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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


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Bah, tänk om man lagt 10,000 på aktier för ett år sen. Nu är det inte så mycket poäng i att handla. Grattis till Starbreeze dock.

Det var precis vad jag gjorde. 9.849:- närmare bestämt.
223% avkastning so far.

Och det enda man tänker är "fuck, skulle köpt MER" :p


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Living expenses in Stockholm are the most common cause of death for Swedes, true story.

Seriously though, it's incredibly expensive to live there. Can't give you an estimate but rent alone easily gets up to 2-3 times what you would pay in a smaller city, depending on how far from the centre you want to live, and unless you get really lucky. Should be an awful lot cheaper if you manage to get a student apartment though, but the housing situation is bonkers.

While the housing situation IS bonkers, that's not really how rentals work. It's a regulated market. My moms rent in northern Sweden is higher than my brothers in one of the more attractive suburbs in stockholm.
You can add some money to the price because of attractive location, but not really that much.


While the housing situation IS bonkers, that's not really how rentals work. It's a regulated market. My moms rent in northern Sweden is higher than my brothers in one of the more attractive suburbs in stockholm.
You can add some money to the price because of attractive location, but not really that much.

Ah, but you're talking about the legal, first-hand housing market here... to get a good apartment in Stockholm, you'll probably have to go through other channels (second or third-hand renting with illegally high rent, buying a first-hand contract etc) unless you know someone on the inside or get super lucky.
Another solution is just to sign up for one of the many waiting lists. Some are not that slow. All students should do this as early as possible.

Getting a nice apartment in the inner city is difficult, but if your willing to live in one of the suburbs you can do so without using any special connections.


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Nice. Vart handlade du dem? Och hur mycket skatt är det på aktier idag förresten?

jag har kapitalsparkonto så jag betalar en schablonskatt, har ingen betydelse hur mkt värdet stiger under året. Eller sjunker för den delen.

Jag handlade aktierna på börsen =) Via min depå på avanza.


Det var precis vad jag gjorde. 9.849:- närmare bestämt.
223% avkastning so far.

Och det enda man tänker är "fuck, skulle köpt MER" :p

Samma här. Köpte för runt 10 papp när de var värda 0.07. Varför tryckte jag inte in ALLA mina sparpengar där och sa YOLO??

Ska man sälja nu då? =/


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Samma här. Köpte för runt 10 papp när de var värda 0.07. Varför tryckte jag inte in ALLA mina sparpengar där och sa YOLO??

Ska man sälja nu då? =/

shiat, jag köpte för .15 och var nöjd med det! du ligger väl runt 40 lök plus nu :p

sälja eller inte, det är ju frågan. kommer antagligen att sjunka igen. men å andra sidan...


shiat, jag köpte för .15 och var nöjd med det! du ligger väl runt 40 lök plus nu :p

sälja eller inte, det är ju frågan. kommer antagligen att sjunka igen. men å andra sidan...

Absolut trevlig höjning :D

Jag tänker att Brothers har mer att ge. Även Payday. Men särskilt Brothers luktar som att det kommer ha långa ben och många omnämningar i årets awards etc.


Most exchange students stay at a place called Lappis that's walking distance from the main campus. The student corridor rooms start at 2800 SEK per month and if you need a larger apartment it can cost up to near 10,000 SEK per month. Groceries aren't that expensive, but if you want to buy lunch outside you will need to pay about 80 SEK. You will also need a public transport pass for 560 SEK per month.

I can give you a more detailed comparison if you tell me where you are from.

Edit: Google is great for translating currencies. Just search for e.g. "2800 SEK in USD".

I'm from the Netherlands. Would it be beneficial to search for one place for all 3 ( me and 2 friends) of us, or would that just make it more difficult? Also I recal reading that the student corridors are only for incoming exchange students, is that correct? I'm planning on doing the whole 2 years in Stockholm.

thanks again!
The student housing companies allow for couples to stay together. Three friends is highly unlikely. At the moment you need to wait for ~120 days to get a student corridor room. If you want something fancier then the queue time is even longer. You should ask your own University if they can offer any help. Sometimes apartments are reserved for exchange programs.

Another alternative is the second hand market. Our equivalent of Craigslist, www.blocket.se, have plenty of apartments available. If you share the apartment with two friends then you can probably afford something decent.
Jag bor i samma stad som Starbreeze.

Känn på den du.

Min farbror jobbar för Nintendo. Han sa att dom snart kommer släppa en helt ny konsol eftersom Wii U går så dåligt. Den kommer heta Wii U2 och kommer vara bättre än både PS4 och Xbox One tillsammans. Jag har faktiskt fått testa den och har redan spelat spel som Super Mario Universe och GTA6.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Det där ryktet om att tyska (och tydligen några holländska) spelaffärer har börjat sälja GTA 5 tidigare pga läckan - och att Rockstar ska ha godkänt det - får en att vilja surra runt på olika spelaffärer här i stan imorgon.
Min farbror jobbar för Nintendo. Han sa att dom snart kommer släppa en helt ny konsol eftersom Wii U går så dåligt. Den kommer heta Wii U2 och kommer vara bättre än både PS4 och Xbox One tillsammans. Jag har faktiskt fått testa den och har redan spelat spel som Super Mario Universe och GTA6.


Brb ska göra ny tråd.


Hej SweGAF, idag så fyller jag år!


So after some more research on my end, I found out that Lund and Uppsalla are more student cities than Stockholm. Does anyone have experience at either on of these? Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate the answers!
Uppsala is like our Cambridge. It's an hour north of Stockholm. Lund is far down south close to our third largest city, Malmö, and Denmark.

What are you studying? Both places have great reputation, but certain programs might be better at one of the Universities.


Uppsala is like our Cambridge. It's an hour north of Stockholm. Lund is far down south close to our third largest city, Malmö, and Denmark.

What are you studying? Both places have great reputation, but certain programs might be better at one of the Universities.

International Marketing
So after some more research on my end, I found out that Lund and Uppsalla are more student cities than Stockholm. Does anyone have experience at either on of these? Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate the answers!

We get these questions a lot. Uppsala U, Stockholm U and Karolinska Institute are rated in the top 100 universities worldwide. Uppsala is known for being a studentcity. I'm studying there and there are A LOT of foreign students here. Which one is best depends on what you're studying. Lund, Umeå and Handeldhögskolan are all great too from what I've heard.
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