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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I'm a big fan of Aftonbladet myself. Very neutral in their reporting and they focus on the important stuff, not celeberty gossip.

If Linda Rosing's woes with having to pick a name for her new kitten doesn't count as important enough stuff then I don't know what is.


How do you guys feel about public service?

SVT is okay, SR can go screw itself. Especially P3 which has turned to shit.

SVT can produce some quality programs (maybe not so many in the later years), way ahead of TV4. And sports on SVT is also more enjoyable.

Btw, what ever happened to TV3? They used to produce a shit ton of programs. Now all they have left is basically Efterlyst and a few "reality" shows. What happened to Insider for example?


Short bus special
Well, I'm okey with it. Because SVT gave us "Vem Vet Mest", greatest show in the history of television. I will forever have a huge mancrush on Richard Olsson.

And SVT2. SVT2 is probably the greatest thing ever invented. Nothing on the other channels? Flip on SVT2, and they are probably showing "Bach Tolkar Strindberg På Dragspel: Djovenski Baletten Opus" or something equally amazing. Or like, a 3 hour danish documentary about the wood used in some chairs.
High class stuff.


UR SAMTIDEN -- Totally worth watching, TED Talks pales in comparison.

Or what about Gudstjänst on sundays? Literally my favourite thing to wake up to. If I miss it I make sure to record it.

"Bach Tolkar Strindberg På Dragspel: Djovenski Baletten Opus"
Me and a few drinking friends love to watch that.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
SCV is reason enough to live in Sweden.


Short bus special
UR SAMTIDEN -- Totally worth watching, TED Talks pales in comparison.

Or what about Gudstjänst on sundays? Literally my favourite thing to wake up to. If I miss it I make sure to record it.

Yeah, isn't that old guy who used to have Hjärnkontoret hosting stuff on UR now?

The Gudstjänst is great, always. But, I have to say, LokalTV is probably better.
Best part is when this is on here in Örebro:

I always try to catch it. I don't understand anything, but it is amazing.

Anyone besides me which misses this sooo much? :/


Dat voice. Best. Speaker. Ever.

Bo. G. Eriksson, one of Swedens finest! Looooved it! And FUCK IKA I RUTAN AND HER SKELETAL BOYFRIEND!



I surrender!

I bought "100 Svenska år" by Hans Villius and Olle Häger. Highly recommended!

Hans Villius, Herman Lindqvist and Bo G. Erikson were my hero's growing up.

Yeah, isn't that old guy who used to have Hjärnkontoret hosting stuff on UR now?

Not sure if I have ever seen him in Hjärnkontoret. To my knowledge he just retired and left.

Regarding Local TV, Smålandsnytt is pretty professional (but boring subjects 99.98% of the time). TV4 Sydost can be pretty fucking hilariously bad.


Värnamo-GAF reprezent!

Nice to see another Smålänning here.

And speaking of newspapers, our local daily one must be the only one in the country, or maybe even the world, that has nothing but ads on its front page.



Short bus special
I surrender!

I bought "100 Svenska år" by Hans Villius and Olle Häger. Highly recommended!

Hans Villius, Herman Lindqvist and Bo G. Erikson were my hero's growing up.

Not sure if I have ever seen him in Hjärnkontoret. To my knowledge he just retired and left.

Regarding Local TV, Smålandsnytt is pretty professional (but boring subjects 99.98% of the time). TV4 Sydost can be pretty fucking hilariously bad.

Fredrik Berling is the one I'm talking about. And shit, it was him. He is on UR now and hosts loads of weird stuff there.

Oh, Herman Lindqvist! Good shit!

It's quite a shame nothing like that is getting produced anymore. Or if it is, I haven't seen enough of it.
At least we have Rickard Olsson, and Filip & Fredrik.


formerly "chigiri"
Vetenskapens Värld, ja jävlar asså. Hör temat utan att ens titta på klippen. Nostalgi som fan, vart helt fascinerad av det på 90-talet. Gick innan Star Trek TNG vill ja minnas.

(Pretend it was written in English)
SVT is okay, SR can go screw itself. Especially P3 which has turned to shit.

SVT can produce some quality programs (maybe not so many in the later years), way ahead of TV4. And sports on SVT is also more enjoyable.

Btw, what ever happened to TV3? They used to produce a shit ton of programs. Now all they have left is basically Efterlyst and a few "reality" shows. What happened to Insider for example?
I can't disagree enough with this. SVT is okay but SR can go screw itself? SR is having the same problem that SVT also have, they are trying to adapt and be more like commercial media. But SVT is far worse than SR here. SR have P3 that they give all that to while the rest of SR is still very professional. Just look at the sports, while SVT gives(gave, thank god) you a screaming wikegard SR gave you professionals like Wahlman. And they still have plenty of worthwhile radio, just listen Filosofiska Rummet for example :)

And don't take this the wrong way SVT still airs a lot of quality television but they have let in too much shit and can't be considered "folkbildande" in the way they used to be.


Nice to see another Smålänning here.

And speaking of newspapers, our local daily one must be the only one in the country, or maybe even the world, that has nothing but ads on its front page.


That's how they keep the paper afloat, or so I'm told. First-page-ads are very desirable. :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Poor IE9 would probably die if going into that site.


I will forever have a huge mancrush on Richard Olsson.

lol, yeah I really like Rickard Olsson as well. I love how he always just says anything that's on his mind, even if it might be a bit dismissive/insulting to the one he says it to. It's always funny though, so no one is usually offended. :)

Not a huge fan of Filip & Fredrik though. At least not anymore. Their newer things feel very forced sometimes. They used to be really funny though.

Edit: And yes, SR/P3 does suck these days. Bring back Frankerat with syntax error!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

You talking to me? ":lol" is incidentally one of MY nicknames, no one knows this of course but each time I hear it I think people are referring to me... It gets confusing as you could imagine.


formerly "chigiri"
You talking to me? ":lol" is incidentally one of MY nicknames, no one knows this of course but each time I hear it I think people are referring to me... It gets confusing as you could imagine.

You is incidentally one of my nicknames, this is getting very confusing hörru.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm dying XD


Short bus special
My nickname is just "KÄFTEN!" That's what everyone says to me when I enter a room.

KAOS MANNEN! Lirar du BF3 något nu?

Har inte gjort det på ett tag. Samt, no monies for the expansions. :,( Blir ledsen Micke då. :(

lol, yeah I really like Rickard Olsson as well. I love how he always just says anything that's on his mind, even if it might be a bit dismissive/insulting to the one he says it to. It's always funny though, so no one is usually offended. :)

Indeed, and I love it. Specially when he comes across as overly sarcastic. Plus, his sense of style is just awesome. Love him!

Also, listened to P3 today. Corky and Yoshi, get a radioshow together! Corky's stories and Yoshis..... eccentricnes and raging would be epic!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Also, listened to P3 today. Corky and Yoshi, get a radioshow together! Corky's stories and Yoshis..... eccentricnes and raging would be epic!
I'm on it as I'm typing this!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
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