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Tales of Zestiria |OT| - Sorey, Modders did what Bamcouldn't!


I'm wondering if anyone could either point me toward a correct guide for the
iris gem
quest, or just lemme know what's up. Probably more likely it's right and I just don't understand what's going on. And I don't really feel like roaming around this entire game trying to do it on my own.

I was following one before and went to go try and find what it said should be the
green iris gem: drei
, but in reality I actually ended up getting
purple iris gem: ek
from the monster. That then threw the guide off so I'm not really sure exactly what scenarios I've already done and if the ones I've already done line up with what ones I have (I've been taking a break from the game for a couple of weeks).


I'm wondering if anyone could either point me toward a correct guide for the
iris gem
quest, or just lemme know what's up. Probably more likely it's right and I just don't understand what's going on. And I don't really feel like roaming around this entire game trying to do it on my own.

I was following one before and went to go try and find what it said should be the
green iris gem: drei
, but in reality I actually ended up getting
purple iris gem: ek
from the monster. That then threw the guide off so I'm not really sure exactly what scenarios I've already done and if the ones I've already done line up with what ones I have (I've been taking a break from the game for a couple of weeks).
If you just talk to Rose she'll tell you which side quests you have left. Most of them end up giving you an iris gem.


Alright, so I beat the game and thought it was pretty rad overall.

Quick ending question...:

Was another lord of calamity born through Sorey? Why were the seraphin on another journey with another Shepherd?

And was the Mikleo at the end falling through the floor with Sorey assisting him, or the new Shepherd?

Loved the game tho, didn't really want it to end.


I lost like 3-4 times, jut on Hard. I started reviving Rose (and the other seraph if applicable) when he charges to compensate.
Tried it and I got absolutely wrecked in the second form. I'm gonna have to farm a lot. Get Kiloh for everyone at least.

Alright, so I beat the game and thought it was pretty rad overall.

Quick ending question...:

Was another lord of calamity born through Sorey? Why were the seraphin on another journey with another Shepherd?

And was the Mikleo at the end falling through the floor with Sorey assisting him, or the new Shepherd?

Loved the game tho, didn't really want it to end.
You may want to play Alisha's DLC since it explains your questions very well.
But if you don't want to bother with it
Sorey basically has to cut off his senses and go into sleep mode to fix everything for many, many years. The Seraphs go on journeys with new Shepards (Rose being the first after Sorey) during this time to help Sorey. After centuries, Sorey wakes up and assists Mikleo like you saw in the ending.
Hey guys,

I returned to this yesterday after waiting for the 60fps mod and wrapping up Syndicate and Shadow Complex, and... I don't think I like this game very much.

My main complaint is the huge lag in everything you do in battle. I don't know if it's just me, but I remember Xillia and Graces being super smooth and fluid, almost like Bayonetta. Everything in Zestiria has huge animation priority (especially blocking and sidestepping), like I'm playing Lost Planet, and I just don't find it as fun.

Is there anything in the options I can tweak to improve this? I also think the story is a huge step back from Xillia/Xillia2, so the combat is pretty much the only thing keeping me going. If I can't resolve this, I may drop the game.

Thanks for any help!


So I just
had to find all the remaining Iris Gems in order to proceed with the storyline
. How close am I to the end now?


That much still? Damn, I already got most of the gems..

Once that sidequest is finished, I really don't think there's a lot of main game left. I finished it tonight. I played about five hours after just finishing that sidequest to finish the main game. Clocked in around 40 hours.

Also, some reviewers complained about the iris gems quest but I did them as they came up in my interactions with Rose and so I didn't have a ton to do at the end. Didn't really see why it was so bad. *shrug*


Once that sidequest is finished, I really don't think there's a lot of main game left. I finished it tonight. I played about five hours after just finishing that sidequest to finish the main game. Clocked in around 40 hours.

Also, some reviewers complained about the iris gems quest but I did them as they came up in my interactions with Rose and so I didn't have a ton to do at the end. Didn't really see why it was so bad. *shrug*

I say 1/3rd but it's probably less.
The regular battle theme changes for the 3rd time after the iris gems part, so it kinda felt like the start of the 3rd act.

Yeah, they really haven't been that bad at all. I just got done the part with my Seco battle with
or whateverthat evil dudes name is (too early to think) so I'm now searching for
sorry butchered that name too.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Damn it, I'm only missing the Dietician's Nightmare achievement for completion, which is the only one the player has no power over because of the RNG. I was really hoping I would get it while I was doing everything else.

I had Snack Preparation on Mikleo through the whole first run, then on the second run I had pretty much the entire party making snacks, with Acceleration of the Mind selected on all Lords of the Lands. No luck yet.

Anyway, I'm doing the old complaining on GAF to see if it helps. :p
Seems the God Eater 2 DLC is up for FREE on PSN (US).
God Eater DLC for PlayStation 3 version
God Eater DLC for PlayStation 4 version

Includes God Eater 2 costumes for both Sorey and Rose. Then the Aragami Hunt arena battles.

