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Tales of Series | Community Thread | Localizing more games than Square Enix


Easily one of the worst TGS's ever. The only real conference (Sony) happened before it, not during it, and it didn't even have great announcements/unveilings. The event itself didn't provide surprises nor great announcement. Like, nothing important/interesting (for me at least) came out of it. Really disappointing.


It's cool that a Gravity Rush 2 is coming out, even though I'm not really interested in that game nor have a Vita. You think they'll call it Gravity Daze 2 in Japan or Gravity Rush 2?

I would also kill for a Yakuza localization, alas they don't sell.


Junior Member
Tbh TGS is pretty meh overall every year. At best we get trailers of games we're looking forward to but rarely any surprise announcements.


Resumed my TotA 3D playthrough. I have had it since release, but there is always a game I just want to try for a little bit and then this gets to wait to be played.(I blame old NDS games) Reached Chokmah. Jade and Tear are the only characters I really like. Guy would have been okay since i don't mind the voice actor but some of his behavior, lol. I guess there will be an explanation for that later on. Anise drives me nuts and Mieu isn't much better.

Combat has been fairly fun, but I think I should maybe switch my controllable character. I'll probably try Jade and see if he is fun to use. Could probably set up more FoF for the others this way.


Junior Member
This is practically non-news, but...


Namco Bandai didn’t announce the next Tales game—rumored to be called Tales of Zestiria—at their Tokyo Game Show Tales stage event. But series producer Hideo Baba did say the next game is underway.

“I saw,” Baba told Famitsu when asked if he got to see consumers playing Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. “I got the impression that they were playing quite silently, and that, as I recalled the past, there were a lot of them playing. It doesn’t feel like a new production.”

Speaking of “new production,” is preparation for the next game in the series underway?

“It’s moving along steadily,” Baba said. “As long as we don’t announce a stop to the Tales of series or say that ‘We’re not making anything else,’ it’s safe to assume that we are working on the Tales of series. We’re of course working on a new project, and when we are able to announce something, we’ll have lots to talk about.”
Beat Xillia. LTTP I know, but I'd like to say a few things. I don't think it's really worthy of a thread this close to release, and I couldn't post it anyways.

Firstly, best Tales of combat I've played yet, but I've only ever played ToS, ToS:DotnW, ToV, ToA before this. I wish Rowen had more elemental variance, it felt weird that almost all the spells he had seemed to focus on earth or water. In general I thought that the elements represented through character artes were kind of lacking. I guess in retrospect the almost utter lack of light and dark elements must have been from lacking Gaius or Muzet in the party, right?

Second, not my favorite story. However it did start much quicker than Vesperia, which IMO felt all too much like aimless wandering until after acquiring the boat. Maybe it's nostalgia but Symphonia just had a much better story for me. I haven't actually finished Abyss because I got bored with Luke's whining and sold it (3DS version), recently though i borrowed a friend's copy and it certainly has picked up since then. I think I'm pretty late in the game, can someone tell me my approximate % actually? I just saw the cutscene where
the Hod replica starts flying
. Anyways, Abyss I don't quite get the hype over, after all the backtracking especially. The
fake-out ending
seemed a little forced/obvious. And I don't really remember much of Vesperia's story as I played probably more than 2/3 of the game before quitting for a long time and coming back to finish it.

Finally, the lack of a world map originally seemed like a good idea to me, but after playing it, I realize that it's just a bunch of corridors filled with EXP and material progress gates. When I originally heard of it, I imagined they'd use the new third person view like Xenoblade replacing the old "world map" (ie. you travel around between towns as a humongous giant, stomping around mountains and such) with expansive environments to wander and fight in. Instead what could have elevated the grandiose feel they should be striving for, diminished it even more than just another traditional world map would have. And why is there such a disparity between movement speed in battle to out of battle? Why can't Jude hop through all the fields in the game, it would at least make it less tedious.

Other small criticisms I have are;
1. What could have been an interesting mechanic, the material gathering and shop upgrading, ended up just being a tool to slow down the game's pace and grind out some more playtime. It just wasn't very fun, like Skyward Sword's similar mechanic, although SS wasn't quite as bad.

