You can wear this? Show some screens!
I can take pics later when I'm at home if no one has.
On another note, anyone know what arte usage does? It adds stars to your artes on the artes menu screen, but in this game, it's not clear on what it does. I have over 3k uses on one of my spells and I honestly can't tell anything different about it.
In previous tales games it usually affected damage, tp cost, stagger time, allowed use in the air, etc... but I have no idea what it's doing right now, and can't find anything on it.
EDIT: Someone posted details from the guide \('.')/
Basically, it reduces the SC cost of the arte. In addition, the total stars on all your artes will contribute towards a bonus amount of BG at the start of fights.
Rewards were kinda meh though so I wouldn't suggest battering your head against these guys like I did.
You always get an orb from those things which permanently boosts party max health, which is really good. The exp is shrug and the grade will usually be shrug, but the orbs are good.
As far as I can tell you can always come back to them and fight them later, but sometimes they're in far out obscure locations, you don't want to be bothered to come back, or you forget. ;p I've beaten every one I come across because of that.
You'll find some high level ones, and the AI might get eaten a lot, but you can usually or always power through it with skill. I defeated
on Intense difficulty at around level 24. Just have to know the weaknesses and play the battle system right.