Nothing yet on Steam or on their VIP corner. Considering they haven't made Alisha's Story purchasable again, shows how much they care... :(

Seems it's not up on PSN (EU), either... huh...

|EDIT 2|
A more updated post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=190138526&postcount=4726




Onc you have the whole Earthen Historic and have the battle
with Maevyn
, is there any way to go back and do the rest of the sideas quests? They disappear from Rose's dialog.
I'm not too far into the game, the part where you have to go into the Galahad Ruins, and I fought some blue and yellow wolf monster on the map. He absolutely wrecked me, like 1-2 shotting most of my team members. Is this some special enemy that I'm not supposed to fight yet?


I'm not too far into the game, the part where you have to go into the Galahad Ruins, and I fought some blue and yellow wolf monster on the map. He absolutely wrecked me, like 1-2 shotting most of my team members. Is this some special enemy that I'm not supposed to fight yet?

Yup, that's a mutant hellion (Managarmr, right?). You'll find plenty of those while playing. If you defeat them, you'll gain a permanent HP buff for the party.
Going to post this here as well, in case there are people who only check this thread.

Just for the heads up, God Eater DLC is semi-up on Steam now. Only available for those who didn't pre-order Tales of Zestiria. It's automatically added to your Steam account. Can be found in Library > Tales of Zestiria > DLC.

Tales of Zestiria (Pre-Order) on steamdb
Tales of Zestiria (Normal) on steamdb
^ As you can see via steamdb, God Eater DLC doesn't show up for people who own cameo costumes and such. I have a feeling they forgot something. Then again, their support for Steam version hasn't been that great (I hate to sound like a broken record, but Alisha's Story still isn't available for purchase on Steam Store since November 23. While it has been up on PSN)

For PlayStation platforms, the DLC is available on PSN:
God Eater DLC, PS3 (PSN, US)
God Eater DLC, PS4 (PSN, US)
God Eater DLC, PS3/PS4 (PSN, Europe)


I just finished Marlind mainquest. I went out of the city to go to some ruins. All of a sudden my AI party member/s won't fight, despite going into the menu and changing their tendencies.

They just run away and heal themselves. Any ideas on what I did to screw the AI up?
I don't know what to do...
I hesitate between star wars batttlefront + season pass ; Tales of Zestiria and MGS5

I played ToSymphonia 10 years ago on NGC and it was really great. This game is good? There is a sale on steam so...
I think Im finally understand the unions and such system for items instead of just blindly fusing to increase the +10 etc ranking. I did enough of the SC's ones that even on the higher difficulties my SC charges rather fast and I can get over 500+ HP for defeating enemies. Needless to say it ends up where I rarely defend.


I don't know what to do...
I hesitate between star wars batttlefront + season pass ; Tales of Zestiria and MGS5

I played ToSymphonia 10 years ago on NGC and it was really great. This game is good? There is a sale on steam so...

I picked it up on Steam and it's pretty fun. I wish you could run faster though.


I got so attached to the Imperfect Princess, I was so hoping to see her grow through the story and become a strong and unquestioned Queen.. I have to admit I'm not liking the cast shift at the moment.. the new girl is like every anime "spunky" girl pal who can seemingly do no wrong, I was surprised everyone seemed to love her off the bat. I wish they kept the Knight character in the variety in the fights is lacking so hard due to the human seraph limitation..I've mentally checked out at this point of the story, and Dead pan Tiny Tina is not helping matters..at least the battle system started to click.. ah well.
How do I open all those locked treasure chests in the first town? And how do I get behind the locked door toward the end of the Aqueducts in the ifrst dungeon?


How do I open all those locked treasure chests in the first town? And how do I get behind the locked door toward the end of the Aqueducts in the ifrst dungeon?

There are 3 different color chests: bronze, silver, and gold. You need special items you get at certain points in the game to unlock them. It encourages you to go back to dungeons once you have them to unlock them. It's usually never worth it though.



Just got to the battle with the
the music, tone, battle and story at the same time was awesome. I had to sit it the sub menu and listen to it for a bit. Awesome stuff!
Bought the game off of the Steam sale and I have a few questions.

Today, I played it for almost 6 hours straight and I'm now in the
Galahad Ruins
and reunited with

- What is the point of leveling up? I don't seem to acquire anything substantial, not even HP? Does it increase my stats? Sometimes, I unlock some of these "auto" skills but I tend to get them between level ups too so I'm not sure if those two are connected.
- How do I determine which martial artes I execute? It seems entirely random. I just mash buttons and Sorey does whatever and I win the fight. Currently, I have unlocked two secret artes - one seems to active by just pressing the secret artes button, the other seems to require moving+button. Is it similar with martial artes?
- I started the game on hard because easy RPGs bore me - however, ever since I acquire the ability to
I can literally get through every fight by afk spamming the attack button. Is there a point in not
every fight? Does my non-
MC deal more single-target damage? Also, does the difficulty increase or does the game remain like this? I quite enjoyed the combat pre
as I had to evade, take care of my SP or CP or whatever those points are called and so forth.
- How to get new martial artes? I surmise by equipping these titles? All my current titles seem to infuse the same martial artes though? And when do I actually unlock it? When my item reaches the next level?
- How to acquire new secret artes?

