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Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together |OT|: Fat Bottomed Girls

Fimbulvetr said:
I thought most Ores had 99% chance?

I can sorta see why they made it this way, because crafted items usually end up two weapon levels higher than the weapon they were made from in the first place.

Though, they should have just made crafting items rarer/more expensive and remove the chance of failure.
Sorry, maybe my wording was kind of confusing. What I was trying to say is that it feels rewarding to get a nice new weapon or piece of armor after spending all that time meticulously crafting the ingredients. The failure part of my comment was directed solely at the "final craft" so to speak, where you actually make the new weapon/armor/jewelry that you're going to be using.

Making the crafting more expensive would have been a fine alternative to potentially losing your weapons/armor/jewelry.


Fimbulvetr said:
I thought most Ores had 99% chance?

I can sorta see why they made it this way, because crafted items usually end up two weapon levels higher than the weapon they were made from in the first place.

Though, they should have just made crafting items rarer/more expensive and remove the chance of failure.

It's only a requirement if you pick "we have to help her".

If you don't you can finish the mission even with her dead.

What do you mean "remember the spell"?

You buy the spell or whatever, go to magic and "learn." Anyone can use the spell in combat but to actually get the ability permanently you have to be at a certain level. It indicates the level in the shop, but it doesn't indicate whether your actual mage is at that level. At least I couldn't figure that out until I backed out. I understand they are having to display a ton of information, I just think it's unclear in most cases (at least early on).

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Peff said:
Heh, crafting is actually new to this release! There are a couple of UI issues that kinda reek of a lack of time in QA/budget, like the very barebones crafting or how unbalanced skill growth is, so hopefully the team can get another shot.

Didn't know it wasn't in. Shame it wasn't given as much forethought. Many crafting systems employ the 'failure' design, especially in jRPG's. Occasionally with the rare benefit(ie. Star Ocean 3) wherein the failed recipe elicits a rare unforeseen mutated item that is even more beneficial/powerful, or just plain something else entirely. Even that sort of reward isn't worth the risk of pure junk failure though, which is pure punishment to the minor percentage of the player base that utilizes the feature. Ultimately though, they all conspire to have the player save/reload which is a manipulative measure to 'game' the system for no intelligent reasoning.

Just a pet peeve of mine for a long time, as I adore a well realized crafting system.
see5harp said:
You buy the spell or whatever, go to magic and "learn." Anyone can use the spell in combat but to actually get the ability permanently you have to be at a certain level. It indicates the level in the shop, but it doesn't indicate whether your actual mage is at that level. At least I couldn't figure that out until I backed out. I understand they are having to display a ton of information, I just think it's unclear in most cases (at least early on).

Uh, yeah it does.

Hold square and move to the left or right until page on the right side of the screen is displaying a bunch of character icons. Icons that have a blue circle can learn the highlighted spell(or equip the weapon), icons with a red x and a number on them mean that unit can learn the spell but are not at the right level yet, icons with a red X and darkened portrait cannot learn the spell.

This works both in the Party menu, and Shops for all Equips, Spells, and Skills.


Fimbulvetr said:
Uh, yeah it does.

Hold square and move to the left or right until page on the right side of the screen is displaying a bunch of character icons. Icons that have a blue circle can learn the highlighted spell(or equip the weapon), icons with a red x and a number on them mean that unit can learn the spell but are not at the right level yet, icons with a red X and darkened portrait cannot learn the spell.

This works both in the Party menu, and Shops for all Equips, Spells, and Techniques.

I've seen that screen and it wasn't clear to me. Thanks.


Fimbulvetr said:
Uh, yeah it does.

Hold square and move to the left or right until page on the right side of the screen is displaying a bunch of character icons. Icons that have a blue circle can learn the highlighted spell(or equip the weapon), icons with a red x and a number on them mean that unit can learn the spell but are not at the right level yet, icons with a red X and darkened portrait cannot learn the spell.

