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Tales of Graces f is the best Tales of... game I've played


Grrr.....well I've heard that Graces f is actually one of the weaker Tales games...

but still, Vesperia >>>

I thought that honor goes to Innocence?

Yuri is already fully developed before the game starts, rather his role is to act as a catalyst for character development for the other characters accompanying him. Also he's smart and awesome and doesn't do anything fucking stupid.

I think that's my problem with Vesperia story wise a bit. It would of been nice if he like became that way throughout the course of the journey instead of being an already fully developed character who remains almost mostly the same. At least he is voiced by Troy Baker.


I think that's my problem with Vesperia story wise a bit. It would of been nice if he like became that way throughout the course of the journey instead of being an already fully developed character. At least he is voiced by Troy Baker.

Yeah maybe, but at the time he was a breath of fresh air from stupid/angsty/kid protagonists. It's fine though since everyone else's development covered for his lack of it. Troy Baker's work on Yuri made me love him forever. If you really care so much though you can always get the direct to DVD prologue First Strike (I think it's called).

Regarding Symphonia, it was merely a good game, not great. Hell it might even teeter on mediocre but I'm thankful for it for introducing me to the Tales series.
Graces' gameplay was a definite change for me coming from Vesperia. The combat was fast and fluent, but using Asbel's A-Artes was pointless since I found myself always being mobbed by obnoxious projectiles and close-ranged enemies. The battlefield was way too confined for my liking, and bosses had way too much Iron-Stance for me to combo on them. (Is this affected by the ACC on a weapon?)

I only found myself hating Asbel since he's Asbel, but I never really cared for the other cast members of the game. I enjoyed the fully drawn sprites for skits, but there weren't a whole lot of skits that really stood out to me. Well there was that one about Peaches and Butts, butt that either questions my maturity or the game's unmemorable skits.

I really hated Graces' story and characters, but it kinda makes up for it in combat when I don't have to spam Infernal Torrent to get rid of mobs and I can actually do a really cool CC replenish combo on a boss which is very rarely for me.

I miss Yuri's infinite by the way.


I think that's my problem with Vesperia story wise a bit. It would of been nice if he like became that way throughout the course of the journey instead of being an already fully developed character who remains almost mostly the same. At least he is voiced by Troy Baker.

That's Karol's arc. I personally found it really refreshing to have a hero who was already self-assured and not full of self-doubt, and as it is he goes through a personal arc as well:
He decides that while you sometimes need to do the dirty thing so that others' hands are clean, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's a bad person who needs to shut himself away.

I also appreciate that he never felt the need to be seen as the hero. After all, I have a feeling that in that world it would be Flynn that would be celebrated as the saviour, and not Yuri and Vesperia.
Heh Heh Heh. Graces story and Asbel hate is always fun to read.

But with that being said, believe it or not, the main heroes were not my main gripe with this game (despite it being my GOTY 2012). That honor goes to how they botched the great setup. As horrible as he gets after the climax, they did set up some pretty good stuff with this game.

They did the whole "seven years and everythings changed" thing pretty good to me. It really interested me on how Asbel realized the consequences of his dream to become a knight and how he reacted to everything getting screwed up at home because of him leaving.

I also agree with the whole pointlessness of the other characters. They try to squeeze a backstory for Malik at the last second, but it's way too rushed to have relevance. But it's not nearly as rushed as Pascal's back story. Scratch that, she doesn't have a back story or character arc at all.

Pascal: I'm a living plot continuation device since there has to be at least one somewhat smart person in this group!

Fourier: GRRR! Why are you a better plot continuation device than me?

Pascal: Noo! I'm sowie!

Fourier: Okay your forgiven, here let me kill these monsters for you.


I also think Lambda could have gone much better. Why the hell did this thing need a backstory at the last minute? That's like giving the thing from space that made Venom a back story (or maybe it DID have a backstory, I don't know, I don't read Spiderman). What was the problem with keeping this thing's back story as: "I'm a parasite from space infecting your friend so I'm evil! Ooooh!" They should have just made him do the Two-Face thing with Richard and have him feed off of his hatred for amusement or something.

At least that could have averted the horrible ending. Somewhat.


if you consider only the bs then maybe, yes.
if not, well, something is wrong since the only decent thing that the game has is the bs.
seriously, even the ost is horrible.


Seems more like they feel the quality of a game is dependent on the story/characters and not... y'know, actual game play and mechanics.

Well, I'm not going to try to speak for other people like you are, but if I wanted to play an RPG where I only cared about the gameplay and the mechanics, I would play one of the countless other RPGs that people make ALL THE FUCKING TIME where the story is just some thing that stays in the background and doesn't drop cutscenes and conversations on your head every half hour. If I'm willing to play an RPG that does have cutscenes all the time and characters who won't shut up, I'd prefer that the story/characters are things that I would actually like and enjoy following.


