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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.

Because that would be really stupid. Why would he play something thag guarantees him into the final 4 first? Lol

Also the advantage just has little use at final 5. If you're alone it doesn't do enough and if you have one other person it creates a tie. If you have 2 with you, you didn't need it. It just makes no sense to hold on to the advantage.

This is probably why they made it a vote steal in Second Chance. It has more usage.


My kids want Mark at the finale. It would probably be difficult to get a foreign chicken through customs but maybe CBS can pull it off.
My kids want Mark at the finale. It would probably be difficult to get a foreign chicken through customs but maybe CBS can pull it off.

I like the RHAP theory that Mark was never killed so he was left with CBS and just used again and was eaten by the second chance cast.


Great episode - cementing Michele's narrative for a winner.
It's interesting that Aubrey has fallen in the background the last two episodes even though it's obvious that in the end it's her making many of the decisions about who goes home.

This is actually kinda of like BvW 2.0 with the exception that unlike BvW 2.0 there is actually only one person who is not playing the game - Joe. Natalie was also hidden for much of the pre-merge and Michele is gaining a similar edit without the benefit of having HII.

In terms of Tai, I still think he has a chance in the final but I don't think he is taken there. I'm expecting Sydney vs Michelle final two.


Tai never had much chance to win before the last tribal. The backstabbing and given idols and advantages was never going to impress the jury. Now it was just confirmed.
And the chicken doesn't get to vote.


Am I alone in thinking that Tai is the true villain of this season, take away his nice guy veneer and you see that he schemes as much as or more than everyone else.
Am I alone in thinking that Tai is the true villain of this season, take away his nice guy veneer and you see that he schemes as much as or more than everyone else.

I think he's like a Dawn kind of villain without the fake teeth. I think everyone really like him and think he's a sweet person but the scheming and backstabbing comes off so much worse with those people and most the people who aren't being backstabbed just don't respect his game because of those same tactics.

I wouldn't say he's a villain, but he's on the bad side of both kinds of gameplay.


Great episode - cementing Michele's narrative for a winner.
It's interesting that Aubrey has fallen in the background the last two episodes even though it's obvious that in the end it's her making many of the decisions about who goes home.

This is actually kinda of like BvW 2.0 with the exception that unlike BvW 2.0 there is actually only one person who is not playing the game - Joe. Natalie was also hidden for much of the pre-merge and Michele is gaining a similar edit without the benefit of having HII.

In terms of Tai, I still think he has a chance in the final but I don't think he is taken there. I'm expecting Sydney vs Michelle final two.
Michelle has no winner narrative now. The scene where she walks up on everyone talking about voting her out and is completely clueless killed it.


Mark the Chicken could be at Final Tribal!!


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off, I have been negligent in not getting your thoughts on Mark the Chicken. How exactly are the rules of Survivor worded? Is Mark eligible to be named the Sole Survivor if he manages to not get eaten over the next eight days?

JEFF PROBST: Brilliant question! Yes, I’m surprised “Mark the Chicken” is not a bigger story. I mean, think about it — one man (Tai) has convinced a group of starving people to not eat a chicken because it’s become his friend. That’s pretty powerful. And it’s Mark Burnett. The KING of … well, everything. So yes, we amended the rules to state “If Mark the Chicken survives all 39 days, he is thereby eligible to take a spot at the final Tribal Council and plead his case.” I know this will upset some people who think we are being a bit loose with the rules but “producers’ discretion” means just that. I do think it will be easier for MTC if Tai is also in the final Tribal, because Tai can translate Chicken to English. Otherwise, I do think MTC will have an uphill battle convincing the jury that he is worthy of the million dollars and the title of Sole Survivor. But hey, that’s why they play the game. You never know./QUOTE]

Tai is on a power trip, but judging by next week's preview it might not hurt him as much as one would expect.

I thought that, with the extra vote, eye candy Michelle would have been gone. Jason going surprised me.