This works both in the Party menu, and Shops for all Equips, Spells, and Techniques.

Also, icons with a red X and a highlighted portrait means that the unit can use the technique/spell, but cannot learn it.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Fimbulvetr said:
Uh, yeah it does.

Hold square and move to the left or right until page on the right side of the screen is displaying a bunch of character icons. Icons that have a blue circle can learn the highlighted spell(or equip the weapon), icons with a red x and a number on them mean that unit can learn the spell but are not at the right level yet, icons with a red X and darkened portrait cannot learn the spell.

This works both in the Party menu, and Shops for all Equips, Spells, and Skills.

I think what he is asking if that menu is dynamic. As in, if the red x turns into a blue circle when your mage is at a good enough level to learn the spell. I assume it does, but I haven't tested it yet to be certain.
Brandon F said:
I think what he is asking if that menu is dynamic. As in, if the red x turns into a blue circle when your mage is at a good enough level to learn the spell. I assume it does, but I haven't tested it yet to be certain.
It does. Honestly I started loving the UI after spending some quality time with the game.
Brandon F said:
I think what he is asking if that menu is dynamic. As in, if the red x turns into a blue circle when your mage is at a good enough level to learn the spell. I assume it does, but I haven't tested it yet to be certain.

No he wasn't.

But yes it does change. Why wouldn't it?
Brandon F said:
I think what he is asking if that menu is dynamic. As in, if the red x turns into a blue circle when your mage is at a good enough level to learn the spell. I assume it does, but I haven't tested it yet to be certain.

If a class will learn to use an item/ability/spell later, the level is listed right there. That at least is pretty clear.
Why hasn't this thread told me how awesome the Berserker skill Sanguine Assault is? It seems to over-double my damage for 50 TP, and then I still can critical on top of that? Fuck yes.
platypotamus said:
Why hasn't this thread told me how awesome the Berserker skill Sanguine Assault is? It seems to over-double my damage for 50 TP, and then I still can critical on top of that? Fuck yes.

Actually it adds on 50%.

But yeah it's pretty amazing, Berserkers start off kinda like Warriors with low defense, but later on their massive damage output starts to become more apparent. Combined with Sanguine Assault they can match or exceed dual wielders.


Mr. Wonderful said:
Where can I get new Fusil/gun weapons?

Though you should also know that the final area has a huge spike in difficulty, so you might want/need to sidequest it up some.

So I just reached the
Hanging Gardens
. I'm not too enthusiastic about playing through this.. Just how long is this place?
Fimbulvetr said:
Actually it adds on 50%.

But yeah it's pretty amazing, Berserkers start off kinda like Warriors with low defense, but later on their massive damage output starts to become more apparent. Combined with Sanguine Assault they can match or exceed dual wielders.

I think it adds 50% to str for the strike, but the end result in damage seems to be over double a lot of the time for me (unsure what damage formula actually is). I've literally watched the number change before/after skill activation and it'll go from let's say 40ish to 110ish. Then I'll crit and get 150.

Hell, I was just on a dragon heavy fight and my berserker's base damage against dragons was like 25 and after activating the skill was 70-80. It was great!

Fimbulvetr said:
Yeah, it's called going to the icon that says "End Turn" and pressing X.

And if you didn't know, you can press "up" rather than scrolling down through the list. It wraps.


Neo Member
anddo0 said:
So I just reached the
Hanging Gardens
. I'm not too enthusiastic about playing through this.. Just how long is this place?
The shortest way
involves going through six of the eighteen floors with the use of hidden doors. After that there are three other areas with more than one battle taking place at the last one.
Y.Matsuno posted these on twitter:


Looks like game plan for what Ogre Battle Episode VII was first intended to be but I'm not sure since I don't speak japanese.
It was originally gonna have "Somebody To Love" as a subtitle? Awesome.