I have to say... Tales of Graces is easily one of my least favorite in the series that I've played thus far (and trust me, I've played a lot of Tales of).

The thing is, none of the changes made were welcome changes in my mind.

The title system makes EXP seem pointless, its just redundant to have EXP levels increasing your stats and have titles that also increase the same stats that EXP levels increase (and do a far better job at it too, hell a 0 EXP run isn't even that much harder than a normal run from my understanding).

Dualizing is just tedious. I found myself just giving up on it shortly after wallbridge all the way til the end of the game and just lowering the difficulty (I had been playing on Hard => Evil => Chaos and after a while I just took it back down to hard since I hadn't been upgrading my gear).
Then there's the boss fights, honestly... the boss fights in this game are the WORST.

There's only one strategy for every boss, ZERG RUSH. You need to just burn them down asap so they don't continually summon monsters or something equally stupid. Kurt is definitely the worst offender here and he also seems to get a power up at low health for no reason.
Emeraude is just the worst boss I've ever fought in any game. Pushback for no reason any time she moves and she just randomly breaks out of combos for no reason whatsoever, etc etc.

Ugh, this game is a mess compared to other Tales games. I pre-ordered it and I'm only just now getting around to finishing it because it left that bad of a taste in my mouth. I'm only even bothering to finish it because I'd feel I wasted my money if I don't. Coming back to it with much lower expectations... I'm actually starting to enjoy it somewhat but its still far less enjoyable than anything I've played barring GBA Phantasia or Destiny remake (yes, I know a lot of people loved that one but... not me.)

But they rather talk about the loli than reply to this... SEE? SEE WHAT I MEAN?


I don't feel predictable character development, or development from a flaw to something not particularly interesting, makes it not character development though. It's sparse, but it exists, which is more than I can say for much of SO4's cast.
By the standards of Tales of Graces character development, the Star Ocean 4 cast does get development. Lymle is reticent and withdrawn when you meet her, and by the end of the game considers the rest of the party her friends, to the point where she's the one who kind of gets through to Faize once he goes all bad guy. The catgirl finds a place she can call home, and the dumb girl with the angel wings learns to fly.

It's dumb, it's shitty, it's meaningless, and I wouldn't ordinarily call it character development, but it's every bit as well written and meaningful as the garbage in Graces.

And building on things that are disingenuous, I feel like it's similarly disingenuous to ignore the writing in optional things. I don't understand how Star Ocean 4 can be considered better than Graces or at the same level, with the caveat of ignoring like, the other half of the game's content. I don't think "out of sight, out of mind" justifies anything unless we're saying all optional content doesn't count regardless of whether it makes a positive or negative contribution to the writing and characterization. I'm speaking from the point of view of a rather typical (J)RPG player who does much or all of the optional stuff, and from that perspective I can't say Graces is on the same level or lower than Star Ocean 4, even if its not particularly good itself.
Well, first, I didn't ignore any of that stuff. Even if you watch every cutscene, every Private Action, and every Skit, Tales of Graces rubs your nose in the shit(ty writing) a lot more than Star Ocean 4 does, and because of that I think the writing is worse.

What I'm saying is that if you do hate the character writing, you have the option to ignore the Private Action scenes in Star Ocean 4, because the game draws a sharp line in the sand with them and says "These are the Private Actions, they have no bearing on the larger overall plot, and deal exclusively with inter-party relationships." Your understanding of the plot of Star Ocean 4 is no poorer for having skipped the Private Actions than it would have been otherwise.

You can't skip out on all the skits in Tales of Graces, because while most of them are just about inter-party relationships, some of them add to or flesh out the game's actual plot, and there's no differentiation between the two. Your understanding of Tales of Graces is diminished if you skip the skits.

And I feel like Yuri is a pretty shallow character to be honest, but it works for him and their stated intentions. He doesn't have to be more than one-note to me.

Yuri is a fairly complex character by (J)RPG standards, and gets a lot of development throughout the game. That development, however, is pretty low-key, subtle, and open to some interpretation, which is unusual for a JRPG where characters sometimes almost literally say "My issues are resolved now. I am more courageous than before."

First, he has a standard JRPG protagonist character arc where he goes from a good-hearted troublemaker naive to the world outside his home to a grown man who understands much of the world and his place in it. Second, he grapples a lot with the conundrum of a system of laws that is simultaneously a cornerstone of society that keeps the vast majority of people safe and a corrupted institution that can be perverted to allow mass murderers to walk away scot free. And from there branches another arc, where he becomes willing to kill in cold blood in the name of justice, grows increasingly more resolute in his willingness to enforce his will, and then is faced with a series of tougher and tougher decisions that question and test his resolve; he ends the game with a much more moderated attitude toward killing than he had in the middle act.

