Not a chance on that 2GB card.Okay I think I'll give it a shot. Even if I don't enjoy it that much, it's not like I'll be spending a lot.
I figure it's a long shot, but no dual audio right?
Not a chance on that 2GB card.Okay I think I'll give it a shot. Even if I don't enjoy it that much, it's not like I'll be spending a lot.
I figure it's a long shot, but no dual audio right?
So rumors floating around of a late July release of Xillia 2 in the west.
I'm not familiar with the source myself, but supposedly the same as the one who leaked ToSC. The article link was taken down.
Hopefully it's okay to just post that as a clear rumor.
kayos90 made a thread too
Not a chance on that 2GB card.
The games before Graces are generally more like traditional JRPGs, with world maps and more exploration and some puzzle solving but with simpler battle systems and less cinematic storytelling.I've been getting into this series as of late and I was wondering what everyone's general thoughts were on the PS1 games? Are they worth the prices they're going for? How similar are they to the PS3 titles? Is there any more exploration in them?
The games before Graces are generally more like traditional JRPGs, with world maps and more exploration and some puzzle solving but with simpler battle systems and less cinematic storytelling.
It's kind of hard to get a hold of the PS1 games in English though.
Is Eternia (confusingly named Destiny 2 in NA despite having no connection to the actual Destiny 2 not released in the West) still available on the PSP digitally in Europe? That's the only easy way I know of to get an English version I'm aware of. It was enjoyable but not worth paying collector prices IMO.
I haven't played Destiny yet but I've heard the original PS1 version (the only one released in English) is pretty dated.
The Phantasia remake on PS1 is quite good, but you need to use a fan translation patch. The only official English version of Phantasia is a terrible GBA port.
I'm guessing you've just played Xillia? Symphonia is probably up your alley if you want a little more balanced experience. Alone it's $20 on PSN or bundled with the mediocre sequel DotNW it's $30 on Amazon.
The combat system is one of the best in the series. Low expectations for the story is good. Just lower them some more.
I'm about 10 hours inand yeah, the combat in this game is god-tier after the childhood arc.Richard just became king
The story/plot seems very meh so far. The main characters themselves don't seem all that bad.
Some of the characters are not all that bad but the actual story won't get any better. I did like the skits, though.
Main story was painful, but many of the skits and end of battle quotes (best in the series as far as I'm concerned) had me laughing.
There are also a lot of little things that can give you a chuckle, like the descriptions for each of the accessory ribbons (Cheria equip) that you find throughout the game.
The ones where everybody participates are awesome:I get a kick out of all of Pascal's end of battle quotes and the one with Asbel, Sophie, and Richard where they shout "Never, Never, what's out motto? Never give up!".
I've been getting into this series as of late and I was wondering what everyone's general thoughts were on the PS1 games? Are they worth the prices they're going for? How similar are they to the PS3 titles? Is there any more exploration in them?
Man. I had no idea the bosses in Abyss would cause me so many problems. Every time I come to one I only have a few Apple Gels and maybe a Life Bottle.
When I fought Arrietta, I had to backtrack all the way to Kaitzur to buy supplies just so I could survive. I don't know if I want to do that with the Zao Ruins. I think I'll just play more of Phantasia until I get the will to go back to Abyss.
Not just slow, but brain dead easy and there's tons of encounters too. If you get the gist of the storyline, I'd still go play the remake in Japanese, it's pretty import friendly if you've ever played a Tales game before (yellow glowing dots telling you where to go, and the maps are pretty linear)PSX Destiny as mentioned is pretty dated nowadays. I tried to play through it a few years back and couldn't do it.
Battles are slow and the World Map is a possible sin against humanity (it's ugly as hell).
The PS2 Remake is awesome stuff and things that dreams are possibly made of, but that's all in Japanese.
Money is quite a limited resource early on in Abyss, especially if you're on harder difficulties. :/
When I think about it, Jude might be the fastest (or at least fastest feeling) protagonist thus far?
Lloyd's the best.
Bandai Namco US has redone their site and added official forums, including a Tales forum of course.
NeoGAF member Rarutos pointed out that the forum description lists Tales of Hearts R. So of course I decided to make the first thread on there.
