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Swedish Comedian organizing ‘man-free’ music fest until they learn ‘how to behave’


Regarding Bråvalla, they've been having big economical problems and it was just a matter of time for them to shut down.

Hopefully they are back in 2019 again, shutting it down sends the wrong message.


It seems like every year I read about the myriads of sexual assaults in these Swedish music festivals so I say go for it. Would be nice to see if they can get one festival without rapes.


People have already provided this information in this thread, you just chose to ignore it:


Hey, sorry to jump in. But I view your argument a bit iffy. And correct if I'm wrong, but reading your first post on this thread (below), I get the feeling that this situation would be the similar to hypotethically banning North African and Middle-Eastern immigrants from entering Cologne during New Years.

Eh guys remember that wave of sexual assaults in Köln a few years ago where according to the police the perpetrators were young immigrants from north african and middle-eastern countries?

I have this great idea...

As bad, right?

Well no. The report you quoted on your post uses phrases like "nearly all" and "almost exclusively" - that is there are cases where the perpetrators have not been immigrants. In this situation if we were exclusively banning immigrants from entering the New Year's party it would effectively say that we want to protect people from their sexual harrasment, but because the other groups are not affected by that ban their harrasment is treated differently.

We are talking about things that are not exclusive to some ethnic groups here.


”Since it seems to be OK to discriminate against women all the time, maybe it's OK to shut out men for three days? I would not exactly call it an abuse not to come to the festival," she told Sweden's Aftonbladet.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?
Would rather efforts were put towards educating young men on 'how to behave', but I totally understand the sentiment. Doesn't seem like any real (or successful?) initiatives have been done about the rampant sexual assaults, so what other recourse besides this would make the statement that enough's enough and actually be safe for women, practically-speaking? Where's the energy/passion from those crying foul when it comes to actually combating the problem?


Hey, sorry to jump in. But I view your argument a bit iffy. And correct if I'm wrong, but reading your first post on this thread (below), I get the feeling that this situation would be the similar to hypotethically banning North African and Middle-Eastern immigrants from entering Cologne during New Years.

As bad, right?

Well no. The report you quoted on your post uses phrases like "nearly all" and "almost exclusively" - that is there are cases where the perpetrators have not been immigrants. In this situation if we were exclusively banning immigrants from entering the New Year's party it would effectively say that we want to protect people from their sexual harrasment, but because the other groups are not affected by that ban their harrasment is treated differently.

We are talking about things that are not exclusive to some ethnic groups here.

Can you prove that no "non-male" committed sexual assault during this festival?

edit : Actually no, you have to prove that it is impossible for "non-males" to commit sexual assault.
How bad is your security that year after year you have people being raped. This sounds to me like incompetence and the festival should have shut down earlier. No, the organization is not directly responsible for those actions, but when it happens year after year, you have to do better.

Anyway, I don't like people being excluded from things, but I also feel like women only events are a bit different then doing this stuff among racial lines for example. Maybe its a bit hypocritical, I don't know, but if they want to organize such an event go ahead. It is very sad and disgusting that it is needed though to make people feel safe.


We are talking about things that are not exclusive to some ethnic groups here.
I don't know anything about this festival but there have been massive instances of the same kind as the Köln one here in Sweden. The police covered it up because they didn't want to make immigrants look bad.


Anyone who is in favor of this/ supports this should check their morals because this measure it blatantly sexist.

This can't be said enough. Lots of hipocrisy imo.

Can we agree that men aren't a minority? So it's not discrimination to exclude men from a specific event. It's not like there aren't a bunch of other rock festivals. Judging by some of the outrage, it's also wrong to exclude men from women's dressing rooms and showers.

C'mon dude it IS discrimination. Also, among those men you have gays, migrants, POC and etc. I'm pretty sure they fit your idea of minority.


