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Tales of Graces f is the best Tales of... game I've played

so basically what I gather from this thread is that people can put up with a shit game with shitty gameplay mechanics, just as long as the story and characters are good?

Seems more like they feel the quality of a game is dependent on the story/characters and not... y'know, actual game play and mechanics.
I'm not really sure how I feel about Tales of Graces.
The battle system handidly dismantles any other tales games i've played, all aspects related to it including titles are a lot better than previous games as well.
Now usually i'm very much gameplay first, other fluff second but with JRPGs there's a bit of a problem here, one derived from the games length, it's a bit of an ordeal to push through 40 odd hours at a minimum just because of a good battle system (for me at least) which is why plot, characters and world design plays a bigger role in my overall enjoyment here than other games.

Now last time I played the game a few weeks back I just hit the snowy continent of the map, about 15 hours in maybe and I just can't muster the drive to push onwards with the knowledge of how much is left. The battle system may be great but when everything else around it is relatively weak it deals quite a blow to the enjoyment factor.
Music is piss, hilarious that the game came with a soundtrack CD, there's nothing worthwhile here!
The plot is middling so far, characters aren't actually as bad as I was led to believe, the interactions they have with each other is actually quite humorous at times (post battle scenes for example) and Pascal is delightfully kooky but when it comes to the serious side of the plot they all come across dull in more ways than one.
Dungeon design is a mess from the few i've been in, either linear to a fault or maze like in identical rooms, someone tell these guys you can have a happy medium.

So I don't think the game is bad but it doesn't do much to motivate me onwards, meanwhile while Vesperia has a weaker battle system I much prefer it on its overall strength.
Basically I need the Graces battle system surrounded by stronger aspects in all other areas to carry me through the many hours required to reach the finish line.
Also Hubert looks like a goof, it distracts me so very much.


so basically what I gather from this thread is that people can put up with a shit game with shitty gameplay mechanics, just as long as the story and characters are good?

Hubert is a beast btw, in battles he can dish so much damage alone that puts to shame the other characters. Only drawback is his low defense, but he is designed to be a hit and run character that can quickly switch to long range attacks to avoid getting gang-banged by enemies.

Wrong. I've played a lot of games where I enjoy them due to strong gameplay/progression/etc while not caring much for the story/dialogue/plot/lore. The Last Remnant, even Star Ocean 4. FFXIII too. But Graces is so unbelievably bad...

It's more that the mechanics of Tales of Graces are good but hardly some transcendent, unassailable beacon of quality, and that eventually, story and characters become so bad that they actually detract from the experience, rather than being a complete zero non-factor the way they are in most JRPGs that are played exclusively for their gameplay and mechanics.



Seems more like they feel the quality of a game is dependent on the story/characters and not... y'know, actual game play and mechanics.

It's more that the mechanics of Tales of Graces are good but hardly some transcendent, unassailable beacon of quality, and that eventually, story and characters become so bad that they actually detract from the experience, rather than being a complete zero non-factor the way they are in most JRPGs that are played exclusively for their gameplay and mechanics.


No, I get the point. It's just a stupid one.

The game is fictional. There's absolutely no reason why her non-human nature goes hand-in-hand with having to be clueless about basic concepts. It's not like there are actual being like her and they're just being realistic in their portrayal. The writers made up the rules. She could have known exactly as much about the world as anybody else. She could have known what all the 'things' in the world that an average person would know are, but not been familiar with specific cultural concepts like who famous people are, what the name of a town is, local geography, etc. She could have known nothing except how to fight and the rest of the cast would have had to teach her how to talk. It was entirely up to them and every single one of those scenarios is not one tiny bit more or less plausible or realistic than the one that made it into the game.

The only reason she was written to be as clueless and dumb as she was is because they wanted to write in a bunch of 'jokes' or places where she could be 'cute'. If they don't have a joke or a little moment ready to go, then she has no problem just intuitively understanding the situation without comment.

