I sort of agree with you on this - her being so openly reassuring to him that he didn't need to waste his idol unnecessarily initially struck me as a bad move - and yet, I think Aubrey might be reading the sentiment of the jury (that they're bitter against Tai) far better than what CBS is presenting to us in these confessionals with Cyd, Julia and others saying that Tai will smoke everyone at Final 3 because of "his gameplay". We all know that's not the case at all and he probably can't beat anyone at final tribal besides Joe and "maybe" Jason.But she doesn't want to take him much farther because everyone sees him as a threat to get to the end both competition wise and to win. Sure she can still have the ability to use those but it's not going to help her get him out so it still goes against what she actually wants to do with him. The further she helps him advance the more likely he is going to be good in comps and makes it harder to get rid of him. She didn't have to tell him to use it but saying outright that she thinks he is safe makes it less likely. She could have at least said she didn't know and let the possibility of it being used still be open. He uses his idol he is still going to be seen as a threat because of the advantage. She is still going to have an in with him. All it does is make it more possible for him to go out which is what she ultimately wants.
If she thinks Tai can't win a jury vote, not encouraging him to flush the idol is a good move. It gives her a chance to really cement the trust of someone who has played with flagrant paranoia. If she does think Tai can win a jury vote, it's a bad move because now he's got two advantages and is a Final 4 immunity win away from the vote.
That's why I think it's hard to ultimately judge this. If she has the right read on the jury, though... her play last week was the correct one.