Can we agree that men aren't a minority? So it's not discrimination to exclude men from a specific event. It's not like there aren't a bunch of other rock festivals. Judging by some of the outrage, it's also wrong to exclude men from women's dressing rooms and showers.

Discrimination: "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex."

Men are a group so still can be discriminated against. Also typically there are mens only dressing rooms and showers so that analogy doesn't really work.


They don't have to ban all the men, just the ones who are immigrants from third world countries.
I hope it doesn't sound racist, but that's the hard thruth.
And it's not like banning only immigrant men is any worse than banning all men.


That's... That's something else.


Ignoring if it is sexist or not...

I wonder how legal it is. Refusing entry to people based on gender could well break some anti-discrimination laws.
You know I can't help but think a far better idea is to actually combat the assault problem with alcohol limits, good park design, alert/tracking functionality in the festival app, on-site law enforcement and emergency medical responders, etc, and set a model for how to have a safe festival so all festivals can learn to take it seriously.

This idea is divisive and like throwing your hands up and it promotes the toxic idea that men are natural born predators and multiple genders coexisting together in the same space is inherently dangerous.
While I'm usually against any form of exclusion based on accidents of birth, given that the goal of this is to have a festival that doesn't have a massive amount of rapes for once, I'm finding it hard to be against the idea.

Because as much as I'm for gender equality, I'm definitely more strongly against rape.


Can you prove that no "non-male" committed sexual assault during this festival?

edit : Actually no, you have to prove that it is impossible for "non-males" to commit sexual assault.

Of course I can't prove that it is impossible for "non-males" to commit sexual assault, it is a real thing that happens. I don't live in a fantasy world.

However we are talking about how we respond to what has happened, not responding to what might happen. What has happened is that the festival organizers decided to cancel next year's festival, because of the high level of sexual assaults. Basically they're saying they are unable to make the festival safe for all participants, which is their goal. This is how they responded to something that has happened.

The "man-free" festival is another entity entirely. And in response to what happened in the cancelled festival, it is for those who have behaved themselves and more often than not are the targets of those sexual assaults.

It's not built on hypothetical "who can commit sexual assaults?" -thinking.
You know I can't help but think a far better idea is to actually combat the assault problem with alcohol limits, good park design, alert/tracking functionality in the festival app, on-site law enforcement and emergency medical responders, etc, and set a model for how to have a safe festival so all festivals can learn to take it seriously.

This idea is divisive and like throwing your hands up and it promotes the toxic idea that men are natural born predators and multiple genders coexisting together in the same space is inherently dangerous.

Sure it would be better to actually take steps to increase the safety of festivals, but like with the base problem of just the number of men committing sexual assaults, organizers of this festival/perhaps government or society in general find it too taxing financially and effort-wise to bother. The sad thing is that a female-only festival would be both cheaper and safer at the moment. It also takes less effort and no investment to just protest against such a festival, so we're basically at a standstill. People will take issue with a women-only event, but they won't do anything about the bigger problem that created the need for such a thing.
It's like they are saying... maybe its time for men to take fucking responsibility for themselves and other men.

Nahhhhhhh, clearly just discrimination against men!
Okay, please tell me how I should have been perfectly able to prevent those 20 people from raping others, as a man. How am I able to get through to these people and keep them from committing sexual assault, and how am I responsible for the actions of these individuals solely because I am a man?

Do mind that I am NOT against this measure. I fucking hate that it's come to this. But I understand.

However, men being responsible for the actions of other men they don't even know is fucking absurd.
Event was cancelled because of the actions of immigrants. Suggestion it could go ahead without immigrants. I don't see the problem.

Event was cancelled because of the actions of blacks. Suggestion it could go ahead without blacks. I don't see the problem.

Event was cancelled because of the actions of gays. Suggestion it could go ahead without gays. I don't see the problem.

Event was cancelled because of the actions of gingers. Suggestion it could go ahead without gingers. I don't see the problem.