The depth of his character arc is buoyed by three things: 1) As mentioned, he acts like an actual, reasonable human being with a brain, instead of a cartoonishly exaggerated caricature of a person. 2) The issues that he deals with involve actual dilemmas, where he has a choice to make that has no definitive 'right' answer; therefore, in making the decisions, we learn about his character. And 3) He has a foil in Flynn, whose character is largely defined by making the opposite choice from Yuri. He provides the counter-argument, and is seldom portrayed as having made the 'wrong' decision.

Great literature? No. Particularly good outside the realm of video games? Not really. Actual, honest-to-god, considered character development instead of involving a trope becoming another trope via a trope? Yes, absolutely.


But they rather talk about the loli than reply to this... SEE? SEE WHAT I MEAN?

I just don't think there's any refuting it and it is a Graces thread... I guess they think it is best to let it fall by the wayside.
Can't blame the Graces fans for that one.


The title system makes EXP seem pointless, its just redundant to have EXP levels increasing your stats and have titles that also increase the same stats that EXP levels increase (and do a far better job at it too, hell a 0 EXP run isn't even that much harder than a normal run from my understanding).

Dualizing is just tedious. I found myself just giving up on it shortly after wallbridge all the way til the end of the game and just lowering the difficulty (I had been playing on Hard => Evil => Chaos and after a while I just took it back down to hard since I hadn't been upgrading my gear).
Then there's the boss fights, honestly... the boss fights in this game are the WORST.

There's only one strategy for every boss, ZERG RUSH. You need to just burn them down asap so they don't continually summon monsters or something equally stupid. Kurt is definitely the worst offender here and he also seems to get a power up at low health for no reason.
Emeraude is just the worst boss I've ever fought in any game. Pushback for no reason any time she moves and she just randomly breaks out of combos for no reason whatsoever, etc etc.

Ugh, this game is a mess compared to other Tales games. I pre-ordered it and I'm only just now getting around to finishing it because it left that bad of a taste in my mouth. I'm only even bothering to finish it because I'd feel I wasted my money if I don't. Coming back to it with much lower expectations... I'm actually starting to enjoy it somewhat but its still far less enjoyable than anything I've played barring GBA Phantasia or Destiny remake (yes, I know a lot of people loved that one but... not me.)

Levels are similar to levels in say, Final Fantasy V or Blue Dragon: minor boosts that mainly go towards other aspects of the gameplay. In Graces' case levels are redundant from the perspective of gaining them to get more power, they're more of checkpoints to gain more titles and with it, more abilities. Leveling also increases base stats, and some titles have effects that increase based on a percentage, so to kill two birds with one stone levels act as a marker and as an increase on base stats, to increase the usefulness of the percentage bonuses.

I can see why one would think Dualizing is tedious, but you're not really explaining why you think it's tedious. Nothing I can comment on there.

Graces basically works like most other Tales game in that the best defense is a good offense. The best thing to do is either hit-and-run with your strongest attacks or combo them death. The difficulty of this endeavor pretty much depends on how hard the enemy hits, or whatever things they do to get out of attacks. It helps if you dualize or use the right titles in order to increase stats that aid in things like staggering and holding the enemy (Accuracy), and hit the weaknesses properly for CC boosts, damage increases, and staggering them.
What did I keep saying about this? SKIP CUTSCENES. Then, if you desire, you can imagine a tale using the characters that by default is leagues better than what they're trying in-game! I still don't know why the went to that other planet!

I have to say... Tales of Graces is easily one of my least favorite in the series that I've played thus far (and trust me, I've played a lot of Tales of).

The thing is, none of the changes made were welcome changes in my mind.

The title system makes EXP seem pointless, its just redundant to have EXP levels increasing your stats and have titles that also increase the same stats that EXP levels increase (and do a far better job at it too, hell a 0 EXP run isn't even that much harder than a normal run from my understanding).

Dualizing is just tedious. I found myself just giving up on it shortly after wallbridge all the way til the end of the game and just lowering the difficulty (I had been playing on Hard => Evil => Chaos and after a while I just took it back down to hard since I hadn't been upgrading my gear).
Then there's the boss fights, honestly... the boss fights in this game are the WORST.

There's only one strategy for every boss, ZERG RUSH. You need to just burn them down asap so they don't continually summon monsters or something equally stupid. Kurt is definitely the worst offender here and he also seems to get a power up at low health for no reason.
Emeraude is just the worst boss I've ever fought in any game. Pushback for no reason any time she moves and she just randomly breaks out of combos for no reason whatsoever, etc etc.

