This is only before her sports outfit gets released in Xillia 2.
And it's too bad we wouldn't get her Madoka outfit. :[
I wish she got Kyouko or even Sakura. Not really a fan of Mami.This is only before her sports outfit gets released in Xillia 2.
And it's too bad we wouldn't get her Madoka outfit. :[
I thought people liked her ToX1 costume. At least I did :[
I wish she got Kyouko or even Sakura. Not really a fan of Mami.
I thought people liked her ToX1 costume. At least I did :[
I wish she got Kyouko or even Sakura. Not really a fan of Mami.
Edit: Wonder how I typed Sakura. Meant Sayaka lol
The only thing good about Graces f is the combat, and it is damn good. Lower your expectations for everything else though.
The only thing good about Graces f is the combat, and it is damn good. Lower your expectations for everything else though.
Xillia is 10x better than Graces F for story/characters. If somebody prefers Graces in any respect other than gameplay or mechanics than I don't even know what to say to them...
Yeah outside of one bad scene everything about xillia's story stomps graces. Unless they ignored all the warning to play Jude first and went with Milla and were lost because her story explains nothing on her side.
How can someone even think that Graces characters and story are better than the ones in Xillia is beyond me. Opinions and stuff, but still.
Xillia's story wasn't that great, but ToG's story was just plain shit.
Graces' story was terrible, but I miss Malik's magic spam and the frenetic combat system. Xillia's combat just isn't as good.
lol I haven't bought any of her costumes, honestly. I have no problem with her default outfit.
Graces' story was terrible, but I miss Malik's magic spam and the frenetic combat system. Xillia's combat just isn't as good.
So I guess no DLC costumes this week.
STAR DRIVER costumes where are you?
I'm not sure if it's done updating yet. But I still don't see Star Driver costumes happening.
Edit: yeah, nothing this week or probably ever
Yeah, kinda thought we're getting DLC costumes every other week till the well runs dry.
We are still missing the Christmas outfits though so kinda weird they are holding off on those. Unless they are going to wait till actual Christmas to release them...
I'm pretty sure the more risque outfits will never see the light of day here for fear of backlash.
What's more risque than swimsuits?
Just before the final boss at about 40 hours and did like 50% of the side quests.
My dudes are right in their mid60's and my shops mid 70's.
Either this is one of the shorter games, or i'm getting better at Tales games. Mostly played on Moderate.
Maybe i'll platinum this one if I got through it this fast.
This game is too easy to be playing on moderate especially if you're a series vet
I think it's still relatively short for a Tales game though. There's no super long dungeons or anything like that.
That's good to know at least. I usually just auto go for that unless I get info on the harder difficulties.This game is too easy to be playing on moderate especially if you're a series vet
I think it's still relatively short for a Tales game though. There's no super long dungeons or anything like that.
I guess it depends on how you play, if you explore each world map area for loot points and treasures it'll take a lot longer then if you just run past them to the next dungeon/town.
are the SD costumes the last thing Bamco haven't released yet?So I guess by now, RIP for STAR DRIVER costumes. :[
are the SD costumes the last thing Bamco haven't released yet?
There's also the Christmas outfits.
I'v ebeen really enjoying ths game so much so far.
Quick question. Is the music/sounds done by the same guy that did SO4? It's gotta be..
Yes .both them and most of the tales games are done by Motoi Sakuraba.
I thought I popped the wrong disc in the other night, lol. Waay too similiar.
@Tizoc, 2.3 gb install.
Finished up this game tonight. This may be the first Tales game that I can say I did not like. I wished I was playing Graces the whole time. Granted that's my attitude whenever I play a new Tales game (I'd rather be playing the previous one), but most of them redeem themselves by the end and I have fun with each new one. Xillia was just dull through to the end. I don't think Jude's story is going to make everything better, this was just a boring game. Here's to hoping Xillia 2 is more fun.
Finished up this game tonight. This may be the first Tales game that I can say I did not like. I wished I was playing Graces the whole time. Granted that's my attitude whenever I play a new Tales game (I'd rather be playing the previous one), but most of them redeem themselves by the end and I have fun with each new one. Xillia was just dull through to the end. I don't think Jude's story is going to make everything better, this was just a boring game. Here's to hoping Xillia 2 is more fun.
It's incredible how many people who didn't enjoy Xillia played Milla's side first despite so many people warning them to pick Jude's side first.
To be fair, unless his main issue what the story, Jude's side wouldn't have done anything to change his mind.