2. It's pretty obvious the game ends before their can be real closure. Hopefully ToX2 lives up to the promise of properly
fleshing out Elympios

3. Food items, could be better. Basically I used them a lot, which at first made me think I liked them, but eventually I came to realize I would only ever use food that enhanced EXP or Gald, and I gathered a huge pile of seemingly useless status boosts. After all, why would I boost my attack stats to fight a big boss, when I could boost the EXP I gained instead and used my GP to increase my attack natively?

4. Costumes, wacky sidequests. I feel dirty for having to buy proper clothes for Milla (Dhaos costume). Why have they taken out so much of the previously unlockable stuff? It gives the game a constant underlying feeling of bitterness to lock away such simple commodities. And at $3 a pop! If it were $3 per pack of costumes I'd be in, but companies always come off as greedy when they do this.

5. Graphically, the game was alright. Better character textures than Vesperia, but no cel-shading. Actually on second thought, I think Vesperia had higher resolution textures, it's just that they didn't have much detail on hair because anime usually doesn't. So yeah. What the heck Namco, why does it look worse? (Anyone got a good comparison btw, I'd like to see them side by side.)

Overall, a good game. But I don't necessarily disagree with the reviews that give it a 8-7 as it could be a lot better. Tales of Symphonia was my first so maybe I'm biased but that game was awesome. Tales of Xillia I'd call only good. I guess if I were to say my "one word score" for Vesperia as well, I'd say it's great, just because it was endearingly old-school, rather than frustratingly stuck between the facade of modernism and the restricting traditions of the past. That's why i was really looking forward to Zestiria or w/e being announced at TGS, because I don't care if it isn't next-gen, they still have a lot to learn about getting caught-up with this generation, and not just graphically.

Rowen has fireball he doesn't need any more fire spells, wind blade isn't as good but it's still the only wind spell he'll ever need. With spell reduction time and his ability to cancel a spell, back step to cause a time stop, the ability to continue casting if you cancel where you left off, and the ability to reduce spell time if you can the same spell multiple times in a row fire ball is practically instant and wrecks everything.

Also if you liked this games combat check out Graces f it's incredible (combat wise)
Yeah, but that's so boring. If you think just spamming a spell is fun, I'm not sure I believe that Tales of Graces f would really be my cup of tea. I'm just going off of implication here though, I've heard that ToGf is pretty good for the combat, but I would hope that's because it is very diverse and allows a lot of creative freedom with what you do, not because it allows spell spamming to win the game.
Yeah, but that's so boring. If you think just spamming a spell is fun, I'm not sure I believe that Tales of Graces f would really be my cup of tea. I'm just going off of implication here though, I've heard that ToGf is pretty good for the combat, but I would hope that's because it is very diverse and allows a lot of creative freedom with what you do, not because it allows spell spamming to win the game.

Graces f has the most flexible and bad ass system in Tales, spamming in that game almost never works past moderate.

I spam fireball with Rowen when enemies are weak against fire and that's because it's the most devastating fire attack in the game (and it's his only fire arte). Besides Rowen is a nuke mage who's all about arte tuning you're really only ever going to use whatever the best spell of each element is with mages in these games (minus Graces f). What makes Rowen fun is not what makes Jude or Milla fun, Rowen is about exploiting weaknesses to do massive amounts of damage then tuning the spell to deal more damage and hits. Watching fire ball takes off 20% of a foe that's weak to fire per hit (it can be tuned up to 3 extra shots) never gets old.


Yeah, but that's so boring. If you think just spamming a spell is fun, I'm not sure I believe that Tales of Graces f would really be my cup of tea. I'm just going off of implication here though, I've heard that ToGf is pretty good for the combat, but I would hope that's because it is very diverse and allows a lot of creative freedom with what you do, not because it allows spell spamming to win the game.

Unfortunately I think that's how it goes for all Tales games tbh. A lot of the Tales have some really cool and creative combos to stop the enemy, but at the same time the game is friendly enough to let button mashers get through the game. So it depends on how you play the game and if you aren't tempted to spam certain artes.

I will say that Graces requires more skill to keep combos going than Xillia though because of A artes and CC. Graces can be just as spam friendly though if you're trying to expose their Weakness.


Rowen has every element covered except Dark which Elize has almost exclusively. Milla specializes in Fire and Wind high level spells, while also having light element attacks more so than the others. His spell list is a bit boring especially compared to the likes of Rita or Malik or Pascal, but his skills, Arte Tuning, and some of his original spells make him extremely fun to play as.

