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Tales of Graces ƒ |OT| Gracing the PS3 with the Best RPG Combat

Child arc done and like an hour into the main arc. The introduction of B-artes adds quite a bit to the already interesting battle system. Still don't quite have the hang of it, but I'm getting there. Finally had a challenging battle with that
wolf thing in the burned town.

Should I be playing on hard?


Child arc done and like an hour into the main arc. The introduction of B-artes adds quite a bit to the already interesting battle system. Still don't quite have the hang of it, but I'm getting there. Finally had a challenging battle with that
wolf thing in the burned town.

Should I be playing on hard?

It's honestly up to you. At that point in the game I was having trouble on hard so went one lower, and after I got the hang of the system i've been on hard ever since.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Moderate is advisable though. Normal is easy.

Funny cutscene:

At Fendel Region
Sophie: Those peaches look familiar...
Cheria: Sure do!
Sophie: Kinda like a small version of Cheria's butt!
Child arc done and like an hour into the main arc. The introduction of B-artes adds quite a bit to the already interesting battle system. Still don't quite have the hang of it, but I'm getting there. Finally had a challenging battle with that
wolf thing in the burned town.

Should I be playing on hard?

I can usually handle hard for regular enemies but I bring it down to moderate for bosses. You can always adjust it if you lose against bosses.

On a related note, just beat
Slime Queen
on moderate. I guess since I was on a lower difficultly level and I been grinding in this cave for a bit, but I was still surprised at how easy it fell. Probably could have minute it if I didn't go all gun-ho when I saw how little HP it had left and blew all strategy to the wind.


Moderate is advisable though. Normal is easy.

Funny cutscene:

At Fendel Region
Sophie: Those peaches look familiar...
Cheria: Sure do!
Sophie: Kinda like a small version of Cheria's butt!

Even for first-time players? I've never played a Tales game before. I kind of get the gist of the combat, but I don't really understand artes just yet.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Even for first-time players? I've never played a Tales game before. I kind of get the gist of the combat, but I don't really understand artes just yet.

If you find normal pretty easy, I recommend you move to moderate. It's slightly a step-up from normal and some enemies can hit hard, so you need to strategize here a bit.


Tragic victim of fan death
Moderate is advisable though. Normal is easy.

Funny cutscene:

At Fendel Region
Sophie: Those peaches look familiar...
Cheria: Sure do!
Sophie: Kinda like a small version of Cheria's butt!

Gosh so freaking hilarious.


If you find normal pretty easy, I recommend you move to moderate. It's slightly a step-up from normal and some enemies can hit hard, so you need to strategize here a bit.

I'm all for more strategy. Will give it a try once I've finished a little more work...darn obligations e_e
I play on moderate on boss fights, hard everywhere else. Seems to me the sweetspot for me overall. I could probably getting away with doing the boss fights on hard as well, but I'm in the mood for a more comfortable pace with this game.


dammit there's no retry button if you die one a random encounter.

messed up real bad in a fight on hard mode and now i have to start all over from my previous save


dammit there's no retry button if you die one a random encounter.

messed up real bad in a fight on hard mode and now i have to start all over from my previous save

hmmm, that's kind of poopy would have figured there was a retry battle in general... need to make sure I don't die in random encounters then... I hate having to redo stuff because I died.
Just got past the Childhood part. I was already digging the battle system and then I started doing juggle combos and my mind was blown. This game is pretty damn awesome, glad I picked this up as my first Tales game.
I play on moderate on boss fights, hard everywhere else. Seems to me the sweetspot for me overall. I could probably getting away with doing the boss fights on hard as well, but I'm in the mood for a more comfortable pace with this game.
Chaos and above for everthing almost about to unlock evil soon.


Moderate is advisable though. Normal is easy.

Funny cutscene:

At Fendel Region
Sophie: Those peaches look familiar...
Cheria: Sure do!
Sophie: Kinda like a small version of Cheria's butt!

Haha, I came to post this. Just made it to the Fendel region, myself. Sophie is just full of useful information. :}

I love the victory banter in this game. Especially since the characters don't stand around like statues while saying their lines, but rather are animated in appropriate fashion, based on what they're saying.
Quick question, does Hubert get a 2CC arte for the left/right movement in the childhood arc? I've got an empty space for one but I've maxed his only title.


I like how Chaos just all of a sudden went from depressingly easy to one-shotting me. Was hoping to finish up the chapter I was on (and to see if that event is missable or not) in less time but apparently the chapter is a lot longer than I thought it was. Oh dear.


Game is fun. Pascal is really cool. I like this more then Vespeira. That is all.

Pascal was so annoying at first, but dammit, she grew on me. Her interaction with the other characters is great, and their reaction/responses to her are what makes her so awesome.


Master of the Google Search
Man, the wolf thing at the being of the adult arc took so many tries to beat on hard. Final did though. The slime thing after that was also annoying, though I just resorted to level/title grinding a bit. Figured I was underleveled and she went down with a small challenge after that.

Ah, but now I've unlocked "evil" difficulty. Hmmm.....
Pascal's play-style kinda baffles me. Not only is she a squishy mage-character that has to be in melee range for her attacks to work, her A Artes don't seem to be all that damaging or a single hit from another character can mess up her entire chain (knocking the enemy too far back most often). And her A artes comboed into her B artes only work some of the time due to the severe pushback a lot of her characters have.

I have been controlling her myself because I have heard a lot on how her AI sucks no matter what you do.

