he would make sense here (Probst has said previously they've wanted him back but he's a hard guy to fit to a gimmick theme.) With the girls, Kim's out because of pregnancy, so Denise or Natalie White would probably be the ones they'd call.
Hey look Natalie Bolton is there to not make the cast again.

My first thought. Prove me wrong this time, Spillman.

(S34) - So if this is what's happening with one tribe -.

8/10 Winner Tribe

Natalie A.

That leaves one more male and one more female winner.

Todd's name was floated a few months back re: S34 by someone, he would make sense here (Probst has said previously they've wanted him back but he's a hard guy to fit to a gimmick theme.) With the girls, Kim's out because of pregnancy, so Denise or Natalie White would probably be the ones they'd call. edit: Oops, forgot Jenna Morasca, she's wanted to play again for forever.

Todd would be a very interesting one. Denise, Natalie and Jenna would all certainly work. Maybe Vecepia as well, since she's definitely indicated that she'd really like to return. I'm not sure if she'd be their first choice, but I'd think she'd probably be ahead of Natalie White.

Why does everyone so quickly assume it'll be a theme based on the cast?

I'm betting on a One World redo. Would be interesting to see returnees deal with that.

Too many winners mixed in, including folks like Danni, Earl and Sophie (who I love, but who isn't exactly the most popular of all time) mixed in. An all-winners tribe makes sense.


Why does everyone so quickly assume it'll be a theme based on the cast?

I'm betting on a One World redo. Would be interesting to see returnees deal with that.
Because that's a REALLY high # of winners, and Sandra getting a callback means something special is up.

Danni has said previously she'd only come back for all-winners. This is as close as they'll get.
Hey look Natalie Bolton is there to not make the cast again.

My thoughts exactly.

I could see a winners vs Fan Favorites/Finalists theme going on with that line-up of names.

Why does everyone so quickly assume it'll be a theme based on the cast?

I'm betting on a One World redo. Would be interesting to see returnees deal with that.

I would be up for this too. A Survivor savvy cast of people doing the OW theme could be pretty cool.


OW + returnees is bad. Too much pregaming.
I dunno. Did the pre gaming from last season really make a difference? As long as the cast is flown out immediately after being selected, I don't see it translating to surviving living on an island for 39 days.

Danni has said previously she'd only come back for all-winners. This is as close as they'll get.
Could just be they told her they have no plans for All Winners any time soon but was told there'd be quite a lot of winners this time. And so maybe she thought this was probably worth a shot.


Give me all-winners and give me Denise. And then give me Cirie in the other tribe and I'll be one happy camper.


It' a shame they are not waiting to do an
all winners season. Also, get Monica culpeper out of my screen, thank you.
I dunno. Did the pre gaming from last season really make a difference? As long as the cast is flown out immediately after being selected, I don't see it translating to surviving living on an island for 39 days.

Pregaming affected certain things. But they all go to conventions and interact with each other on twitter as is, so there are relationships regardless. Sometimes pre-game stuff falls through the cracks, although it definitely helped Cochran.

I'm sure that they're almost all pre-gaming now that the list is out, so it's too late to stop it at this point.

Still, I personally don't think a OW theme would be disastrously bad with returnees. It's a moot point regardless, I don't think production is exactly rushing to return to that theme.
And if people are correct in the assumption that it's winners vs. fan favs/runners-up/whatever, they won't add OW on top of it. They'll try to hammer the winners vs. losers angle hard early on, they won't want them mixing to start with.

It' a shame they are not waiting to do an
all winners season.

I wish they would do a flat out all-winners season too. Sadly production view many winners as boring flops, big players like Parv and Romber have been insistent about never playing again, they will never go near Brian with a 10 foot pole, etc.

Speaking of... How is Todd's alcoholism? Hopefully he's on the road to recovery, although I know he relapsed at one point. :(
Hasnt been mentioned here yet, but Redmond updated his list to include four previously unannounced people in contention for season 34.

