Well I'm not sure what you are saying here. It's obviously -not all men-, it's a factually valid statement, that is also an important argument to make. But this is not some kind of legal segregation that has been suggested. It is not a denial of public space or even a concept that has to be exclusive to one of the genders. It's just a case of: women suffer at all other festivals, at this festival the women doesn't have to suffer, with the cost of some minor "suffering" for men.We're talking about actual rapes and sexual assault that were reported. I know people are used to letting that shit slide because they love a good show, but you have got to be fucking kidding me with this "not all men" bullshit.
Hehe what is wrong with you, man. You state, without any reasoning "suffering defines right or wrong", then expect the response to be based with a bunch of arguments and reasoning? Lol.Thank you for this conversation. I clearly see from your posts that you have detailed your position. I have learned a lot. Thank you.
Like, it's not like right is maximizing happiness and wrong is, like, suffering, misery, pain, etc.
You could have brought up utilitarism and other ethical concepts, with examples, but you didnt. So of course my response wont. Then you go and be and asshole, facepalm.