Also, just completed the full Chapter 4 version of Phorampa Wildwood for the first time. Didn't expect 'Wonder at the Gods Above' to be a
hole to the underworld. At least the undead that appear in the Wildwood suddenly make sense.
Finally beat the game for the first time today. (Chaos). Is it worth doing Neutral, or should I just go right to Law to get the DLC?

All in all, I think I enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics's story more than Let Us Cling Together. Note that's comparing God and Jesus, however. I felt like the Valerian Isles weren't nearly as fleshed out (or maybe it was the characters that weren't), and the game required you to read way too much of the Warren Report and do a majority of the sidequests in order to actual make decent sense of the complete story and world. And even so, I was left with my head kind of scratching.

Though of course, I think this was done with the idea that this was part of a larger story. By itself, currently, however, I think it is easy to get confused.
Brandon F said:

So I am moving along and I hit some battle where I am supposed to save some AI chick. Well the battle starts me off with my party on one end of the map and she is alone on the opposite side.

Two turns later I am just barely able to even get my group moving out of the shitty boxed corner the game forces me in at the start, and the AI girl is dead from mage spells and archer fire(also she is an AI idiot that seems suicidal). Game Over when she dies...WTF, Game Over? I seriously was doing all I could to move my ass over to her. It's not like I made any grievous tactical errors during the fight, hell I didn't even have a chance to fight yet!

This game is full of too much BS at the start. I was shocked when it sent me to Game Over after her insipid death. I'm like 6 battles into the entire game! Including the tutorial ones! The Necromancer was a stupid beginner trap, one that I scraped through barely, but I can forgive. But this was pure BS.

It really isnt that big of a deal as you can just continue where you left off. The levels you are mentioning are bringing you up to speed on the strategy part of the game. I just finished this part of the game (I am just starting) and didnt get upset when I lost because I could just go back and start again.


I don't speak any japanese either but that's definitely the very first concepts for what would eventually become Let Us Cling Together.

Wait, someone above mentioned DLC?

I've clocked over 100 hours in this game so far, and I had never heard of this. A little googling implies that the DLC is already on the disc, but can someone tell me how exactly to do the DLC?

I've already done the Iuria sidequest.
Anonymous Tipster said:
Wait, someone above mentioned DLC?

I've clocked over 100 hours in this game so far, and I had never heard of this. A little googling implies that the DLC is already on the disc, but can someone tell me how exactly to do the DLC?

I've already done the Iuria sidequest.
Go back to Heim to trigger the quest to find Warren at the bottom of the Palace of the Dead.


I finished the main game earlier tonight. Still as amazing as it was a decade ago.

Now my question is I heard some of the ch.4 optional stuff and post-game DLC stuff scales according to your levels and some doesn't. Now my party is only around lvl.24/25/26 currently, so it seems like if there is scaling I should do the scaling stuff first while my levels are low and then do the static level stuff later.

What's a good order to do the ch.4 optional events and post-game CODA events? The only ch.4 optional event I did on my first run was
recruiting Ozma.
Bebpo said:
I finished the main game earlier tonight. Still as amazing as it was a decade ago.

Now my question is I heard some of the ch.4 optional stuff and post-game DLC stuff scales according to your levels and some doesn't. Now my party is only around lvl.24/25/26 currently, so it seems like if there is scaling I should do the scaling stuff first while my levels are low and then do the static level stuff later.

Everything scales once you start using WORLD, so that's not something you really need to worry about.
What's a good order to do the ch.4 optional events and post-game CODA events? The only ch.4 optional event I did on my first run was
recruiting Ozma.

You can't really do a lot of this stuff in chapter 4 out of order, because when using WORLD, the game only remembers what you've done if you advance the story to the next anchor point, and even then it only effects anchor points you overwrite. So if you jump back to the middle of the chapter and do a quest and then jump back to the coda, the game won't recognize anything you've done in the warren report/story/world status.