That was a good episode, with good challenges.
Michelle has no winner narrative now. The scene where she walks up on everyone talking about voting her out and is completely clueless killed it.

How in any way? Tai was the only one talking about it and everyone else basically said no. If thay spoiled a winners edit all of Redemption Island would have been weird.


How in any way? Tai was the only one talking about it and everyone else basically said no. If thay spoiled a winners edit all of Redemption Island would have been weird.
Michele looked clueless in that scene. An actual winner would probably have had a confessional about "boy they were probably talking about voting me out."
This season continues to deliver, although that was a weird tribal.

Ugh, I want Michelle gone. Her voice is like ice picks being jammed into my ears, so awful.

Hoping Cyd or Aubry wins it, both are just stellar players and fantastic TV.


Michele looked clueless in that scene. An actual winner would probably have had a confessional about "boy they were probably talking about voting me out."
When calculating which of them has a winner edit, you still have to bear in mind the editors can only work with the material they've got.

If Michele wins, yet at some stage people plotted to vote her out without her figuring it out on her own, and she receives votes at Tribal, then how do they show it?

Well, pretty much just as they did. They make sure we know it's because she's a "huge threat" and a more "rounded player" who "who hasn't made any enemies on the jury." They show Cydney privately spilling the beans to her (Michele was previously given credit for her social skills which helped that happen) and they show Michele saying she's going to lay into him at Tribal.

And I don't think the beach scene made Michele look clueless (cue the zany music) but made look Tai look unnecessarily sneaky, which was backed up by the subsequent scrambling by Cydney.
Michele looked clueless in that scene. An actual winner would probably have had a confessional about "boy they were probably talking about voting me out."

But no one was really talking about voting her out is what I mean. That kind of makes that scene pointless, it was a downfall scene for Tai and pretty much nothing else. Looking at that as a fallible scene on Michelle's part just doesn't make sense because there was really nothing for her to overcome because it fell on deaf ears. If anything it just set up the battle between Michele and Aubrey coming next week or the week after.
Am I alone in thinking that Tai is the true villain of this season, take away his nice guy veneer and you see that he schemes as much as or more than everyone else.

I see it. It's been one of the most impressive edits they've ever given anyone, as far as I'm concerned. In one season, they've had him go from being this cuddly Yau-Man 2.0 kind of player, to being rude, conniving, sexist and bossy. I didn't think they were capable of being that subtle, but it's been impressive to watch.


I just caught up with the episodes, and I gotta say this is the most amazing Survivor season I've ever watched. I love the characters, the drama, the schemes.

I really really hope either Aubrey or Tai win this thing.
There is something about Aubrey that I love, and I am not sure what it is.
Love seeing her scheming things up.


I'm surprised by this thread. Going by the edit I am 95% sure Aubrey wins. Tai and Cydney burnt too many bridges, and Joe and Michelle didn't do enough.


I'm surprised by this thread. Going by the edit I am 95% sure Aubrey wins. Tai and Cydney burnt too many bridges, and Joe and Michelle didn't do enough.

Seems like Michelle or Aubry at this point. Will be extremely surprised if any of the other 3 win.


Beat EviLore at pool.
He played his game to its end and he's crying that nobody wants to invite him back into the game that's gotten away from him. Nothing respectable about that.

Yup he knew what he was doing the whole time. Now he is just trying to make people like him so he can possibly win a case with the jury.


That not everyone agrees that Aubry is the presumptive if not obvious winner.
What makes you think she'll win? She's anxious, erratic, and no better a strategist than anyone else who's lost (eg Spencer or Kelley from last season). And dare I mention the sensitive topic around here of a winners edit :p (I'd put two others ahead of her).


What makes you think she'll win? She's anxious, erratic, and no better a strategist than anyone else who's lost (eg Spencer or Kelley from last season). And dare I mention the sensitive topic around here of a winners edit :p (I'd put two others ahead of her).

