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Survivor 32: Kaôh Rng |OT| Anything that can Kaôh Rng, will.


Like, every other kinda funky vote we've ever had - Vee/Neleh, JT/Stephen, the "Why X Lost" seasons- you could make sense of it.

This? This was pure spite, holy shit.
It can't be spite. We would have surely seen SOMETHING like that from the jury.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the Jury put a lot of stock into Michelle's competition wins near the end.

Or maybe they had other reasons, we won't know how until tomorrow when people actually ask them, thanks Jeff.
I think the Jury put a lot of stock into Michelle's competition wins near the end.

Or maybe they had other reasons, we won't know how until tomorrow when people actually ask them, thanks Jeff.

This is like the third time I've seen this and I don't get it. This jury seems like that last to give a fuck about competitions lol
Like, every other kinda funky vote we've ever had - Vee/Neleh, JT/Stephen, the "Why X Lost" seasons- you could make sense of it.

This? This was pure spite, holy shit.

This would be like if Tocantins had spent the whole season portraying JT like a clueless southern guy who was just following along without thought, and then portrayed the Final Tribal Council as Stephen answering every question perfectly.

Or if Gabon's edit had been super pro-Susie all season.


Poor Michele and Aubry.

Especially Michele. She just did something amazing... her lifelong dream (and Aubry's too, and only 2 votes away).

And Jeff doesn't care.
This would be like if Tocantins had spent the whole season portraying JT like a clueless southern guy who was just following along without thought, and then portrayed the Final Tribal Council as Stephen answering every question perfectly.

Or if Gabon's edit had been super pro-Susie all season.

I think Aubrey should have won but I honestly do not think Aubry did that great in FTC, she got softball questions and came off as kinda cocky when it came to talking about the other two. Don't think she did bad but Ireally wwasn't seeing the perfect FTC.

FFS Jeff, why even have the fucking reunion at this point.


Unconfirmed Member
This is like the third time I've seen this and I don't get it. This jury seems like that last to give a fuck about competitions lol

Well based on jury questions and answers I'm not sure how she won any votes there beside her tears.

Even Julia blasted her during her question, but promised her a vote.
I think Aubrey should have won but I honestly do not think Aubry did that great in FTC, she got softball questions and came off as kinda cocky when it came to talking about the other two. Don't think she did bad but Ireally wwasn't seeing the perfect FTC.

It's questionable whether she actually did or not, but the footage we saw seemed to be her answering questions very well and giving good remarks. This wasn't a Stephen type performance.
What a shitty win. Michelle didnt do shit

Aubry really was the most logical choice

God I hate the jury votes. They always vote so dumb.
This is the most bizarrely edited season ever.

I'd say that for the final episode not so much the whole season. Most of the edit Aubrey got she would get whether she won or not. She played great and all her character stuff was true to her.

Anna looked better in the game...

Julia and Joe see like the smallest change from in the game to finale I've ever seen.


I'd say that for the final episode not so much the whole season. Most of the edit Aubrey got she would get whether she won or not. She played great and all her character stuff was true to her.
They should have given us an actual reason why Aubry lost and Michele won. I almost wonder if there's something crazy with the jury that they just can't acknowledge.
Michelle convinced/managed the jury better than Aubry and that's really all that matters.

Nope. What matters is that the show explains why the winner wins, and this season didn't do that at all. I don't care if I like the winner, but I do care if the winner makes sense, and there's no way anyone can argue that this made any sense at all.
Nope. What matters is that the show explains why the winner wins, and this season didn't do that at all. I don't care if I like the winner, but I do care if the winner makes sense, and there's no way anyone can argue that this made any sense at all.

Only way I can honestly explain it is bitterness but that's usually readily defended by Survivor fans...


They should have given us an actual reason why Aubry lost and Michele won. I almost wonder if there's something crazy with the jury that they just can't acknowledge.
She played a better game. This is like people getting upset when Sandra won. Twice.


Nope. What matters is that the show explains why the winner wins, and this season didn't do that at all. I don't care if I like the winner, but I do care if the winner makes sense, and there's no way anyone can argue that this made any sense at all.
"Jocks stuffing geeks in lockers" come to fruition? :-/
I'd say that for the final episode not so much the whole season. Most of the edit Aubrey got she would get whether she won or not. She played great and all her character stuff was true to her.

Sure, but we never really see the player who plays a great game and loses the vote for no real reason that the edit has shown.

We've seen the great players who fall just short (Rob C, Rafe, Cirie x2, Holly, Kathy, Lex, etc). We've seen the players who lost because they just pissed too many people off. (Russell x 2, Boston Rob in All-Stars, etc) We've seen players who just couldn't preform at the FTC and were up against a great player (Amanda x 2, Stephen).

But Aubry didn't seem to piss anyone off, made it to the end, and was up against someone who didn't seem like she was seen as a super strong player. As far as I can recall, this is unique in Survivor history.
She played a better game. This is like people getting upset when Sandra won. Twice.

Honestly I agree, as much as I've argued against it and always hated it Survivor has always been about the winner is justified regardless of feelings because they won. Suddenly thay doesn't stand I guess.


I'd say that for the final episode not so much the whole season.
Indeed. That finale was basically "AUBRY IS THE WINNER EVERYONE!!!!"

They really needed to give more personal insight into Michele's background and finally make her the protagonist at the end. Instead, they kept up Aubry as the protagonist for the whole finale. That only works if the protagonist is actually evil. But even then, I recently watched the Samoa finale and Natalie had an incredibly inspirational, heartfelt finale, and was portrayed as this poor innocent downtrodden victim of Russell who could not win and would have to settle for a few thousand grand. It was a last minute bait-and-switch. And the same applies to Heroes vs Villains. Sandra was suddenly the protagonist at the end, whose husband goes to Iraq and she goes to Survivor. It was all about Sandra.

There was just ... nothing... this finale. Nothing about Michele. Just Aubry nearly winning and then not winning for some reason.
She played a better game. This is like people getting upset when Sandra won. Twice.

I mean, show us that. Even if Sandra's wins was edited more like 'this is why her opponents lost', it still tells the story. Last season at least had the jury trashing Spencer, this doesn't really have anything?


Insight from friends- every Michele vote got a negative edit on the show. (Except Cydney)

Jeff being happy about the next season is good though. Probably has an ending that makes sense.
Or they were still bitter that Aubry outplayed them?

As much as I'd vastly prefer an Aubry win, jury management is part of the game. If the jury was bitter at Aubry, Michele played a better game.
Maybe it's cheesy to say that, but the whole concept of the jury is that the jury always vote for who they want to win the most at the time.
"Jocks stuffing geeks in lockers" come to fruition? :-/

Yeah, what is up with that Aubry confessional about the jocks and pretty people teaming up on the nerds when that's what winds up happening?

Pretty much every part of this edit feels like the editors being pissed at Michele winning.
Except that Sandra winning actually made sense.

Except she plays horribly and stumbles her way into the ftc in both games and wins by bitterness.

If Sandra is accepted as a winner so should michelle. I've always argued and hated survivor for the most part because it always excuses a bitter jury and says the winner deserves it no matter what because they won. Suddenyl that doesn't stand.
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