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Sweden-GAF |OT| I'd Say It's Pretty Lagom


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Short bus special
Ja må han leva, ja må han leva, ja må han leva uti hundrade år
Javisst ska han leva, javisst ska han leva, javisst ska han leva uti hundrade år
Och när han har levat, och när han har levat, och när han har levat uti hundrade år
Ja då ska han skjutas, ja då ska han skjutas, ja då ska han skjutas på en skottkärra fram.
Hurra hurra hurra hurra!!


Var till den lokala affären och där såg man alla med sina flickvänner, fruar, whatever och så kommer jag, brakes my heart.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Så vilka vill med o bränna ner amerikanska ambassaden?! Upproooooooooooooooor!
Jag skojjar.... jag skojjar SÄPO ta't lugnt


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Så vilka vill med o bränna ner amerikanska ambassaden?! Upproooooooooooooooor!
Jag skojjar.... jag skojjar SÄPO ta't lugnt
you better be joking

hade påbörjat mitt samtal med far min

men jag avbröt samtalet för att jag har ett gott hjärta

han skulle ha KROSSAT dig mannen


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
you better be joking

hade påbörjat mitt samtal med far min

men jag avbröt samtalet för att jag har ett gott hjärta

han skulle ha KROSSAT dig mannen

Komigen, baba-jani <3 Corky han hade aldrig slagit mig :'(


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
<3 <3 både mami och papi tyckte btw att du stannade på tok för kort tid... :(


Så vilka vill med o bränna ner amerikanska ambassaden?! Upproooooooooooooooor!
Jag skojjar.... jag skojjar SÄPO ta't lugnt

Inshalla mohammmeeeeeeeed!


NEWSFLASH: Spårrånaren äro gripen anno domini 2012-09-14 uti Akalla efter butiksbiträden från matvarukedjan Lidl (äru fattig? lulz) noterat att en mansperson var lik den efterlysta rånaren.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
No worries, snart har ni 4 katter istället för 3, kommer ha mig krafsandes på dörren en kall vinternatt.
&#9829; &#9829; &#9829; Can't wait

Yoshi blev kastrerad idag ._.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hahahahaha, waaaaaaat




Fucking piece of shit.


Short bus special
Jag är på, det vet du. Engineer och turret gunner. :p Fast, i BF3 kan vi switcha runt lite, är bättre med tankens där.
Sköt ned ett flygplan och en helikopter igår (utan lockons, bara vanliga shells). Samt snipade en kille från andra sidan kartan.

Med min älskade T-90A tank.
Yeah no, our total taxes are only beat by Denmark in the world (taxes as part of GNP).

taxes on income is higher than the average OECD country.


Sorry, but you need to look into it more deeply than that.

First, you are right if you consider the total tax on work, i.e. both what you and your employer pays. But I was not referring to this. I was referring to only the part that the employee pays. I.e. if your gross salary is 300k SEK by year (a typical Swedish salary), how much of that do you get to keep? And no, you cannot just look at the percentage since that fails to take into account different tax brackets, jobbskatteavdraget, annual tax allowance and things like that. Also, in a lot of other European countries you pay extra tax in the form of social security fees, as a percentage of your income (for example: National Insurance in the UK). These fees are income tax in all but name only and should be included when you calculate the income tax load on the employee. This kind of stuff is included in the normal income tax percentage in Sweden, while it is not in many other European countries, making a direct comparison of percentages very misleading.

For all of these reasons, you can't simply look at simple numbers like that to determine the tax load. As the tax rates are heavily dependent on how high your salary is, you have to use different tax calculators for different countries that can be found on the web and input equivalent wages to see what the actual, effective rate is. If you put in a typical Swedish salary of 300k SEK yearly (34854 euro) and compare the effective rates of different countries, you will find that the situation in Sweden actually isn't all that bad. For example, the effective tax rate is quite a bit lower than the UK one unless you have a salary above about 500k SEK by year.

So, to sum it up, unless you are a high income earner (which is why I said "for about 90 % of the population" in my initial post) the income tax in Sweden is actually around equal or lower than in many comparable European countries.

I think more people should try playing around with these online tax calculator a bit. You may be surprised by what you find. I certainly was.

Edit: The site you linked to is run by Svenskt Näringsliv. Of course, you shouldn't take all the information presented there at face value. You can paint whichever picture you want with statistics (lies, damned lies and all that)


Drar nu ånyo igång den svenska versionen av GAFs "tipping" snicksnack.

&#8211;&#8201;Jag är ledsen, men fenomenet hen är i mina ögon alltför fånigt för att förtjäna seriös kommentar, hälsar Horace Engdahl, Akademiens förre ständige sekreterare, i vändande mejl när DN frågar honom om det lilla ordet med den stora laddningen.

lol, rätt :)


Puttin' da smackdown, yeaaah boooi!
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