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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


With winter coming, how is everyone planning to survive it?

I have personally decided to wage war against winter and snow this year.

No snow shall remain left in my path. Nor shall it touch me.

My other plan involves turning into the Human Torch, but this might be slightly harder.

I hope we get plenty of snow this year!

We are Swedes, are we not? We are able to survive the most horrible conditions.

When I was living in the US of AY (NJ) schools were cancelled at the slightest hint of snow. People were driving 20 km/h on the highways.

No such pussyfooting around here!

</Viking roar>
I had Västerås on my places-i-maybe-could-move-to-list but i heard that the only jobs that are available in Västerås are telemarket-type jobs and at the ICA warehouse.

I'm more interested in Örebro. Sort of.

Coincidently I know some people working at ICA-lagret, and some working as telemarketers. But I haven't thought that much ahead of whats gonna happen after I'm done with school so we'll see where I end up.


Snö är kul.

Jag bor i Göteborg. Vi har slask...

Mest slask här också (östsidan), men ibland fryser det till och då är all misär värt det! :p



Between rain and snow I would choose snow any day. Now driving/walking on sheets of ice, that's not so good...


The worst part of when it's snowi... Who am i kidding, SJ always fucks up. Especially when it's snowing! It's like - "OH SHIIIII what's dis, we cant push these trains through this!?!! This is some new shit!".

The trains get stranded while the buses keep pwning.
The worst part of when it's snowi... Who am i kidding, SJ always fucks up. Especially when it's snowing! It's like - "OH SHIIIII what's dis, we cant push these trains through this!?!! This is some new shit!".

The trains get stranded while the buses keep pwning.

SJ exec: Did you say it was called "snow"? Is that a new phenomenon because I certainly haven't haven't heard of it before.

Once a train was delayed for about half an hour or so before it even left its first station. If you know it's winter, you know it's cold as fuck and you know there will be ice, then maybe you should start your routines a bit earlier than in the summer.


Short bus special
Any of you killar listen to svenska podcasts?

Nope. Haven't found an appealing one yet. Or well, I don't listen to podcasts in general.

I would love to see more Swedish Let's Play's though. And not annoying ones like PewDiePie, I fucking hate him so much.
Why is there no good swedish LP? Why? :(


Nope. Haven't found an appealing one yet. Or well, I don't listen to podcasts in general.

Have you lyssnat på :

Filip & Fredrik's Podcast
Arkiv Samtal

Det är some of the podcasts i listen to. Mostly den med Filip och Fredrik. And the skateboard podcast/website Defekt.se's "Kastat i Etern".


Short bus special
Filip & Fredrik have a podcast!?

Oh wow, okey, I will give that a go. I love those guys way too much.


Spring is awesome.

Summer is awesome.

Fall is awesome.

Winter with lots of snow is awesome.

What I hate is the grey areas in between fall and winter / spring and winter. And if there is no snow the winters are just as bad.


Hemma sjuk. Har nu blivit privatspanare, försöker lösa Sveriges största gåta.


Goolge Translate said:
At home sick. Has now become private detectives, trying to solve the largest mystery.



Short bus special
OH! Great episode. But you should börja with the första avsnitt..

But I love Fader Fouras. Had to take that one. Also, it's the first episode after 100. Aaaaah.

Hemma sjuk. Har nu blivit privatspanare, försöker lösa Sveriges största gåta.


I know! LoopTroop did it. The evidence, their song "Jag Sköt Palme".
"Jag sköt Palme och satte Christer i klistret
om snuten bara visste det var Loop Troop terrorister
som sköt statsministern för tolv långa år sen
och hårt sen det var Mattias och Mårten"

(Though, it is based on the track "I Shot Reagan", so it miiiiight be a red herring.)


I know! LoopTroop did it. The evidence, their song "Jag Sköt Palme".
"Jag sköt Palme och satte Christer i klistret
om snuten bara visste det var Loop Troop terrorister
som sköt statsministern för tolv långa år sen
och hårt sen det var Mattias och Mårten"

(Though, it is based on the track "I Shot Reagan", so it miiiiight be a red herring.)

Promoe was only 10 at the time. No go. :/


Says it was a "conspiracy consisting of Police/Military/Security people".

Someone had to know that OP did not have police protection that night. Also OP was shot with ammunition called "cop killers", aka. ammo that can penetrate bulletproof vests, not something your regular doped up druggie would have.

GW says that CP could not have done it (he is not that kind of person, the assassin behaved very calmly and shot with great accuracy (though he missed LP because she made a dramatic turn to OP, the assassin probably thought he had hit her as she went down on her knees to see what had happened to OP.) but he was in the area when it happened (at an illegal gambling club where he had used meth).

I'm also beginning to suspect the Police, just by how messed up the whole investigation is and that witnesses changed the description of the assassins clothing (to more match what CP was wearing). Perhaps the most damning witness against CP being the assassin is that a witness who just after the shooting saw the assassin run past him said it was NOT CP because the witness knew who CP was (they were living in the same area, and CP was the "village idiot" who everyone avoided, so he was well known to the witness).



Short bus special
Promoe was only 10 at the time. No go. :/

Holy shit.... you are quite.... serious about it. I don't think it will ever get solved though. Too many variables.

Why you gotta be like that... linking me people blowing themselves up... is it cuz I'm black? HUH!? IS IT?!

Ha! If you notice there is only one person blowing himself up. And he is white. And if you look closely, there is a black person in the video. But he is NOT blowing himself up.
So no sir. No I am not.