Trust me, once you can combo into one of her better B artes after a full A arte chain, she's an absolute beast, and there's some bosses where being able to hit them from a good range is a huge advantage. Also, make sure to always have her in manual mode, because semi-auto is awful for her, as you need to be able to judge by yourself which range to use your attacks at.

I'm very pleased at the warm reception Pascal's been getting. Was kinda worried I'd have to start a war against all of you.

I tried playing Pascal, but her playstyle is so odd, lol.

Yeah she takes some getting used to, I spent a few hours playing about with her in the demo a while before I got the game, and then when it arrived it still took me a while to fully get a grasp on how best to play as her. Never looked back though, definitely my favourite to play as (may or may not be related to her also being my favourite).


Played for 3 hours, still on the child arc. I want to play more, but it's nearly 4 in the morning and I'm a little tired.

I really like the game so far. The painterly backgrounds are gorgeous and I think the skits are pretty neat. I'm getting the hang of combat and faring quite well on moderate. Switched to manual control and might change the difficulty to hard.

I have a few gripes, but they're mostly trivial. The aliasing on the characters is an eye sore, especially juxtaposed against the smooth environments. Fixed camera feels very strange, but it hasn't exactly hindered gameplay, so I can live with it. I think the voice acting is solid overall, although Asbel's father sounds like some urbane robot. Really nitpicking here, but character profile stances leave something to be desired. Not a big fan of pointy noses and shriveled jaws. Just looks off.

Biggest surprise for me is that I actually like Sophie. I had written her off based on her appearance, but she's actually pretty amusing. Still can't wait to change her outfit though.

Anyone else sit on the PS3 game selection screen for a while just listening to the music?


I hope the next Tales game is another Destiny game. It would be awesome.
Time wise they should be the next group doing a main Tales game. That's assuming they actually moved to NBSI, and the "Team Symphonia" leads are actually working on a non-Tales game together with Higuchi...

A dog told me.

Seriously, I can't get over that!

Why the hell would a DOG tell you how to skip cutscenes!? 10 hours into the game!
When breaking the third wall, do it with style. ;o)
Just finished the game at over 37 hours - that was a pretty fun ride! Out of the few Tales games I've played, Graces just shot up to #1. But I powered through the end game, so I think I'll take a break for a week or two before I play the Future arc.


°Temp. member
After beating the game, I loaded my save file and got lured into
the zhonar cage
and promptly got demolished. I'm guessing I'll need to do some grinding first. Does this one have fell arms?


Membero Americo
Me: God damn it, the boss is coming toward you, you stupid AI, dodge him! He'll brake your guard!

*AI dies*



I've played through this game like 4 times now and I never fail to get lost at Wallbridge. Most annoying dungeon ever. X_X

Wallbridge was strange.

They basically made a dungeon that tells you to go in one cardinal direction, but there's really northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast and then two to four floors for each of those layers with bridges connecting them. But instead of just being able to freely go through and have it balance out it limits you by not letting you go in certain doors, thus artificially confusing you as to where you're at.

Then they decided that it was a good idea to put two switches that you need to activate in the same direction without telling you which one is the one you actually need. While topping it all off they disproportionally built a center tower without two doors leading to either side of the compound and decided for some random to make the only door face east.

The place just isn't symmetrical and it's needed in a dungeon like that.
So how is the story? Is it better than Vesperia? Vesperia's story was pretty weak. I would rank Abyss as the best story in the US Tales games, for what that's worth.

Maybe three hours in myself. Skyrim has been distracting me.


30 hours in.

I'm in the Lamda Cacoon, going after Richard. God, I hope he is usable for at least 1 dungeon? Even if its the last one. I wanted to use him the whole game, and he hasn't been available really.

Also, how do you get the formal and swimsuit costumes? I thought I heard those were from the story? I can't have all that much story left, and I don't have them.


30 hours in.

I'm in the Lamda Cacoon, going after Richard. God, I hope he is usable for at least 1 dungeon? Even if its the last one. I wanted to use him the whole game, and he hasn't been available really.

Also, how do you get the formal and swimsuit costumes? I thought I heard those were from the story? I can't have all that much story left, and I don't have them.

For the spoiler, if you really really want to know:
Only fully playable in f Arc unfortunately.


Is anyone else having issues where they go in to the XMB to reply to a message or something and the game won't resume when you go back to it?

Hasn't been an issue for me. I don't think I had to press anything to resume when coming back from XMB. Do you pause the game before going into the XMB?

Edit: Well, I went in and out of the XMB several times, and even sent a message, and there's been no issue on my end.
First boss in the adult arc caused me to switch to Moderate from Hard, battles are so much faster off of hard, maybe I will save hard for the second playthrough.

And random question but which playable character gets Indignation in this game?


I'm doing Normal until I get to the last boss. Then I will switch just for those trophies. I'll probably have to grind for the Moderate and up ones.


Huh. Chapter 3 isn't fucking around on Chaos. After the pretty easy
Queen Slime
fight from Chapter 2, the bosses here are ridiculous (well, really just
Cedric; Malik and Victoria were pretty easy
. ~45k HP, cannot be juggled, somehow randomly blocks mid combo string (how?! On my way to an 80-hit combo and then just "lol I blocked mid hit-stun"), and a Mystic Arte that kills whoever it targets. Maybe I should've Dualized better equipment ... somehow.

First boss fight (hell, first fight) where I had to just accept winning with dead people. Regular hits from him were doing 1k+ which kind of made reviving pointless.
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