Ugh, this game is a mess compared to other Tales games. I pre-ordered it and I'm only just now getting around to finishing it because it left that bad of a taste in my mouth. I'm only even bothering to finish it because I'd feel I wasted my money if I don't. Coming back to it with much lower expectations... I'm actually starting to enjoy it somewhat but its still far less enjoyable than anything I've played barring GBA Phantasia or Destiny remake (yes, I know a lot of people loved that one but... not me.)

Grognard-ass grognard character building systems require effort, but have actual payoff for that work. Opportunity and power.

Emeraude is an MMO raid boss. Once you set up like that, she gets much more managable, and frankly, that's what the battle system is working towards as all excellent RPG tend to include: Control. Controling of the battle first, actual damaging of the boss second, as the enemies have this as a goal to, one of forcing their gameplan on you. It's brilliant and fascinating when it's allowed to sing.

The tools are there, the evidence as well (I ONESHOT that fight on Hard and I never deviated from Hard once). Even fucking Kurt, which pushed this to the limit, had only two weaknesses you could apply and reapply once I tinkered with AI routines to snuff those damn ninja snipers, leaving him much less time to wreak havoc.

Your turn.


What did I keep saying about this? SKIP CUTSCENES. Then, if you desire, you can imagine a tale using the characters that by default is leagues better than what they're trying in-game! I still don't know why the went to that other planet!

Grognard-ass grognard character building systems require effort, but have actual payoff for that work. Opportunity and power.

Emeraude is an MMO raid boss. Once you set up like that, she gets much more managable, and frankly, that's what the battle system is working towards as all excellent RPG tend to include: Control. Controling of the battle first, actual damaging of the boss second, as the enemies have this as a goal to, one of forcing their gameplan on you. It's brilliant and fascinating when it's allowed to sing.

The tools are there, the evidence as well (I ONESHOT that fight on Hard and I never deviated from Hard once). Even fucking Kurt, which pushed this to the limit, had only two weaknesses you could apply and reapply once I tinkered with AI routines to snuff those damn ninja snipers, leaving him much less time to wreak havoc.

Your turn.

I'm not sure what to say, you basically supported my post by saying you zerged the bosses, especially that blurb about Emeraude.

Rpgmonkey said:
I can see why one would think Dualizing is tedious, but you're not really explaining why you think it's tedious. Nothing I can comment on there.
Sorry, not going to go and explain the entire dualize system but the basic idea is... everything about it.
The entire point of dualizing weapons is getting the right qualities on them and leveling those qualities. If you know the process behind that you know why it is tedious. I think you understand that considering you said you can see why one would think it is tedious. I didn't really think it needed any explaining.
That said, its also generally annoying to get the qualities you want via dualizing and its actually sadly best to just farm them (which is tedium in and of itself).

Rpgmonkey said:
Graces basically works like most other Tales game
You thought you'd pull a fast one on me, huh? Well, unfortunately I've played plenty of other Tales games and none of them work like Graces in the boss department so this part of the statement is a bit of a throwaway.

I can't think of too many bosses in other games that continually spawn grunts that are actually more dangerous than the main boss itself. The main reason its easier to zerg most bosses in graces is that you can actually stop them from calling their allies. Most of the bosses would be a cakewalk compared to what they are if not for this.

The few that are annoying solo (very few) like Emeraude are only this way due to gimmicks that previous bosses didn't need to rely on like being able to pushback/damage/stunlock simply by moving and randomly breaking out of combos to do exactly that.
I mean, it is one thing to have a high penetrate value so I can't just easily get a combo going but if I have one going I don't understand why they would make a combo just randomly end on a boss even as you are still hitting it (granted Graces isn't the ONLY game to do that, but at happened in other games you generally aren't punished so hard for it seeing as all she has to do to kill a character is walk forward a bit).


Duke from Vesperia is much, much, much worse than Emeraude.

What did I keep saying about this? SKIP CUTSCENES. Then, if you desire, you can imagine a tale using the characters that by default is leagues better than what they're trying in-game! I still don't know why the went to that other planet!

Uh....I'd wager that's cause that's where Sophie and Lambda is from, not to just go traveling randomly.


In what way is Duke worse than Emeraude?
I can't say I agree with that statement. I've said why I find Emeraude to be a poor boss. Please elaborate.

Oh, and before I even forgot to complain about how poorly the AI reacts to Killing Field which leaves only your character alive pretty much anytime she uses it.
Its more dangerous than her BC/MA... that's just utterly ridiculous.


Graces is alright overall I guess, not as bad as I was led to believe by posts across the internet, I've enjoyed the 50 odd hours I've spent on my playthrough. Asbel & Sophie's conversations all tend to go along the following lines though, which has tested my patience throughout the game:

Asbel: Protect...
Sophie: Friend...
Asbel: Protect.
Sophie: Friend... What is a friend?
Asbel: Protect... friends
Sophie: Friend... protect. Are we friends? I... must protect... friends.