He's even better in Xillia 2 because Burn is even better and Roche Waltz causes Petrify.
So I keep staring at my DS with Tempest in it... then going back to Cookie Clicker + anime. I'll try and sit down and play more tomorrow, it's just Tempest hurts my soul the more I play it.
Anyone here played the second and/or third RW games. How are they?

So much better than the first one.

Much larger cast with each game, they got rid of a bunch of the annoying parts of RW1 like changing the job system so that you need to level up in a class to unlock another one, changing the quests and the system itself and in 3 made it so that your nonactive party members actually gain exp as well.

I think 3 is the best one and still waiting for RM4!


The only thing I want from a new RM is Grune and Moses. The rest of the Legendia cast got hi-ougis for the first time being in RM3, but those two aren't in it and thus still don't have any ):
The only thing I want from a new RM is Grune and Moses. The rest of the Legendia cast got hi-ougis for the first time being in RM3, but those two aren't in it and thus still don't have any ):

I think we hit the point where almost everyone has to get in a new RM game (expect I guess the Tempest folks, lol).

Hideo Baba will be coming to NYCC this year again.


I have no hype for this. It'll probably be talking about Symphonia HD again. Hell, it would be funny if it was just the TGS event again without the seiyuus.


I think last year we learned that Xillia would keep the original OP

But yeah, never did expect anything to come of ComicCon. But cool for those people who get to meet him.


So Tales fans, PS2 or 360/PS3/DS generation (mainline entries only)? I'm a bit biased since I haven't played Destiny 2 or Destiny R, so I gotta give it to the current generation. I liked all of the mainline games this generation, to some degree. Meanwhile, I love Symphonia and Rebirth, but hate Abyss and Legendia has too many issues brought about by its non Tales team development. Super excited for the next Tales generation!


So Tales fans, PS2 or 360/PS3/DS generation (mainline entries only)? I'm a bit biased since I haven't played Destiny 2 or Destiny R, so I gotta give it to the current generation. I liked all of the mainline games this generation, to some degree. Meanwhile, I love Symphonia and Rebirth, but hate Abyss and Legendia has too many issues brought about by its non Tales team development. Super excited for the next Tales generation!
Hard to say. This gen brought about Vesperia PS3 and Graces f. Xillia games were a step up in presentation too.
PS2 Tales was amazing for the Destiny styled games though, and it was the most fun I've had jumping from game to game.

I might give PS2 an edge just because each new game changed things quite a bit for most of them. Made it feel more original.

It's all about that dodging and going into Eleth Burst.


It's all about that dodging and going into Eleth Burst.

I had a pretty hard time flash dodging in that game. I don't know if the enemies often just don't give you enough time to react to whether they'll do a vertical or horizontal attack, or if it's because of HDTV lag.


So Tales fans, PS2 or 360/PS3/DS generation (mainline entries only)?

PS2 generation for the battle system diversity in Destiny 2, Rebirth and Destiny R alone. Hope we get back to the polished variety those games had, please no more minor variations on the old TP/CC stuff again.


I concur that ToGf has one of the best battle systems. Xillia was fun but Graces just had so much content, and the variety of what you could do in battle was great.

Can't wait for Xillia 2 though.


Happy 15th in the US, Tales! ^.^



Hadn't realized there was that much of a gap after DotNW.

At least we didn't miss that much for console Tales. Just Graces Wii
and PS3 Vesperia...


Just finished up The Last Remnant (pretty good game with a few flaws) and as I was watching the credits I saw that JYB was the main character. I completely didn't recognize him at all and I don't know why. Does he have more range that we never hear because he's typecasted?
Just finished up The Last Remnant (pretty good game with a few flaws) and as I was watching the credits I saw that JYB was the main character. I completely didn't recognize him at all and I don't know why. Does he have more range that we never hear because he's typecasted?

Check him out in Fate/Zero I didn't recognize him their either


Random thought: 2008. Saw the release of Destiny DC, Rebirth PSP, Vesperia, AND Hearts.

That is probably never going to happen again but damn. All my favorites in one year.


If I understand this correctly, the tracklisting for an upcoming Do As Infinity Album reveals they're doing the OP for a Tales game that is set to release in 2014 .... on smartphones
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