For a supposed superfan, you are bafflingly aloof when it comes to this show.

I would consider myself a Survivor fanatic and based on 30 season of watching, there is a prevailing 'winner's edit' and it most definitely is not Michele. I've been incredulous all season with people saying that.

I won't share my opinion because I hate discussion of winner's edit, but I think you're off the mark here.


For a supposed superfan, you are bafflingly aloof when it comes to this show.
What do you mean? Me speculating on a winner you disagree with is aloof? Or because I don't discuss it much? Believe me, I could discuss it more, but I think the consensus is, as you say, winner's edit/predictions is not welcome in this thread, and since I don't want to spoil the season for others I'm trying to keep my predictions to myself.


What makes you think she'll win? She's anxious, erratic, and no better a strategist than anyone else who's lost (eg Spencer or Kelley from last season). And dare I mention the sensitive topic around here of a winners edit :p (I'd put two others ahead of her).
None of this is describing editing, only that you dont like her.


None of this is describing editing, only that you dont like her.
What? I like Aubry. I'd be pleased if she won -- not considering a potential shift of tone in the final 2 episodes. Talking about how the show has played up her neurotic, anxious play just like they did with Spencer, though, is definitely describing editing, and doesn't mean I don't like her.
What? I like Aubry. I'd be pleased if she won -- not considering a potential shift of tone in the final 2 episodes. Talking about how the show has played up her neurotic, anxious play just like they did with Spencer, though, is definitely describing editing, and doesn't mean I don't like her.

I wouldn't compare Aubrey's edit to Spencer in any way. Spencer was never really a possible winner and was mostly shown as scrambling the entire time where Aubrey has been in control while sometimes indecisive and could honestly come off as a great winner. I don't think she is, because I think her edit is more about being in control and getting the game pulled out from under her, but I just wouldn't compare her to Spencer in any way.


I wouldn't compare Aubrey's edit to Spencer in any way. Spencer was never really a possible winner and was mostly shown as scrambling the entire time where Aubrey has been in control while sometimes indecisive and could honestly come off as a great winner.
But you're comparing game situations. I agree Aubry is in control (up until this point at least). The show can't really get around that, of course.

Warning: EDIT TALK! ... They presented Spencer in a neurotic way, knowing he wouldn't win, to make his loss, while still disappointing, somewhat inevitable and understandable. ("A tough pill to swallow," as he himself said.) The same may end up applying to Aubry: presented in an especially neurotic way (especially at the start when first impressions matter), because she doesn't win. However, I'll be the first to acknowledge that in order for Aubry to be a satisfying loser, they will really need to ramp up her negativity in the next episode-and-a-half. There's no way she loses the way she's currently being shown. I simply am personally predicting that things will change for Aubry, quickly, for the worse, and that's just based off the first episode when she was first introduced to us as an anxious mess, Neal called her weird, Debbie annoyed with her, and Liz said she'll "crack again when something doesn't go her way"...
But you're comparing game situations. I agree Aubry is in control (up until this point at least). The show can't really get around that, of course.

Warning: EDIT TALK! ... They presented Spencer in a neurotic way, knowing he wouldn't win, to make his loss, while still disappointing, somewhat inevitable and understandable. ("A tough pill to swallow," as he himself said.) The same may end up applying to Aubry: presented in an especially neurotic way (especially at the start when first impressions matter), because she doesn't win. However, I'll be the first to acknowledge that in order for Aubry to be a satisfying loser, they will really need to ramp up her negativity in the next episode-and-a-half. There's no way she loses the way she's currently being shown. I simply am personally predicting that things will change for Aubry, quickly, for the worse, and that's just based off the first episode when she was first introduced to us as an anxious mess, Neal called her weird, Debbie annoyed with her, and Liz said she'll "crack again when something doesn't go her way"...