I'm right at the end of the main arc atm, combat is really good (took me a while to adapt to the changes in relation to other tales games, this seems more like an evolution of star ocean 3's system to me) but my god some scenes are just painful to watch
(in addition to the 14~ year old super robot girl with dragonball z powers being far beyond cliche at this point
. The fact that the entire cast have razor sharp wits when it comes to poking fun at each other in skits but are beyond dumb when it comes to working out why the "bad guy" is doing what he's doing has been quite jarring throughout as well. I'd rank it about equal with Vesperia but not up to the standard of Symphonia or Abyss.


Definitely agree with OP, and even though I didn't understand what I was playing for the most part, I'd rank every Team Destiny game that I've played (basically all of them but Destiny R/DC) higher than every TS game in the game play department.

I didn't full get around to playing Vesperia until a few months after I'd beaten Graces, so I actually found it a complete chore to get through, especially with the skill system being unenjoyable. I pretty much avoided fighting as much as I could afford to, whereas Graces I probably fought every enemy I could every time I saw one.

While I do have a tendency to really like story driven games, it's a little bizzare how sometimes people say about Graces battle system and such is "the only thing it had going for it" as if that were some barely significant detail while placing way too much focus on story/characters as if they're the only thing that matter in the quality of a game.


Anyway Kazuya Ishizuka, the TD project lead who always took gameplay first, left so people who prefer the gameplay/plot balance of TS games respectively Hearts and the two Xillias likely get served exclusively in the future.


In what way is Duke worse than Emeraude?
I can't say I agree with that statement. I've said why I find Emeraude to be a poor boss. Please elaborate.

Duke always seem to randomly break out of combos and he constantly spams Punishing Divide Slash. I don't remember Emeraude being as relentless as him and the Fodra Queen though.



Anyway Kazuya Ishizuka, the TD project lead who always took gameplay first, left so people who prefer the gameplay/plot balance of TS games respectively Hearts and the two Xillias likely get served exclusively in the future.

I'm actually really happy about this since I actually tend to really enjoy the gameplay on TS games like Abyss with FoFs and Vesperia's altered artes and simple things like the way shortcuts work and the way you string combos together in Vesperia lead to a lot of fun and interesting combos.


I'm still bitter about Graces.

I was eagerly anticipating it for years, followed it from the earliest pre-release footage to the fan translation. Then Namco finally localizes it, killing the fan translation, but decides to only bring it over for the one console I don't own. It was one of my most hyped Wii games but I don't think I'll ever get a chance to play it.


By the standards of Tales of Graces character development, the Star Ocean 4 cast does get development. Lymle is reticent and withdrawn when you meet her, and by the end of the game considers the rest of the party her friends, to the point where she's the one who kind of gets through to Faize once he goes all bad guy. The catgirl finds a place she can call home, and the dumb girl with the angel wings learns to fly.

It's dumb, it's shitty, it's meaningless, and I wouldn't ordinarily call it character development, but it's every bit as well written and meaningful as the garbage in Graces.

But how are most of the Graces' characters similar? For many of the Star Ocean 4 characters, what challenged them to spur a change? Why are they even in the group? Is their challenge relevant enough to justify being in the group or could it have been solved in solitude?

Asbel is the lead perspective of the game, so he has to be there. His drive for his actions over the course of the journey is uncovering the mystery of Sophie, saving the world, attempting to resolve political strife, help Richard, and to claim and protect the land he leads. He's challenged by events as a child, where he sees his brother and friend hurt and one friend (seemingly) killed, and this spurs a change to be less rash, know his boundaries, and become stronger. As an adult his challenge is basically to know how he can protect all the things he cares about, and after some stints where he gets mopey or too forceful, he comes to the conclusion that he either can't protect everyone, or he needs help, possibly from the person or people he's trying to protect.

Hubert's initially driven to be there by the chain of command, and from there he's challenged based on his dedication to or loft relationships with his friends, family, and country. As a child he's weak and constantly following behind and under the shadow of his younger brother, then as an adult he has to remove the weight of being the "cast-off Lhant", and come to terms with not being "better" than his brother, but still someone who's admired and strong.

Sophie begins as robotic, having started with essentially one hollow and straightforward goal in life. Her challenge in the plot lies in her intended fate, coming to terms with the mortality that she lacks (yet the people she cares about possess), and learning through the various people she meets and learns about that humans diverge on different paths due to their motivations and preferences, but can intertwine with the lives of people you care about, instead of being a straight path to the end. This is what gives her directive purpose, and allows her to become more like a human.