I decided to speed run through Abyss since I deleted my file and I just reached this point earlier today. I have to say, I enjoyed the game a lot more after skipping all the cut scenes and skits. I also did tons of sidequests that I had missed on my first run (and lord it is so easy to miss a lot of shit).I'm still busy playing Abyss and was wondering how much I still have to go. I'm at the point whereand I'm sick of its currently incredibly stale and repetitive story and its unfathomably passive and stale characters who are so incompetent as fuck that it's starting to become frustrating.Ion dies
Seriously, the plot's underlying, let's say, bones, are totally fine and interesting even. But when the vast majority of negative events occur because the main characters couldn't lift a fucking finger to take any preventive measures is starting to work on my nerves. Either that, or every scene is likeIt's the same shit over and over and over again, with a cast that has surprisingly little chemistry and so little personal development. I mean, the majority of the cast hasn't changed a single fucking bit since the very beginning! That tiny amount of development some characters have is foreshadowed so hard than when it actually happens, it barely has any impact. Everyone does nothing and the fucking plot just keeps getting streched and streched because of it. If the cast was even half decent, the game would have been over 20 hours ago. I just want to finish it if there's not a whole lot to go." ! I remember something important, but I will keep it to myself for little to no justifiable reason until it's too late and I eventually have to tell everyone anyway" or "Oh no! An enemy we can pretty much pummel to death within seconds! We have to run away because reasons!" or "You! You've been the cause of so much suffering and will continue to be so if we let you go! The only logical thing would be to end your life here or just somehow make sure you can't do anything, but I'm just going to stand still and talk to you for an hour, so you can create an obstacle that we could and should just easily pass through and stab you in the face, but we'll instead just let you go so more horrible plot points can happen in the future".
Also, I haven't played either game, but does Vesperia look better than Xillia? Xillia's art and animation look like a step back.
They added it in now.Poor Graces is left out of the description!
I think it was just a bit beyond this point where I gave up on the game myself, at least I got to seeI'm still busy playing Abyss and was wondering how much I still have to go. I'm at the point whereand I'm sick of its currently incredibly stale and repetitive story and its unfathomably passive and stale characters who are so incompetent as fuck that it's starting to become frustrating.Ion dies
Any more info on the Tales of Xillia 2 CE? Or was that proven false?
I don't think it's been debunked.
Absolutely loved Xillia but I'm really looking forward to Zesteria. I know Xillia 2 is coming this summer but it just seems like such a departure from the normal Tales games.. it just seems so futuristic like a FF game or something.. Have any of you played the Japanese version yet? Are my fears unfounded?
I just got to the point where they find out thatSynch is also obviously alive and they let him just walk away because two or three civilians say that they want to know the score and because he impersonates Ion's voice, even though right after he laughs like a villain and actually says "fighting me is fighting Ion" and they just eat that stupid shit up, even though they spend the entire fucking game establishing among themselves that replicas all are different, individual beings. And they just let him walk away, saying shit like "grr how cruel" right afterwards!!
Oh my god, I can't take this shit anymore! What the fuck is wrong with this cast!? They keep taking non-action and passiveness to a whole new level every fucking chance they get, even though it has come back to severely bite them in the ass every single time. It's unbearable!
Ah, I just found out why people seem to really hate Anise and not completely dislike Arietta. It's because the former is a monumental fucking piece of shit, while the latter is...less terrible. Anise is easily the worst character out of the entire cast. In fact, she might just be the worst main character I've ever seen in any Tales game. What a pointless, inconsistent, aggrevating, simplistic shit character. She only became worse and worse as time moved on, to a point where every time she opens her mouth, I skip the text. You know what would be stupid, but still be fucking sick? If Anise died off and somehow got replaced by Emperor Peony, who constantly teases Jade and has a Mistic Arte where his rappigs just pummel the shit out of nearby enemies. I'd revel in its stupidity.
How are the english translations of Destiny and Eternia on the PS1?
Destiny's translation was fine as far as I remember
Eternia cut out the skits but otherwise has a good localization... Except the dub work, the dub is very 90 aka bad
.Anise is the best character in tales of the abyss, is my main character I play as, and is in my top 5 all time favorite tales characters
Haters gonna hate
Is Destiny dubbed as well?
I think I may end up going for the japanese versions of both of these if they have bad dubs.
No it keeps all of the Japanese dialogue, the only thing that's awkwardly translated are some of the attack names like Demon Fang/Majinken is translated as missile sword
Anise love is the one thing I can never wrap my head around. Battle wise? Sure. Character wise? LOL
She's definitely at home in Abyss as most of the cast is infuriating.