The coda stuff has to be done in a particular order, and to finish all of it you'll need
all the Xenobians, Vyce, and Catiua alive.
Fimbulvetr said:
It was originally gonna have "Somebody To Love" as a subtitle? Awesome.
Actually he later gave FFT's chapter 4 the title of "Somebody to Love"
(about the relations between Delita & Ovilia who feel the same in the beginning).
But that was scrapped in PSP's pretentious version.


Clocked around 20 hours on chapter 3 (law) right now, and holy shit at
the Mount Weobry fight with all the dragons and undead
i swear it must have taken me 2 hours to beat that fight, constantly healing my units and reserving my TP for finishing attacks.. i really should have bought some exorcist scrolls and dragoons, i probably wouldn't have taken so long lolz.
Basileus777 said:
Go back to Heim to trigger the quest to find Warren at the bottom of the Palace of the Dead.

Thank you for that information, and that of your next post.

So it looks like the Law path is the only way to do the DLC. That explains it, I CODA'd with the Chaos path.

Looks like it's time to go back again!


After playing 50 hours straight I think I am going to take some little break. However, it feels like I am playing this game wrong. FFT was one of two games I have mastered completely. Finished every sidequest. Knew the game inside out and even exploit the system heavily.

Not this game. It feels like I am doing everything wrong. I haven't recruited some character, and whats up with the diffuculty spike and the start of chapter 4? Seriously, I am starting to get annoyed at some of the things that the game throws at me.

I wish there were a thief class so I could steal most of the armor of the enemies since they are way powerful and it feels that I should be doing something that would make me comparable to them.

Seriously, is it just me, is there a crazy difficulty spike at the start of chapter 4?
It seems that enemies are hitting me 100+ damage while I am taking around 20 from thier HP whenever I attack them. I am talking about Random encounters, even in the easiest maps.

Any tips?
faridmon said:
Seriously, is it just me, is there a crazy difficulty spike at the start of chapter 4?
It seems that enemies are hitting me 100+ damage while I am taking around 20 from thier HP whenever I attack them. I am talking about Random encounters, even in the easiest maps.

What the hell?

I'm not even sure this is possible. I thought you were complaining about the Ozma/Diego fights, but random battles?

I mean, I'm gonna just dump the blame on you anyway but....
faridmon said:
Seriously, is it just me, is there a crazy difficulty spike at the start of chapter 4?
It seems that enemies are hitting me 100+ damage while I am taking around 20 from thier HP whenever I attack them. I am talking about Random encounters, even in the easiest maps.

Any tips?

Sounds like your levels might have gotten high enough that the equipment in the stores is worse than the equipment your random encounter enemies have. You can sometimes gets lucky and get some of their equipment from a drop, but what I found easier was recruiting one of them, robbing them blind, and then kicking them out.

Phorampa Wildwood is a good place to do this.


faridmon said:
After playing 50 hours straight I think I am going to take some little break. However, it feels like I am playing this game wrong. FFT was one of two games I have mastered completely. Finished every sidequest. Knew the game inside out and even exploit the system heavily.

Not this game. It feels like I am doing everything wrong. I haven't recruited some character, and whats up with the diffuculty spike and the start of chapter 4? Seriously, I am starting to get annoyed at some of the things that the game throws at me.

I wish there were a thief class so I could steal most of the armor of the enemies since they are way powerful and it feels that I should be doing something that would make me comparable to them.

Seriously, is it just me, is there a crazy difficulty spike at the start of chapter 4?
It seems that enemies are hitting me 100+ damage while I am taking around 20 from thier HP whenever I attack them. I am talking about Random encounters, even in the easiest maps.

Any tips?

It would actually help if you clarify which character you are having problems recruitting. Also: there IS a Thief class (named Rogue) but they can't steal equipment so what you do is persuade enemy units then strip them of their items to finally kick them out of your party.

Doing this helps a lot because: usually enemy units have better gear than the one available from the shops and you can then spend the money crafting superior items.