Malik is similar to Hubert in that he's become disillusioned with the world, and has to get over his past and understand where his loyalties lie. Events in his past relationship left him cynical to the world, believing that there's little he's capable of changing (and thus nothing will really change) and that he might as well follow whoever commands over him. After losing to Asbel, returning to his home country, and meeting Kurt again, he begins to have a more positive outlook and instead of blindly following a commander, learns that while he may not have the power, youth, know-how, or influence to push in every single change he desires, he can at least help out those who do. I'd also say the he learns that he still has something to lose if the adventure fails, instead of being all lonely from the adventure.

Pascal and Cheria I will admit were fairly weak characters compared to the rest. Cheria gets stronger and that's mostly it. Pascal, while odd, seemed like a well-adjusted character from the beginning and outside of the relationship with her sister didn't really seem to have anything to gain.

Not that I'm saying these were too interesting, and it's portrayed in bland, goofy, or repetitive dialogue, but it's better than SO4. If Lymle changes, is there anything that really brings that about or is she just more friendly all of a sudden? Why did other characters, like the Cyborg and big-boobed girl hang out with Edge's crew and overcome an obstacle, and if they did overcome one, did they gain anything of worth from the adventure? Does the winged girl's plight tie into the main plot at all? Was the cat girl even looking for a home, and how does finding a home do anything to change her character? Did Reimi have more to her besides her five minutes of fame with that one boss?

Well, first, I didn't ignore any of that stuff. Even if you watch every cutscene, every Private Action, and every Skit, Tales of Graces rubs your nose in the shit(ty writing) a lot more than Star Ocean 4 does, and because of that I think the writing is worse.

What I'm saying is that if you do hate the character writing, you have the option to ignore the Private Action scenes in Star Ocean 4, because the game draws a sharp line in the sand with them and says "These are the Private Actions, they have no bearing on the larger overall plot, and deal exclusively with inter-party relationships." Your understanding of the plot of Star Ocean 4 is no poorer for having skipped the Private Actions than it would have been otherwise.

You can't skip out on all the skits in Tales of Graces, because while most of them are just about inter-party relationships, some of them add to or flesh out the game's actual plot, and there's no differentiation between the two. Your understanding of Tales of Graces is diminished if you skip the skits."

Well if you watch every single scene from Star Ocean, and every single scene from Graces, I don't see how one is pushing anything in your face more. At worst, they're at the same level.

It's been a while since I've played the game so I can't just bring up exact recollections, but I'm also not sure at point in Graces where the main plot is noticeably diminished if a certain skit isn't watched. I remember a lot of extra but unnecessary story and world details, but nothing where understanding of the main plot becomes inexcusably diminished if you don't watch a skit. An example would be interesting.

I'm not sure what to say, you basically supported my post by saying you zerged the bosses, especially that blurb about Emeraude.

Sorry, not going to go and explain the entire dualize system but the basic idea is... everything about it.
The entire point of dualizing weapons is getting the right qualities on them and leveling those qualities. If you know the process behind that you know why it is tedious. I think you understand that considering you said you can see why one would think it is tedious. I didn't really think it needed any explaining.
That said, its also generally annoying to get the qualities you want via dualizing and its actually sadly best to just farm them (which is tedium in and of itself).

I can see some aspects that makes one thinks it's tedious, but I'm not sure which of those apply to you. That's why I'm asking. I can't suggest anything if you're not pointing anything out.

For the last part where you do finally explain something, yes that can be annoying. It's just one of those systems where it asks you to put in a lot of work (and possibly have a guide on hand) to get something out of it, like Pokemon or whatever. I find it inaccessible if you're after high-level stuff, but it's not inherently bad and generally you're given things over the game that make it possible to use dualizing and will still help out greatly.

You thought you'd pull a fast one on me, huh? Well, unfortunately I've played plenty of other Tales games and none of them work like Graces in the boss department so this part of the statement is a bit of a throwaway.

I can't think of too many bosses in other games that continually spawn grunts that are actually more dangerous than the main boss itself. The main reason its easier to zerg most bosses in graces is that you can actually stop them from calling their allies. Most of the bosses would be a cakewalk compared to what they are if not for this.

The few that are annoying solo (very few) like Emeraude are only this way due to gimmicks that previous bosses didn't need to rely on like being able to pushback/damage/stunlock simply by moving and randomly breaking out of combos to do exactly that.
I mean, it is one thing to have a high penetrate value so I can't just easily get a combo going but if I have one going I don't understand why they would make a combo just randomly end on a boss even as you are still hitting it (granted Graces isn't the ONLY game to do that, but at happened in other games you generally aren't punished so hard for it seeing as all she has to do to kill a character is walk forward a bit).

Well I've played every single mainline Tales game, and some of them are kind of similar to Graces' method, others are different. And I'm not sure why you cut out the last part of that sentence. Generally the best thing to do in all of them to win is craft the most effective offense possible, nothing more. In a lot of (arguably all) Tales games, the bosses aren't designed well to cope and thus are a cakewalk. Some Tales games have different ways of coping with this (random jump outs in Vesperia, adds in Graces, combo breaking in Xillia), some executed better than others, and you can usually get around their coping method anyway.