...Känns som om jag kan börja gräva ett hål snart, som jag aldrig kan ta mig ur. :p
Gräv en tunnel,
gräv, gräv en tunnel.
Är du klar så gräv en större tunnel.
Gräv en tunnel,
gräv gräv en tunnel.
Fort snart kommer Corky hit. (Och slår mig.)


Holy shit.... you are quite.... serious about it. I don't think it will ever get solved though. Too many variables.

I was kidding. :p
But yes, it will never be solved. The magnificent work of the Police (Hans Holmér) made sure of that.

Only possibility is if the assassin himself confesses.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Ha! If you notice there is only one person blowing himself up. And he is white. And if you look closely, there is a black person in the video. But he is NOT blowing himself up.
So no sir. No I am not.

Your empirical research intrigues me, I shall subscribe to your scientific newsletter.

...Känns som om jag kan börja gräva ett hål snart, som jag aldrig kan ta mig ur. :p
Gräv en tunnel,
gräv, gräv en tunnel.
Är du klar så gräv en större tunnel.
Gräv en tunnel,
gräv gräv en tunnel.
Fort snart kommer Corky hit. (Och slår mig.)

Neeesh då, jag är så snäll så. Titta bara hur snäll jag är, titta! *gestikulerar*


Short bus special
Only possibility is if the assassin himself confesses.

Didn't that happen quite a few times though? From various people.

Neeesh då, jag är så snäll så. Titta bara hur snäll jag är, titta! *gestikulerar*

I know you are. I know you are. Though, to be honest, you do look a bit intimidating. Had a hard time matching your personality with your apperance. :p


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I know you are. I know you are. Though, to be honest, you do look a bit intimidating. Had a hard time matching your personality with your apperance. :p

Just you wait until I gain another 20 kg and get a bunch of face-tattoos... then it'll be even harder haha >:]


Short bus special
Yes your typical lunatics. :p

That's what the media WANTS you to think. o_,o

Just you wait until I gain another 20 kg and get a bunch of face-tattoos... then it'll be even harder haha >:]

:,( You're scaring me. Already. I mean, you're forearms are like the size of my thighs but in pure muscle, and you could easily crush me with your neck alone.


That's what the media WANTS you to think. o_,o

:,( You're scaring me. Already. I mean, you're forearms are like the size of my thighs but in pure muscle, and you could easily crush me with your neck alone.

Did you meet Greg from Dilinger Escape Plan? Wut


Short bus special
Did you meet Greg from Dilinger Escape Plan? Wut

Kind of. Think of a short The Rock. (At least that's what it felt like in comparison.)
It was like, I was Joseph Gordon-Levitt from 500 Days of Summer, and he was The Rock from that new bodybuilding movie with him and Mark Wahlberg.

Överdriver lite, men så kändes det. :p


Short bus special
Lika långa och vägde lika mycket men du får det o låta som vi var Helan O Halvan.

That's what makes it surreal man. Me being all, skinny and stuff. And you being all muscular.
It's weeeeeeirdness.

But see, told you that you look intimidating. When you and Yoshi jumped out of the car and yelled my name, I was all "Oh shit, I'm in Varberga, that dude is going to shank me!" ;P


If it was possible to have snow AND 25+ degrees at the same time, it'd be great. In the beginning of this year I had a casual snow ball fight on the roof of a local dance club. So snow is pretty cool (hehe) sometimes. Still prefer the summer time though.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
But see, told you that you look intimidating. When you and Yoshi jumped out of the car and yelled my name, I was all "Oh shit, I'm in Varberga, that dude is going to shank me!" ;P

Well to be perfectly honest...haha I wouldn't get in a car with me ;P, there had to be a point where you thought " Oh please let these be the Gaffers " because we just picked you up haha.


That's what makes it surreal man. Me being all, skinny and stuff. And you being all muscular.
It's weeeeeeirdness.

But see, told you that you look intimidating. When you and Yoshi jumped out of the car and yelled my name, I was all "Oh shit, I'm in Varberga, that dude is going to shank me!" ;P

"Ey kaos! KAOS MANNEN!"



Short bus special
"Ey kaos! KAOS MANNEN!"


Kind of like that, yes. And I all I could think was "Ohshit... I'm gon' die... I dun goofed..."

Well to be perfectly honest...haha I wouldn't get in a car with me ;P, there had to be a point where you thought " Oh please let these be the Gaffers " because we just picked you up haha.

I had three thoughts right then.
1. "These have to be Gaffers"
2. "Shit, what if they are random criminals!"
3. "No matter the outcome, I'm going to get molested in some creepy love dungeon way below ground where nobody can hear me!"


Plz use "hen" from now on.


Btw, känns det inte något oseriöst att en utrikesminister kommunicerar (främst?) genom Twitter och bloggande?


Utrikesministrar ska kommunicera med kommunikéer som levereras av stela militärattachéer med Preussisk påbrå i svarta stora bränsleslukande Mercedes-limos. IMO. :p

Doesn't canal+ already carry all the HBO shows though?

Vem betalar 249kr/mån för Canal +? Jo, endast de 5 rikaste kungarna i Europa!
Vilka plattformar finns HBO Go till då? Grymt sugen, världens-bästa-tidsfördriv.com .


is now taking requests
Vem betalar 249kr/mån för Canal +? Jo, endast de 5 rikaste kungarna i Europa!
Vilka plattformar finns HBO Go till då? Grymt sugen, världens-bästa-tidsfördriv.com .

I do - mainly because of all the footie i have to betala for :X
550 pesetas/month in order to titta på the Swedish leauge... argh.

/här glider Kingen in

edit: the word is a blight and it's not really gender neutral. Hens are female. I'd rather be called a cock! :p
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