Event was cancelled because of the actions of people with green eyes. Suggestion it could go ahead without any people with green eyes. I don't see the problem.

Hmmm, is it just me or your post is incredibly bigoted and dumb if you take, I don't know, just one fucking second to think about it?

I love how males fantasies about what may happen should hold more weight then the reality of what is actually happening.
Just ignore the real problem and focus on these here made up ones from my head.

I also love how the same people who rave about discrimination at hypothetical festivals and movie showings never talk about womens help lines (kvinnojour) or womens shelter (which by their logic are sexist and thus bad)...
So we have places were we do segregate by sex, but since they are normal things we don't bat an eye.
I think we must recognize that self segregation is a tool that we can use.
If we use said tool we must be clear with the goal and the reasoning behind.
I say the reasoning and the goal in having a female festival.


But what if you already know that groping is illegal?

Can you be let in then? Or do you have to wait until every man on planet earth learns that it's illegal. Even then, how do we even know that every man alive knows that?
I do wonder, what is the situation like on comparable festivals? We have a ton of them here in Holland, but I haven't heard about rapes taking place there.

What is the difference then? Lacking security, organization failing, location unfit, too many people attending, more unfriendly crowd for some reason?


I do wonder, what is the situation like on comparable festivals? We have a ton of them here in Holland, but I haven't heard about rapes taking place there.

What is the difference then? Lacking security, organization failing, location unfit, too many people attending, more unfriendly crowd for some reason?

According to some it's because of raised awareness. I'm not sure what to believe to be honest.


Who is going to be left to go to the concert when they realize women can sexually assault as well? If <1% of people who share a chromosome with you doing something bad is good enough to ban you from events, that justifies the arbitrary segregation of any and every event by any bullshit reason.
Who is going to be left to go to the concert when they realize women can sexually assault as well? If <1% of people who share a chromosome with you doing something bad is good enough to ban you from events, that justifies the arbitrary segregation of any and every event by any bullshit reason.

For these particular concerts, it seems the perpetrators have been men. Maybe you've seen some reports I haven't, but this event doesn't seem to have had any sexual assaults by women. It's not hard to see why they've suggested what they have.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
40k attendees.

Assume half are men. 27 incidents. Assuming that they were commited by a different individual each...

99.99% of the attending men did not commit sexual assault.
0.1% did

"All men are rapists, therefore they're excluded"

Don't get me wrong, sexual assault is vile but if you were to profile a collective on 0.1% incidence rate, you'd be lambasted an rightfully so.

As a comparison, 2.7% african americans are in jail right now. Profiling african americans for a 2.7% incidence is a repulsive practice that regularly gets condemned (as it should) .


40k attendees.

Assume half are men. 27 incidents. Assuming that they were commited by a different individual each...

99.99% of the attending men did not commit sexual assault.
0.1% did

"All men are rapists, therefore they're excluded"

Don't get me wrong, sexual assault is vile but if you were to profile a collective on 0.1% incidence rate, you'd be lambasted an rightfully so.

Mmm. The next year's festival was cancelled due to high rate of sexual assaults. Meaning the organizers concluded they're unable to keep the attendees safe on a level they hope to. No one is excluded from the festival, because there is no festival to be excluded from.

The "man-free" festival is entirely a different thing.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Mmm. The next year's festival was cancelled due to high rate of sexual assaults. Meaning the organizers concluded they're unable to keep the attendees safe on a level they hope to. No one is excluded from the festival, because there is no festival to be excluded from.

The "man-free" festival is entirely a different thing.

I agree that any sexual assault is too much sexual assault, but if I understand correctly the organising of the man-free festival is related to what happened.

My question stands, do you think it's OK to profile a collective based on a 0.1% incidence?
Sure it would be better to actually take steps to increase the safety of festivals, but like with the base problem of just the number of men committing sexual assaults, organizers of this festival/perhaps government or society in general find it too taxing financially and effort-wise to bother. The sad thing is that a female-only festival would be both cheaper and safer at the moment. It also takes less effort and no investment to just protest against such a festival, so we're basically at a standstill. People will take issue with a women-only event, but they won't do anything about the bigger problem that created the need for such a thing.