As I said, when it comes to breaking out of attacks, it focuses a lot on certain stats (namely Accuracy) and simply how well you (ab)use the mechanics. Even Emeraude can be hit with long combos.
We're in the minority OP, but I agree with you. :brofist

Gameplay is undeniably good, story didn't bother me that much. I also really liked Abyss too so I guess I'm just easy to please.
Tales of Graces was SO good, that I refuse to ever play Tales of Xillia due to the lack of Tatsuro Udo.

I hope that dude is still at Namco somewhere after all the studio merges; he IS the Tales battle system, in my opinion.


I'm actually really happy about this since I actually tend to really enjoy the gameplay on TS games like Abyss with FoFs and Vesperia's altered artes and simple things like the way shortcuts work and the way you string combos together in Vesperia lead to a lot of fun and interesting combos.

And I'm not happy about this at all since I heavily disliked how none of the TS style games really seemed to learn from the gameplay mistakes of previous Tales games, repeating them ad nauseum.


Tales of Graces was SO good, that I refuse to ever play Tales of Xillia due to the lack of Tatsuro Udo.

I hope that dude is still at Namco somewhere after all the studio merges; he IS the Tales battle system, in my opinion.

He helped out on Xillia 2's game design I think and it was a lot better. Xillia 1 has a lot of bad or poorly-executed game design ideas, in my opinion.

I don't know how much can be attributed to him and what comes down to other people or simply learning from their mistakes in the first game, but I thought Xillia 2's game design was more cohesive and fleshed-out, and integrates some things from Xillia 1 into the battle system in a more proper manner.

Still some issues or broken mechanics though (at least it's more like Vesperia and broken in your favor so you can be cheap in fights you don't care about, instead of being like Xillia 1 where the odds are stacked against you instead and it makes fights tedious), and like nearly every single 3D Tales game, the AI still doesn't handle Free Run quite as well as I'd like.


Vesperia is clearly the best storytelling we've seen in a Tales game, but I dunno, I liked Symphonia and Abyss better.

Not sure I could vocalize why that is without replaying them.


Yeah, the story was dull and the characters annoying, but the gameplay...




One really positive thing I can say about Graces is that the skits were amazingly well-done this time around.
If only the game had some sort of silly/humorous plot that didn't try to take itself at all seriously... I could have gotten into the story aspect at the very least as I found the gameplay to be substandard for the series.
I'm not sure what to say, you basically supported my post by saying you zerged the bosses, especially that blurb about Emeraude.

There is no "zerg" with only 4 people. I can't bring more, I didn't just throw numbers at them, as my strategy alludes to. Zerg doesn't mean that as a gaming term. With her, only Asbel was in melee range, that seriously doesn't let "zerg" refer either. That's the only way that strategy that worked for me can work.

What ARPG do you trade hits so often on? That's the other side of this vertex.

Uh....I'd wager that's cause that's where Sophie and Lambda is from, not to just go traveling randomly.

I didn't know that at the time, I stopped watching cutscenes in the desert, remember! :p


The main villain uses magic to make everyone in the game world extra racist. The story to that point was already about strained race relations.
That explanation is a bit reductive, but it's more or less how it goes down. YMMV on whether you think this is the worst thing ever, or best thing ever (because it's incredibly silly, but played totally straight).

Bahahaha, maybe it would be worth it to go back and check this out. That's fantastic!
Eternia, Vesperia, and Symphonia are all higher on my list than Graces. Definitely enjoyed it, but I don't think it's near being the best of the bunch.

And I can't wait to play Xillia when they localize it.
I honestly wasn't a big fan of the battle system. Even when I was doing stuff right, it felt like I wasn't. It was just really weird to me compared to the Team Symphonia games and even the earlier ones.

Definitely looking forward to Xillia though.


Combat gameplay, Graces. Story, Vesperia. Although in Vesperia the combat is really good as well. Had tons of fun with it.


Neo Member
I just played this game over the summer and I honestly don't remember a damn thing about it.

Which is kind of sad since I can't relate to much here in the thread nor share my experiences.
Honestly the combat in graces ended up feeling pretty broken balance wise for me, I had pretty much no incentive to actually use the extended combos and tools that would have made the battle system stand out.

I could kill stuff faster and more efficiently just abusing the dodge and a couple of attacks like infernal torrent even on the highest difficulty level, while vesperia and the other TP based games may not have the combat depth or whatever but I still ended up getting a more fun total combat experience out of them.

I really enjoyed the game but when I try to actually rank it in my head I find myself not sure where I would put it since there was so many parts I just outright wasn't fond of. In the end for me I am not really sure it matters since the gap between the tales of games I enjoyed playing is rather small.