They are:
Jonathan Penner, Jeff Varner, Sabrina Thompson and Aubry Bracco.

I'm ecstatic for the possibility of
, and likewise,
Varner is the only person from Second Chance I wanted to see return
for 34.

Hoping the above two make it back for this season!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Nick was a Disney villain come to life, hope we see him again sometime. Very entertaining
I agree, he was an obvious douchebag, but was almost likeable in how straight up villanous he was. I enjoyed him more than Debbie's nonstop bullshit on how shes an expert on everything anyways. His blindside was good though, a great way for him to leave the game.
If they're going to bring back one of the Beauties from that season could it at least be
Morgan for the facial expressions? Alexis seems like a waste of a spot if she gets picked.


If they're going to bring back one of the Beauties from that season could it at least be
Morgan for the facial expressions? Alexis seems like a waste of a spot if she gets picked.

I too enjoy Morgan's "facial expressions" quite a bit and would not mind a return
The one good thing is the less dirty 30 the better. I'm so damn tired of hearing or seeing anything about them. That RHAP Family Feud game was fucking insufferable.


The one good thing is the less dirty 30 the better. I'm so damn tired of hearing or seeing anything about them. That RHAP Family Feud game was fucking insufferable.
True, but it also had Stephen, Sophie, Courtney, Eliza and Brian, who are all delightful imo.

I'd love to see Brian back (Yaxha pride!) and have been frustrated by the lack of Guatemala castaways since HvV. But thankfully it looks like we may be getting our very first* in
, at last! (*Stephenie's return notwithstanding)
True, but it also had Stephen, Sophie, Courtney, Eliza and Brian, who are all delightful imo.

I'd love to see Brian back (Yaxha pride!) and have been frustrated by the lack of Guatemala castaways since HvV. But thankfully it looks like we may be getting our very first* in
, at last! (*Stephenie's return notwithstanding)

Sophie's outburst at one point was probably the best part. It was so awkward and silent for about 5 seconds and then Dirty 30 never shut up again. Including calling the game stupid multiple times.

Regarding them, if
does come back I think they're making a huge mistake. Talk about nowhere to go but down...
What do you mean?

I think he has no chance to repeat or even run deep and given his edit the first time around he will probably only look worse personality wise going around a second time. Given a season like worlds apart where everyone comes off as horrible he's like the sparkly turd among the bunch but given an all-stars season he'll just be a turd.


I think he has no chance to repeat or even run deep and given his edit the first time around he will probably only look worse personality wise going around a second time. Given a season like worlds apart where everyone comes off as horrible he's like the sparkly turd among the bunch but given an all-stars season he'll just be a turd.
Sparkly turd seems like a pretty unfair description, but even still, you don't think he can redeem himself? I'd like to see him play again, to be honest. I find his character interesting, and I'd like to see if he can socialise and strategise better this time, so that winning all those last immunities isn't necessary.
Sparkly turd seems like a pretty unfair description, but even still, you don't think he can redeem himself? I'd like to see him play again, to be honest. I find his character interesting, and I'd like to see if he can socialise and strategise better this time, so that winning all those last immunities isn't necessary.

He definitely could, this is all going off my interpretation of him off of basic interviews and just how he comes across. I mostly just think his edit was largely steered by him winning and we would have probably gotten a different edit if he didn't win. If I was known for winning that season I would want to come back and play just to distance myself from that season any way possible.
This feels like this is all setting up the Scot-Jason-Tai alliance blowing up. I feel Tai is going to stab them in the back, yet still be totally likable while doing so.


Tai would have to be crazy to blow his idol on another person when it wouldn't even give them numbers and would put a huge target on him. I mean, crazy like someone outing the super idol voluntarily at tribal council. Yeah, Tai's probably that crazy :p
I would love it if they target Jason and Tai just SITS on the idol, letting Jason go home.
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