If your main source for gear are the shops and you have increased your level because of too many random encounters then you are absolutely in for a hard time.


Anonymous Tipster said:
Sounds like your levels might have gotten high enough that the equipment in the stores is worse than the equipment your random encounter enemies have. You can sometimes gets lucky and get some of their equipment from a drop, but what I found easier was recruiting one of them, robbing them blind, and then kicking them out.

Phorampa Wildwood is a good place to do this.
Ahh, that makes perfect sense. Yeah, I kind of overlevelled and it the logic that the enemies might have better equipment as I can't find good equipment in the shops. Damn.

Xaekid said:
It would actually help if you clarify which character you are having problems recruitting. Also: there IS a Thief class (named Rogue) but they can't steal equipment so what you do is persuade enemy units then strip them of their items to finally kick them out of your party.

Doing this helps a lot because: usually enemy units have better gear than the one available from the shops and you can then spend the money crafting superior items.

If your main source for gear are the shops and you have increased your level because of too many random encounters then you are absolutely in for a hard time.
Damn, so I can't steal armors heh, Well I thought as much.

I have missed lot of charcters just because I have chosen the wrong answers for the choices I had to make. Going to the Chaos route never helped as well.

Also, I missed the Event that would net me Rogue Diego since I went after recruiting Ozma. Will I be able to recruite him as well? I love guns in my SRPGs.

I shall look into recruiting as I have never did it before, buit for now, I think I am sort of burnout from the game and I shall take a little break from it.

Fimbulvetr said:
I mean, I'm gonna just dump the blame on you anyway but....
Haha. That works as well.
Jerk said:
Diego's class is awful with guns anyway (he can only use one). The gunner class comes a little later.

He's hardly awful with guns. One handed guns aren't that weak, especially once you get some of the better ones in the post-game.


Basileus777 said:
He's hardly awful with guns. One handed guns aren't that weak, especially once you get some of the better ones in the post-game.

Well, before then, there is only one 1-handed gun. Even after getting them, he does not get any skills that augment their use.
Jerk said:
Well, before then, there is only one 1-handed gun. Even after getting them, he does not get any skills that augment their use.

Well there's two if you include the Rimfire +1, and it's not like there is a much larger amount of 2-Handed guns either. Speedstar, high movement, good class stats, the ability to use a melee weapon with a gun...that's plenty to offset the lack of gunner TP abilities.
i took a break after i got diego. how did you guys get better guns? i don't have a recipe, so the only way would be heading into a dungeon and look around to recruit a fusilier.

i almost had one recruited, but that asshole rushed into my party and killed himself by shooting my cleric with reflect damage on.


Loving this game. There's some shittiness with the UI and crafting, but otherwise, it's completely ace.

I really hope this does well, it's about the only chance we have to see a new Ogre series game, or a new game from Matsuno.
Off topic: Does anyone know which version of Queen's Greatest Hits has the best mastering and is the most extensive? There's literally almost ten of them, and the one that is the most extensive (The Greatest Hits I and II) sound like shit. That, and the 2009 remasters don't have many classics like Fat Bottomed Girls.

Damn you Matsuno for sharing your love of Queen!

Trying to decide if I want to take a break between Chaos and Law to play my backlog that has built up since I purchased Tactics Ogre. If I started now, I could get close to beating Dragon Quest VI by the time Portal 2 comes out, and then I would only have to juggle TO on Law and Radiant Historia.

Not to mention the fact that Tactics Ogre's crazy amount of content would make it the perfect summer game.
Mr. Wonderful said:
Off topic: Does anyone know which version of Queen's Greatest Hits has the best mastering and is the most extensive? There's literally almost ten of them, and the one that is the most extensive (The Greatest Hits I and II) sound like shit. That, and the 2009 remasters don't have many classics like Fat Bottomed Girls.

Greatest Hits I and II just received excellent remasters in January (outside of the US), but you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't just wait out the remasters of the full album catalog which are following starting this month. :p
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