You can't justify stupid writing decisions by saying "well actually she's [such-and-such], so she has to be..." when [such-and-such] is also a completely arbitrary thing that the writers came up with which has no real bearing on any part of the writing other than the initial stupid writing decision. It doesn't fly when Disgaea or TERA says that it's okay to have eight year olds in bondage gear because they're actually 3000 year old demons or whatever, and it doesn't fly here.

I'm not seeing what's stupid about the reasoning behind Sophie being how she is provided it actually makes sense within the world the writer created, which it does but you seem to ignore because you don't like it. Sophie isn't some joke character who is only cute for the sake of being cute, she is an innocent character that the main character wants to protect and the single link that unites Hubert, Cheria, Richard (for a minute), and Asbel when they get older. The game's central Tales of theme is "Know the Strength to Protect" or something like that and it fits. It wouldn't be the same if Sophie knew everything. She would of probably just left the flower bed earlier in the game, went straight to Lambda in the Catacombs and blew herself up and ended the game 60+ hours earlier if that happened.

And Disgaea having their characters designed like that but with older ages is what they wanted to do, don't see the problem.


so basically what I gather from this thread is that people can put up with a shit game with shitty gameplay mechanics, just as long as the story and characters are good?

I think this whole gameplay/story preference arguments that are always brought up in Graces threads is simplifying things a bit too much. I didn't like Graces but that doesn't mean I put up with shit game mechanics as long as I enjoy the story. There are plenty of games with quite mediocre stories that I absolutely adore.

I just hold a different opinion than some people who enjoyed Graces gameplay more than other Tales games. Yeah I liked it. I really liked it, but I also really liked the other Tales games system in this regard so I can't say it's among my favorites simply for that reason alone. I'm not saying anybody else is wrong at all, these are just opinions in the end.

It's more that the mechanics of Tales of Graces are good but hardly some transcendent, unassailable beacon of quality, and that eventually, story and characters become so bad that they actually detract from the experience, rather than being a complete zero non-factor the way they are in most JRPGs that are played exclusively for their gameplay and mechanics.

That's a good way to put it.


Least favorite Tales regarding story and music. Characters were fine in skits, but that was about it. Graces F is in my top three for battle systems (Destiny PS2 and Xillia 2 are the others) at least.


It's more that the mechanics of Tales of Graces are good but hardly some transcendent, unassailable beacon of quality, and that eventually, story and characters become so bad that they actually detract from the experience, rather than being a complete zero non-factor the way they are in most JRPGs that are played exclusively for their gameplay and mechanics.

Yea this is the way I feel about most JRPG's to be honest. I just ignore the story and characters if they aren't great and instead get addicted to the level grind.


so basically what I gather from this thread is that people can put up with a shit game with shitty gameplay mechanics, just as long as the story and characters are good?

Hubert is a beast btw, in battles he can dish so much damage alone that puts to shame the other characters. Only drawback is his low defense, but he is designed to be a hit and run character that can quickly switch to long range attacks to avoid getting gang-banged by enemies.

Not sure about others but that would apply to me when it comes to RPGs. I really like Graces f, well most of the Tales of games in general, primarily for their overall plot and character developments than their gameplay systems although I enjoy the gameplay of these games as well provided I'm not fighting a boss. Fighting bosses in these games suck. :(

I prefer Sophie. I like that she can learn some of the other member's moves and she fights with her fists. She does good damage and she can heal in a pinch. I pretty much made her my post game party leader.


It's more that the mechanics of Tales of Graces are good but hardly some transcendent, unassailable beacon of quality, and that eventually, story and characters become so bad that they actually detract from the experience, rather than being a complete zero non-factor the way they are in most JRPGs that are played exclusively for their gameplay and mechanics.
Herein lies the basis of the disagreement, since for some people, the mechanics ARE that good. And the story/characters don't detract that much.