I admit I relied heavily on Phantasm Flash because 1) it did a fair amount of damage 2) startup is near instant 3) resolves very quickly 4) moves Asbel away from enemies 5?) attacks nova status. The ultimate Asbel arte was hilarious to watch though.


Vesperia was a great, fun game. I loved Graces' battles, titles, and Eleth Mixer system. The world map and plot were pretty bland for that title too. Didn't hate the characters, though they definitely could've been handled better on the whole.

There is a lot to read here, so I'm just going to post that although Yuri was enjoyable, I'm also in the camp that believes he's given too much credit as a protagonist and the story makes a bad turn towards the end.

The systems experience of Graces is overall more memorable to me than the overall more solid experience of Vesperia. Vesperia did good work in the areas that Graces was weaker in (say, characters and plot felt like they had more effort and more time and attention given to them, soundtrack), but I don't think it excelled.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
the battle system
artes and titles being meshed
some skits

character development
gameworld itself (felt kind of small)


the battle system
artes and titles being meshed
some skits

character development
gameworld itself (felt kind of small)

Yeah the world was very small for a Tales game imo. Didn't care for it at all, though there were some nice cities I guess.

For Graces f, I pretty much rank the battle system as great/amazing/etc., while everything else ranges from mediocre to pure shit.


I gotta say, this trend of "the characters in Graces are awful, I hate it. By the way, Symphonia is my favorite" is blowing my mind. I don't like any character in Graces besides maybe Malik, but I'll take all of them over Lloyd and Colette. I want to hate them to death. :(

LOL How'd I miss this golden tidbit. . . Wish I could have replied earlier, but you and I both know the answer. It's domestic Tales fans. . .


Rebirth is #2 for me, I just like Graces's auxiliary systems more.
The people who hate Graces because of its story/characters would DESPISE Rebirth, though. It does have the worst plot point in gaming.

I really enjoyed Rebirth's story and characters, but maybe I'm in the minority there. I like them both better than the other Tales games I've played.


So I thought Grace f would be a nice game to introduce myself to the series... Yeah not a good idea. Sure the combat is great, lovely (though some bosses can go suck themselves on harder difficulties) but the sheer amount of walking cliche (Amnesiac girl with a special power? Sure. Childhood friend love interest? Why not? A King corrupted by evil? You don't say. Now all they need to throw is a bone head protagonist who want to stronger so he can protect everyone and the circle would be complet - oh wait..) and melodrama couple with Character stupidity really demotivate me from finishing the game.

One particular stupid really got to me though (bear in mind, I'm only 20 hours into the game, if it's explained later, feel free to correct me.)

Our stupid of the year award goes to... Asbel's dad! He doesn't want he two sons to fight over the land when they go up. So what's the most logical thing to do? Effectively disowned one of them of course! Surely Hubert will not harbor any ill will toward his brother for this at all! It's not like Hubert don't already worship Asbel when he was little or anything. Not to mention Asbel don't even want to become a Lord in the first place.

Look I know other Jrpgs also suffer from some of this flaws but Grace f is the only game the packs them into one neat package for my suffering.


So I thought Grace f would be a nice game to introduce myself to the series... Yeah not a good idea. Sure the combat is great, lovely (though some bosses can go suck themselves on harder difficulties) but the sheer amount of walking cliche (Amnesiac girl with a special power? Sure. Childhood friend love interest? Why not? A King corrupted by evil? You don't say. Now all they need to throw is a bone head protagonist who want to stronger so he can protect everyone and the circle would be complet - oh wait..) and melodrama couple with Character stupidity really demotivate me from finishing the game.

One particular stupid really got to me though (bear in mind, I'm only 20 hours into the game, if it's explained later, feel free to correct me.)

Our stupid of the year award goes to... Asbel's dad! He doesn't want he two sons to fight over the land when they go up. So what's the most logical thing to do? Effectively disowned one of them of course! Surely Hubert will not harbor any ill will toward his brother for this at all! It's not like Hubert don't already worship Asbel when he was little or anything. Not to mention Asbel don't even want to become a Lord in the first place.

Look I know other Jrpgs also suffer from some of this flaws but Grace f is the only game the packs them into one neat package for my suffering.

Asbel's father is just basically like him... a well-intentioned idiot.
There's not really much else you can say about it.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
So I was wondering if having any Destiny costume equipped gives you the ToD battle theme in battles, I love that battle theme (best one in Tales imo)

Some of the DLC costumes look awesome but I'm not sure about forking $$$ for them, gotta admit it's a pretty good business model for Scamco, considering some of the default costumes are incredibly ugly (Sophie and Hubert specially)

I discovered you can forward-step to continue a combo in the last dungeon.
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