But you're taking character traits and saying the edit is deciding to show them. With a player like Spencer, or a player like Shirin it's impossible to show them without showing those character traits. I don't think those can influence what is taken from their edit at all. Now if you want to say Spencer was shows as an under dog that constantly gets chances that is something the edit can actually persuade because it can chose to just ignore those chances and talks. I'd say his edit is very very similar to Hayden from BvW but the character traits don't come into it at all. I think when you start looking at character traits in regards to edit you're looking down the wrong alley. Sure they can help solidify what is being read from it, but I don't think it really plays into the outcome of what is being shown at all.

I'm mainly saying that the character traits it has shown with Aubrey, stuff like her indecisiveness and hard time making the big decisions doesn't come into her downfall at all. I don't really think that has any sway on her edit because I think it's just who she is. I don't think there is really any losing Aubrey edit. I just think you got a really good edit for three of the remaining players and when you compare them all you have one stand out person that their edit makes no sense what soever unless they win.

People can complain about this style of talk all they want, but I think this stuff is great to talk about. Sometimes I wish they did a little better with editing, but seeing the choices they make and seeing the stories they try to tell I find really fun to talk about and speculate on.
that last episode was particularly painful to watch - Dunno it was the edit but Tai's likabilitiy really just nosed dived. I wonder if the whole Michelle thing would have played out better for him if he was more able to verbalise his thought process.

did laugh at the fact that his advantage went kaput


Aubry is a female Stephen/Cochran.

Compare Aubry to how they handled Stephen last season- it's night and day. She's neurotic- that anxiety is going to be part of her story no matter what.


Sure they can help solidify what is being read from it, but I don't think it really plays into the outcome of what is being shown at all.

I'm mainly saying that the character traits it has shown with Aubrey, stuff like her indecisiveness and hard time making the big decisions doesn't come into her downfall at all. I don't really think that has any sway on her edit because I think it's just who she is.
Fair enough, but I strongly disagree. In fact, I think character traits is a HUGE deal (perhaps even decisive?) when predicting who's going to win. The show rarely portrays someone as well-rounded -- almost everyone's personality gets skewed as negative or positive (or various shades in between), based on what they choose to show, in an extremely manipulative way, often alternating at the drop of a hat, timed to coincide with their win or loss, etc, and the show has so much material to work with to be able to do that. For example, compare Cochran in S23 with S26. In S23, he has a positive first episode (they only show him making jokes with Probst and fellow castaways), but from that point onwards, he is shown to be anxious, indecisive, and easily swayed by others, and resigned to loss. In S26, he also has a positive first episode (making jokes about his swollen feet), but after that they either don't show him much, or show him confident, and a voice of calm and reason. Now, you might argue that he was more confident and calm the second time around, sure, but I guarantee you he was SHADES OF BOTH, BOTH TIMES, and had he lost the second time, the editors would have made use of the more negative parts and less use of the positive.

Part of this type of analysis is knowing what the editors had to work with, and drawing conclusions from that. So, consider again the first episode of Kaoh Rong. In the first episode, they could have, for example, shown Aubry arrive on the beach and been really positive and excited about the experience. Maybe include a confessional about how she's worried whether she's going to be able to last long, but she's definitely going to do her best! (You just know producers asked all these sorts of leading questions.) Then contrast this to her breakdown a bit later on (which they of course had to show, given the nature of the season). Instead of having everyone pile on her for 4 minutes about how much she was freaking out about nothing, they could have shown her getting anxious for a brief minute or so, and not shown her demanding others get her fruit, and not have Neal call her weird, and perhaps included a confessional about how she had worried about this happening, it's in her nature and she can't change it, but how strategically she's going to try and lay low for a while and do her best at the challenge so she can get rid of the target off her back. Instead, she doesn't comment on how her anxiety affects her strategically, and only gets muted praise at the challenge (they basically have to show her doing well at the challenge because that's what happened). Jeff then proceeds to reminds us that Aubry was "losing her mind" in the episode recap the following week, and she was invisible for the rest of the second episode, as though the editors didn't really care how she handled herself post-breakdown.