Abyss is my personal favorite in terms of characters and story with a decent combat system (apparently that game is very divisive) but Vesperia is probably objectively the best in terms of a quality overall package. It's the one I would recommend to someone that has yet to play a Tales of... game anyway.

Graces/f has good combat mechanics and an ok leveling system (a little tedious) but pretty weak everything else imo.


I gotta say, this trend of "the characters in Graces are awful, I hate it. By the way, Symphonia is my favorite" is blowing my mind. I don't like any character in Graces besides maybe Malik, but I'll take all of them over Lloyd and Colette. I want to hate them to death. :(

Yeah. I'm near the start of Graces, and I played Symphonia to the end back then. I keep wondering when Asbel becomes as horrible as everyone says. So far he just seems bland (and somewhat annoying as a child) rather than Lloyd's level of grating annoyingness.


Abyss is my personal favorite in terms of characters and story with a decent combat system (apparently that game is very divisive) but Vesperia is probably objectively the best in terms of a quality overall package. It's the one I would recommend to someone that has yet to play a Tales of... game anyway.

Graces/f has good combat mechanics and an ok leveling system (a little tedious) but pretty weak everything else imo.

Abyss is divisive? I see nothing but extreme love for that game like 80% of the time along with Vesperia and Symphonia. Vesperia ends kind of weakly though.
Abyss is divisive? I see nothing but extreme love for that game like 80% of the time along with Vesperia and Symphonia. Vesperia ends kind of weakly though.

I get the feeling that 80% of us from PAL regions arriving late to the party bring the opposite of extreme love for Abyss, i'm not one who roams around all Tales related threads but i'm pretty sure it's divisive around here.


Abyss is divisive? I see nothing but extreme love for that game like 80% of the time along with Vesperia and Symphonia. Vesperia ends kind of weakly though.

Maybe polarizing is a better word. Abyss is either near the top of people's list or near the very bottom. People seem to have strong feelings towards that game one way or the other.


Herein lies the basis of the disagreement, since for some people, the mechanics ARE that good. And the story/characters don't detract that much.

Well, yeah. Opinions, etc, whether I disagree with them or not. But that's a little more even-handed than the idea that people either like/love Tales of Graces or they must be willing to put up with shitty mechanics for good story/characters or they must judge the quality of a game based on the writing alone, or whatever.
That's fkcing great! I gotta play this game

It's a really good game too. Nice spritework and soundtrack. Characters are endearing, Tytree in particular. 3rd best tales combat system (Destiny 2 ps2 > Graces > Rebirth > the rest.)



Abyss is odd, I've seen it as people's favorites, at the bottom of lists, and balancing the middle ground. I don't think it ever had "extreme" love.
I just picked up my NG+ save for the first time in months over the last few days, but dammit I just messed up and permantantly missed 2 skits. I was going for a 100% playthrough. Why isn't there a grade option to keep all completed skits?

Now to try and beat this Magic Carta bastard.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Abyss is divisive? I see nothing but extreme love for that game like 80% of the time along with Vesperia and Symphonia. Vesperia ends kind of weakly though.

Abyss is my favourite, but I don't half see fans constantly bitching about the characters and the fonon terminology. Common complaints seems to be

- Luke is either a prick or awesome at the beginning, but turns into a decent or pansy character after his change, depending on which personality you liked more.
- The main party not being buddy buddy, which I honestly found new and fun.
- The Fonon terminology. While the game does explain all aspects of it, your often told about a certain term once and have to remember what it exactly means and how it link to various other terms throughout the story. Most situations in the story is resolved using this terminology, so it makes little to no sense if someone forgot, say, what an Isofon is, leading to people saying the story is technobabble crap.
- Van's plan was ridiculous, even more so if you don't understand the terminolgy in how he plans to achieve it.
- Sidequests. But fuck, I'll agree with them on this one. Such damn small windows to complete most of them. Even more annoying when you missed out on a costume, or got half way through one to realise you can't go further cuz you didn't activate a certain scene earlier.
- Natalia being a "bitch", Anise being a hypocrite, Mieu being "annoying".
Edit: - Also, the backtracking. Especially in the 3rd part. Your'e basically revising old towns and dungeons constantly.
- The length. I clocked in around 80-90 hours. Could easily see that as an intimidating aspect.

