TalesGAF, I need some recommendations. o/
I've only played two Tales of games, Legendia and Abyss. The last time I've played a Mothership Title was way back 2009.
I'd like to get back on the series but I don't know which to get first. I have a Vita and recently got a PS3
So ummm... halp?
If you can stand crappy last last gen graphics, and a battle system that pre-dates free run, I'd say get Tales of Symphonia Chronicles for PS3.
Tales of Symphonia is a good game and the interactions with the characters are enjoyable (plus you'll probably see a lot of the community does know of the game so you won't feel "left out" as it were). However as its battle system is what every Tales of battle system after Symphonia's is based on, it will feel lack luster in comparison to the battle system of another game.
It also comes with its sequel, ToS: Dawn of the New World, so it's two games for the price of one that's typically charged for the PS3. Although whether you like that is really personal preference.
So if you're okay with playing through a game that came out two gaming console gens again, and that is really shows, then go ahead and get Tales of Symphonia Chronicles first. Because it's better to go from this game to any other game with both updated and better graphics and battle system than the other way around.
Now, if you really can't take those crappy chibi graphics from two gaming console gens ago, I'm just gonna second what Demidar said.
There's also Tales of Xillia 2 which has recently been released to the NA region so you can finally get a game of that that's not in Japanese. I know people consider it to be better than Tales of Xillia, so take of that what you will.
And, even though this game is not out yet, Tales of Zestiria (also PS3) is set to come out next year in Japan. You may just want to follow up on any news about that game to see if you'd be interested in it when the game comes out.
As for the Vita, I'm not sure if you can download any of the Tales of PSP games on the Vita. If you can, I'm betting they can only be bought in Japan since I don't believe any of them were released outside of Japan. Other than that I haven't heard of any news for a new game to be released on the Vita, but I could be wrong.