And therein lies the problem, if you only look at the first two episodes in a vacuum, you don't see the forest for the trees.

No one was thinking of Aubry as a winner pre-merge to any significant degree. But there's a reason a whole bunch of us said "lolAubrywins" in this thread at the end of the merge ep.
Fair enough, but I strongly disagree. In fact, I think character traits is a HUGE deal (perhaps even decisive?) when predicting who's going to win. The show rarely portrays someone as well-rounded -- almost everyone's personality gets skewed as negative or positive (or various shades in between), based on what they choose to show, in an extremely manipulative way, often alternating at the drop of a hat, timed to coincide with their win or loss, etc, and the show has so much material to work with to be able to do that. For example, compare Cochran in S23 with S26. In S23, he has a positive first episode (they only show him making jokes with Probst and fellow castaways), but from that point onwards, he is shown to be anxious, indecisive, and easily swayed by others, and resigned to loss. In S26, he also has a positive first episode (making jokes about his swollen feet), but after that they either don't show him much, or show him confident, and a voice of calm and reason. Now, you might argue that he was more confident and calm the second time around, sure, but I guarantee you he was SHADES OF BOTH, BOTH TIMES, and had he lost the second time, the editors would have made use of the more negative parts and less use of the positive.

Part of this type of analysis is knowing what the editors had to work with, and drawing conclusions from that. So, consider again the first episode of Kaoh Rong. In the first episode, they could have, for example, shown Aubry arrive on the beach and been really positive and excited about the experience. Maybe include a confessional about how she's worried whether she's going to be able to last long, but she's definitely going to do her best! (You just know producers asked all these sorts of leading questions.) Then contrast this to her breakdown a bit later on (which they of course had to show, given the nature of the season). Instead of having everyone pile on her for 4 minutes about how much she was freaking out about nothing, they could have shown her getting anxious for a brief minute or so, and not shown her demanding others get her fruit, and not have Neal call her weird, and perhaps included a confessional about how she had worried about this happening, it's in her nature and she can't change it, but how strategically she's going to try and lay low for a while and do her best at the challenge so she can get rid of the target off her back. Instead, she doesn't comment on how her anxiety affects her strategically, and only gets muted praise at the challenge (they basically have to show her doing well at the challenge because that's what happened). Jeff then proceeds to reminds us that Aubry was "losing her mind" in the episode recap the following week, and she was invisible for the rest of the second episode, as though the editors didn't really care how she handled herself post-breakdown.

Like you said though, I think hindsight plays a huge part in this reading. At the time that almost more came off as more of a Debbie or Liz scene because you had Debbie helping her and being all supportive and you had Liz downplaying it and talking about her demands. Both came more into play sooner and more effectively than just Aubrey freaking out.

Not saying it doesn't get included though, they definitely show that stuff in different light depending on the outcome. I just don't think there is a fast and hard rule to those type of scenes just because it's too hard to distinguish between scenes that would be shown no matter what and who that scene is shown for.


And therein lies the problem, if you only look at the first two episodes in a vacuum, you don't see the forest for the trees.

No one was thinking of Aubry as a winner pre-merge to any significant degree.
Okay, and that's where season-long editing patterns comes into it. Based on almost every previous season, the first two episodes (particularly the first) are critical. I can think of only two seasons where editors didn't especially care about how the winner was introduced in the first episodes (i.e. Australia and Samoa).

It's the concept of "the edit never forgets". If a player is introduced in a certain way (emotional, buffoonish, cunning, passive, whatever), then essentially that is how their game ends up, regardless of the hoopla in between.

I think the reverse of what you say is true; people who saw Aubry's Oregon Trail confessional and got smitten with her post-merge journey don't see the forest for the trees, that she began this game ultimately too anxious and indecisive to win over a jury, and that's how she'll end up. (IMHO!!)

Meanwhile, I can't wait to be proven wrong. I sincerely hope I am!
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