I disagree with most of the complaints, but that's probably due to my bias. Definitely wouldn't recommend it to first time players though. I could easily see casual players being overwhelmed...


Funny this thread popped up now, considering I just beat the last boss of this game (main arc) late last night.

Ignoring post-game warm feelings that I always get when complete a lengthy game like this, I'll try to sketch out some of my thoughts.

Gameplay is absolutely great. I'm sure no one can dispute this. Several unique characters all with their own fighting styles, battle plans, ways of canceling attacks, drawbacks and pluses makes this feel almost a complex as a fighting game system at times and puts it at (in my experience) the top of RPG battle systems when it comes to fun.

Graphics are serviceable, which is to be expected of a Wii game ported to the HD generation of consoles. Some of the art in the game is real nice, but few and far between. Anime sequences are... sketchy at best.

Music is okay. A couple of standout tracks here and there, but most of it just blends into the background while fitting the mood relatively well.

Voice acting is all over the place. Sometimes it seems fitting, but other times it's really weirdly delivered, or you can here the voice actors staggering their sentences to match the lip-synch. Some characters are better acted than others, though, with Richard standing out as probably the worst. They did pretty good considering the source material, though.

Story is pretty much trash. Characters are kind of all over the place. It reminds me of a lot of mid-80s and 90s RPGs in feel, which isn't bad every now and again, but I feel it's a a swing and a miss. Also, maybe it's my knowledge of tropes in games like this but
is there anyone who didn't guess Sophie was some kind of artificial human based on the way she acted?

I haven't played much of the Tales of... series overall, but compared to the others I've played partially or all the way through, I'd say that it's Vesperia > Symphonia > Graces > Abyss so far for me, but I've barely started Abyss and am probably only a quarter of the way through Symphonia so my opinion might be bad.
I just finished Tog as of recently and while I liked it a bunch, you really should play Tales of Vesperia, like so many others are suggesting.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Oh I agree with the Anime cutscenes, they were seriously shit. I guess I can't expect OVA-like animation from this, but damn I expected better.


I get the feeling that 80% of us from PAL regions arriving late to the party bring the opposite of extreme love for Abyss, i'm not one who roams around all Tales related threads but i'm pretty sure it's divisive around here.

Probably is divisive here but I'm not sure. I don't check the Tales of thread here too much, I was going by my experience with other communities.

Maybe polarizing is a better word. Abyss is either near the top of people's list or near the very bottom. People seem to have strong feelings towards that game one way or the other.

Wow, didn't know but I probably could take a gander why though, lol.


Tragic victim of fan death
Oh I agree with the Anime cutscenes, they were seriously shit. I guess I can't expect OVA-like animation from this, but damn I expected better.

Iirc it was done by IG, right? Xillia will have 100x better animation. I can promise you that.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Also, another point in Graces favour: Yu Liberte.
Fuck me, that town was beautiful. Music too, which was rare in Graces.


The folks at Production I.G. are pretty amazing when they want to be, they had been getting pretty lazy with Tales as of late though.


Eternia isn't perfect but it has the best main character in the entire franchise:

Man I remember having this game. I was 13 I think and I got stuck sometime after the start of the second disk. I ended up having to sell the game shortly thereafter to buy something I've forgotten now.

I shall never beat it because I can't find a ps1 copy these days and the psp release never happened in north america apparently.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Man I remember having this game. I was 13 I think and I got stuck sometime after the start of the second disk. I ended up having to sell the game shortly thereafter to buy something I've forgotten now.

I shall never beat it because I can't find a ps1 copy these days and the psp release never happened in north america apparently.

PSP's are region free. Just import from Europe... pretty sure it's going quite cheap.


