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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
A dane.... a DANE saying Swedish people talk funny?

What is this, opposite day?


Short bus special
At först it was tänkt that we were going for a few drinks and just hanging out on a fredagsmys type o' night, but early yesterday morgon she texted me and said/thought that we could hang out at my ställe and drink wine, hang out, play videogames and stuff here istället! I love how she thinks. So, i'm going to serve a well arranged ostbricka and stuff for us to nom nom on - and then i'll nom on her lips!

Sounds like a good plan. Do some BC2, and I'll help you with charming her. I can scream racial slurs and stuff, and you'll be the manly hero who protects her ears and team kills me.
Perfect plan!

Also, which lips!? AH-HÖ-AHÖ-AHÖ-AHÖ!


Sounds like a good plan. Do some BC2, and I'll help you with charming her. I can scream racial slurs and stuff, and you'll be the manly hero who protects her ears and team kills me.
Perfect plan!

Also, which lips!? AH-HÖ-AHÖ-AHÖ-AHÖ!

Get this : when i asked her what kind of games she likes, she said Little Big Planet. Amazing..

Her lips. On her fejs. To start with.


I was in Gøteborg recently and one evening I ordered something called 'Kalles Korv' or something.

It was the nastiest food ever. A weak Swedish sausage with shrimp salad and mashed potato on the side.

I went home to Denmark the next day.


I was in Gøteborg recently and one evening I ordered something called 'Kalles Korv' or something.

It was the nastiest food ever. A weak Swedish sausage with shrimp salad and mashed potato on the side.

I went home to Denmark the next day.

Shrimps, snus and weak sausages - that's Gothenburg in a nutshell.


whats the cost of living in Malmø these days?

Could I get a cheaper apartment there than in Copenhagen. the prices here are horrid.

Don't know that much about the price on rentals (4-5000 sek a month for a decent 1 bedroom apartment?) but this site (http://www.hemnet.se/) gives a good hint on property prices.

You could probably buy a decent apartment in central Malmö for about 500 000 sek with 2000 sek a month in bostadsrätts/driftskostnader.


Don't know that much about the price on rentals (4-5000 sek a month for a decent 1 bedroom apartment?) but this site (http://www.hemnet.se/) gives a good hint on property prices.

You could probably buy a decent apartment in central Malmö for about 500 000 sek with 2000 sek a month in bostadsrätts/driftskostnader.

wow thats cheap, Stockholm is above 2 000 000 sek if not more for similar (1 bedroom apartment)


Låter skitkul!
Det blir det! Fast ska inte klä ut mig :p Det enda rosa jag har är ett par vita byxor jag körde tillsammans med en röd planeflyintosunset.jpg från gaf-shoppen igår xD Blev lite småfläckar. Men imorrn är det White Night-tema så då åker de byxorna på hur som helst. White Knight-GAF skulle älska det ;)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Well jag ska sitta här o deppa så kan lika gärna deppa på Gaf som vanligt...


wow thats cheap, Stockholm is above 2 000 000 sek if not more for similar (1 bedroom apartment)
There is a couple of explanations for that I believe. First of all Malmö is small and most areas are relatively central (~2km from Triangeln or Malmö Central Station). Second of all Malmö is not gentrified and wealthy like Stockholm and don't have nearly the same growth level. Third of all the wealthy inhabitants tend to flock in suburbs (Lomma, Limhamn, Vellinge etc.) rather than in the city centre. And perhaps most importantly: The property buble in Malmö has already bursted (prices went down 1 or 2 years ago and have remained mostly stagnant) while that hasn't happened yet in other swedish cities.


Short bus special
Well jag ska sitta här o deppa så kan lika gärna deppa på Gaf som vanligt...

Hej och hå, positiva klubben. :p Gör något roligt? Typ, färga en t-shirt eller något?
But nah, I know how it feels man.

In the woods behind the campus of LiU. :)

Really? Seems like a decently odd place for a rave. We had one, not too long ago here. Got alot of local media attention, because according to them; ONLY thing you do at a rave is take drugs until you OD.


Brent Smith på youtube har en del bra videos om deppighet o negativitet oavsett vad orsaken är (99% är om dating men ändå).


Brent Smith på youtube har en del bra videos om deppighet o negativitet oavsett vad orsaken är (99% är om dating men ändå).

Äh några av hans videor är okej men 9/10 videor handlar ju om att ha "power", dvs i princip att inte släppa kontrollen inför en kvinna. Ex. menar han att om du låter henne bestämma när ni ska träffas så har du förlorat "the power", istället ska du säga "vi träffas dag X tid Y". Vet inte om jag köper det resonemanget, vilket han maler på om i timtal i sina videor.


Found a run-over cat by the side of the road. :(

Pulled over, called 114 14.. they said to check if it was ID-marked and call them back if it was (they could contact the owner), if not leave it where it was.
So I went back, checked its ears and there was no markings. But I pulled it off the road and placed it on the grass by the bicycle road.

Bah. :/ Poor kittonz, it was a beautiful fully black cat with nice fur, huge in size. Pet owners, make sure to ID-tag your pets! Someone is probably wondering where their cat is tonight. :(

While I was there some bastards went by in a car (it is a 80km/h road) and yelled "INTE BRA!" ("Not good!").. :p


We are here, just lurking and drinking. :'(

Tittade på Miami Vice för första gången, trots att jag hatar Jamie Foxx var den ganska bra.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
We are here, just lurking and drinking. :'(

Tittade på Miami Vice för första gången, trots att jag hatar Jamie Foxx var den ganska bra.

I wish I had someone to drink and watch Miami Vice with :'(


Short bus special
God morgon you kräjzy sweeeedish madderfackers!

Alla haft en bra helg?
Had a decent one personally, except for migraine bigger part of yesterday.


Corky: :(

KAOz: Lider också av migrän.


Lindrar något iaf.


Short bus special
KAOz: Lider också av migrän.


Lindrar något iaf.

Körde de som fan ett tag. Brukar ha det, Ibumetin och 1g Alvedon hemma. Men hade helt slut på ALLA piller. Alvedon funkar dock inte längre för huvudvärk, MÅSTE ta de och ibumetin ihop. Swedish Piller Popping for the win.

And yeah, Corky stop. :( You can always drink beer/wine/whatever floats your boat with us from GAF. We can talk over the phone and drink, and watch movies. :p
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