Well, to be fair to them, it could be that they're working on it now and canceled the event precisely because they realized they would be unable to have the event safely without retooling. I would like to see them take a swing at it, and be an example to other festivals, because this 'man-free' approach really solves nothing.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I love how males fantasies about what may happen should hold more weight then the reality of what is actually happening.
Just ignore the real problem and focus on these here made up ones from my head.

I also love how the same people who rave about discrimination at hypothetical festivals and movie showings never talk about womens help lines (kvinnojour) or womens shelter (which by their logic are sexist and thus bad)...
So we have places were we do segregate by sex, but since they are normal things we don't bat an eye.
I think we must recognize that self segregation is a tool that we can use.
If we use said tool we must be clear with the goal and the reasoning behind.
I say the reasoning and the goal in having a female festival.
I agree that any sexual assault is too much sexual assault, but if I understand correctly the organising of the man-free festival is related to what happened.

My question stands, do you think it's OK to profile a collective based on a 0.1% incidence?

The "man free" festival is an idea by a Swedish Comedian.
So the people who run Bråvalla don't have anything to do with it.

The statement that Bråvalla was cancelled cause of sexuall assaults isn't the whole truth.
FKP Scorpio has lost money two years in a row at this festival is no secret.
They still have other festivals in Germany that have had sexual assaults but been successful financially.

But to your point, self segregation is a tool that we use in other circumstances.
It is a tool that shouldn't be taken lightly but if a minority group feels the need to use it and can explain how and why and towards what goals, then they should have the right to use he tools they want.


Here we go again with the "I'm offended by being generelized"-bullshit that is the main response by men when these discussions occur.
Here we go again with the "I'm offended by being generelized"-bullshit that is the main response by men when these discussions occur.
Would you say the same to Muslims who're generalized as terrorists?
"Muslims cannot attend our concert until they learn how to behave."
I mean, that's a decent comparison, isn't it? Muslim extremists have killed hundreds of innocents at concerts with terrorist attacks, and according to that Swedish comedian you can just hold everyone in a group responsible for the awful actions of the few.

It's such an obviously stupid reasoning, I can't see how people can actually defend this. A women only festival? Fine, do what you want, but the reason they're giving to justify it is just dumb.


I agree that any sexual assault is too much sexual assault, but if I understand correctly the organising of the man-free festival is related to what happened.

My question stands, do you think it's OK to profile a collective based on a 0.1% incidence?

To answer your question, it is not OK to profile a collective based on incidents made by small minority within that collective.

But I think it's also OK to create a space or an event that is exclusive for a demographic that is mostly targeted by sexual assaults.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Would you say the same to Muslims who're generalized as terrorists?
"Muslims cannot attend our concert until they learn how to behave."
I mean, that's a decent comparison, isn't it? Muslim extremists have killed hundreds of innocents at concerts with terrorist attacks, and according to that Swedish comedian you can just hold everyone in a group responsible for the awful actions of the few.

It's such an obviously stupid reasoning, I can't see how people can actually defend this. A women only festival? Fine, do what you want, but the reason they're giving to justify it is just dumb.
Men aren't a victimized minority. Stop embarrassing yourselves with these comparisons.
I love how males fantasies about what may happen should hold more weight then the reality of what is actually happening.
Just ignore the real problem and focus on these here made up ones from my head.

I also love how the same people who rave about discrimination at hypothetical festivals and movie showings never talk about womens help lines (kvinnojour) or womens shelter (which by their logic are sexist and thus bad)...
So we have places were we do segregate by sex, but since they are normal things we don't bat an eye.
I think we must recognize that self segregation is a tool that we can use.
If we use said tool we must be clear with the goal and the reasoning behind.
I say the reasoning and the goal in having a female festival.