It's not development because it's so trite and twee that you know, literally within 10-20 seconds of Sophie having a speaking role, exactly where that character is going. There's a gaping, obvious character flaw (which doesn't speak anything to anybody, because it's so far removed from anything resembling the actual human experience), which is almost exclusively played for laughs, and then she gets over it later on, and instead of her personality being defined by a gaping, obvious character flaw, she simply doesn't have a distinct personality.

It's simply disingenuous to give that a pass and call it character development, even compared to other video game character or even a fair number of other Tales of characters. People don't like Yuri Lowell just because he's a sarcastic cool guy who sometimes kills bad guys.

I don't feel predictable character development, or development from a flaw to something not particularly interesting, makes it not character development though. It's sparse, but it exists, which is more than I can say for much of SO4's cast.

And building on things that are disingenuous, I feel like it's similarly disingenuous to ignore the writing in optional things. I don't understand how Star Ocean 4 can be considered better than Graces or at the same level, with the caveat of ignoring like, the other half of the game's content. I don't think "out of sight, out of mind" justifies anything unless we're saying all optional content doesn't count regardless of whether it makes a positive or negative contribution to the writing and characterization. I'm speaking from the point of view of a rather typical (J)RPG player who does much or all of the optional stuff, and from that perspective I can't say Graces is on the same level or lower than Star Ocean 4, even if its not particularly good itself.

And I feel like Yuri is a pretty shallow character to be honest, but it works for him and their stated intentions. He doesn't have to be more than one-note to me.

Do Ufotable do the cutscenes and stuff in Xillia as well?

For Xillia and Xillia 2, yes.


It's a really good game too. Nice spritework and soundtrack. Characters are endearing, Tytree in particular. 3rd best tales combat system (Destiny 2 ps2 > Graces > Rebirth > the rest.)

I don't like any of the characters in Rebirth, but then you knew that. I especially dislike Eugene, Mao and Annie. Veigue goes without saying because honestly, if you guys think Asbel's obsession with protecting his friends is annoying, you haven't seen anything until you've seen Veigue's obsession with Claire.


That's the problem, though. The characters in Graces are nothing but just the trope, and nothing else. They're just more of it. When the premise of a character is 'monotone girl who doesn't understand the world or emotions', and the "character arc" is 'the rest of the characters make friends with her and she learns about the world and how to understand emotions', that's not character development. That's just the trope in long form, rather than shorthand. And that's all that either game does; neither of them are better at it, and Graces is scarcely even better at the presentation of it (shit, the 'childhood friend' character in both games actually literally has the exact same English voice actor). It's a stinky fart of a story, either way, but one of them is a little stinkier and sticks around for a minute or two, while one is slightly less stinky but is part of an evening-long gas attack that just never lets up.

I totally agree, there's not a big difference between SO4 and Graces characters, they are unbearable in both games.

This is valid to all the Tales games. This is why I laugh at people saying Luke of Abyss goes through a character arc. Luke doesn't have a character arc, he goes from a trope to another one, it's shitty fanfic writing. I feel sorry for the translators who have to adapt these garbage scripts.


Yuri is already fully developed before the game starts, rather his role is to act as a catalyst for character development for the other characters accompanying him. Also he's smart and awesome and doesn't do anything fucking stupid.


Yuri is already fully developed before the game starts, rather his role is to act as a catalyst for character development for the other characters accompanying him. Also he's smart and awesome and doesn't do anything fucking stupid.

Yeah he's a good example of a mostly static character. I'm not saying he's 100% the same person at the beginning and end of the game, but it's pretty close.
I don't like any of the characters in Rebirth, but then you knew that. I especially dislike Eugene, Mao and Annie. Veigue goes without saying because honestly, if you guys think Asbel's obsession with protecting his friends is annoying, you haven't seen anything until you've seen Veigue's obsession with Claire.

I rather liked the dynamic between Tytree and Hilda. Those 2 really brought the cast together in my eyes.
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