I have no issues with the measures taken at this festival, but I'd disagree that this is equivalent to women's shelters or women's suicide hotlines. This festival is different from a drastic measure taken for the safety of women who are at immediate risk of harm. It's a place of entertainment.

To the people mentioning that the 99.9% is innocent: it IS unfair. It IS REALLY FUCKING UNFAIR. And that's just one of the (innumerable) reasons why we hate the myriad sexual assaulters out there for ruining things. It's their fault that drastic measures like this have to be taken.
I don't know if GAF can emotionally handle another women's event existing, even if for most of them it's in a country thousands of miles away that they'd never attend.
I have no issues with the measures taken at this festival, but I'd disagree that this is equivalent to women's shelters or women's suicide hotlines. This festival is different from a drastic measure taken for the safety of women who are at immediate risk of harm. It's a place of entertainment.

To the people mentioning that the 99.9% is innocent: it IS unfair. It IS REALLY FUCKING UNFAIR. And that's just one of the (innumerable) reasons why we hate the myriad sexual assaulters out there for ruining things. It's their fault that drastic measures like this have to be taken.

Well women ARE being harmed at the festivals so your your point about it being something for entertainment doesn't really hold water if the female audience members are being harassed or violated.
So they aren't that different really since both measures focus on making women feel safe.

Well, I think we're getting there when all men are held responsible for rape.

Let me guess a tumblr feminist hurt your feeling once and now you think it is more important to defend men from imaginary situations then women and their right to use segregation as a tool.
Men aren't a victimized minority. Stop embarrassing yourselves with these comparisons.

Just because they're not a minority doesn't make this suggestion any less stupid. It's still sexist. Or do you believe men can't be discriminated against?

You can't punish an entire group for the actions of a few. If you follow that logic, you're endorsing the following (some of these I have seen argued by actual stupid people)

"Well the majority of cyber crimes are committed by people from Russia, better not let Russia have access to the internet"

"Well the majority of crimes in St. Louis are committed by African Americans, better force them all out"

"The majority of terrorist attacks are carried out by Muslims, better not let them in the country" is the actual mentality some people in America have.

You should never judge a group of people, be it a gender, ethnicity, or religion, based on the actions of a few members of said group.
Men aren't a victimized minority. Stop embarrassing yourselves with these comparisons.


It's absolutely ridiculous. Think about those poor men. They're totally feel discriminated against in the same way as Muslims. Both on par. Exactly the same.


Saint Titanfall
Men aren't a victimized minority. Stop embarrassing yourselves with these comparisons.
Some men are but in the context of gender dynamics globally you are correct. The logic is fundamentally flawed there's no two ways about but whether that matters to an individual person is the point of contention. Is it ok to discriminate against men as a based on the actions of a few? I very easy to see why in the grand scheme of things yes it's alright I mean it's a festival and men as a demographic don't recieved anywhere near the same problems as women do.

Ultimately I feel H protagonists point is the most salient one unless all future festivals and events in general will be gender segregated people who feel outraged by this their time would be better spent spent raising awareness and coming up with potential solutions than simply just attempting to stop this.

I feel if things are this bad why not just gender segregate the concert with a clear line and security. Still segregation but your not discriminating attendance.

Important to not I'm not against women's only functions sexual only functions etc. But I feel when done specifically in response to something like this it gets very iffy.
Well women ARE being harmed at the festivals so your your point about it being something for entertainment doesn't really hold water if the female audience members are being harassed or violated.
So they aren't that different really since both measures focus on making women feel safe.
A serious question, then: Why aren't women advocating for full-on social segregation if that's the case? The argument that any man is a potential rapist holds true for any public space, no? (I don't mean this as a counterargument, I really want to know.)

Is it just the fact that festivals are rife with sexual assault incidents? Then shouldn't we attempt to segregate bars and the like as well?
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