Really enjoying the game though. First Tales of game for me since translated Tales of since SNES Tales of Phantasia.
Bought the game off of the Steam sale and I have a few questions.

Today, I played it for almost 6 hours straight and I'm now in the
Galahad Ruins
and reunited with

- What is the point of leveling up? I don't seem to acquire anything substantial, not even HP? Does it increase my stats? Sometimes, I unlock some of these "auto" skills but I tend to get them between level ups too so I'm not sure if those two are connected.
- How do I determine which martial artes I execute? It seems entirely random. I just mash buttons and Sorey does whatever and I win the fight. Currently, I have unlocked two secret artes - one seems to active by just pressing the secret artes button, the other seems to require moving+button. Is it similar with martial artes?
- I started the game on hard because easy RPGs bore me - however, ever since I acquire the ability to
I can literally get through every fight by afk spamming the attack button. Is there a point in not
every fight? Does my non-
MC deal more single-target damage? Also, does the difficulty increase or does the game remain like this? I quite enjoyed the combat pre
as I had to evade, take care of my SP or CP or whatever those points are called and so forth.
- How to get new martial artes? I surmise by equipping these titles? All my current titles seem to infuse the same martial artes though? And when do I actually unlock it? When my item reaches the next level?
- How to acquire new secret artes?

Really enjoying the game though. First Tales of game for me since translated Tales of since SNES Tales of Phantasia.

Leveling up gives you more AP for Support Talents (you get +1 when you level up_, and also to learn arts since you need to fight more so your title proficiency can increase so you can learn the listed arts.

BOTH artes correspond to pushing a direction and whatever button it is on pc for attacking (x + up, is different then x + left, etc). Once you learn more than you can start to see the differences in the chain.

I usually avoid armatizing you cant get high combos, youre left open, you cant cancel when enemies are doing certain artes. BG increases faster when you not armatized. Really I only Armatize to heal or save characters from dying. Also with armatizing you go from two characters to one, as you get further on hard, youll be assaulted by more than six enemies, more characters fighting is better.

Mystic artes are given with plot events.


Bought the game off of the Steam sale and I have a few questions.

Today, I played it for almost 6 hours straight and I'm now in the
Galahad Ruins
and reunited with

- What is the point of leveling up? I don't seem to acquire anything substantial, not even HP? Does it increase my stats? Sometimes, I unlock some of these "auto" skills but I tend to get them between level ups too so I'm not sure if those two are connected.
- How do I determine which martial artes I execute? It seems entirely random. I just mash buttons and Sorey does whatever and I win the fight. Currently, I have unlocked two secret artes - one seems to active by just pressing the secret artes button, the other seems to require moving+button. Is it similar with martial artes?
- I started the game on hard because easy RPGs bore me - however, ever since I acquire the ability to
I can literally get through every fight by afk spamming the attack button. Is there a point in not
every fight? Does my non-
MC deal more single-target damage? Also, does the difficulty increase or does the game remain like this? I quite enjoyed the combat pre
as I had to evade, take care of my SP or CP or whatever those points are called and so forth.
- How to get new martial artes? I surmise by equipping these titles? All my current titles seem to infuse the same martial artes though? And when do I actually unlock it? When my item reaches the next level?
- How to acquire new secret artes?

Really enjoying the game though. First Tales of game for me since translated Tales of since SNES Tales of Phantasia.

Leveling up gives you more AP for Support Talents (you get +1 when you level up_, and also to learn arts since you need to fight more so your title proficiency can increase so you can learn the listed arts.

BOTH artes correspond to pushing a direction and whatever button it is on pc for attacking (x + up, is different then x + left, etc). Once you learn more than you can start to see the differences in the chain.

I usually avoid armatizing you cant get high combos, youre left open, you cant cancel when enemies are doing certain artes. BG increases faster when you not armatized. Really I only Armatize to heal or save characters from dying. Also with armatizing you go from two characters to one, as you get further on hard, youll be assaulted by more than six enemies, more characters fighting is better.

Mystic artes are given with plot events.

Also using Armatization means you only have access to two types of attacks, special and casting arts (forget the names the game gives them). You should be familiar with the attack triangle this game has (martial arts > casting arts, casting arts > special arts, special arts > martial arts). Using martial arts against casting enemies interrupt their casting arts, while special arts speed up the enemies casting arts. So when playing on harder difficulties, it's common to be wiped out easily by bosses and groups of enemies that use powerful casting arts if you're only using armatization, since each attack in armatization mode just speeds up their casting.

Also, the normal human that you aren't controlling to "aim for weaknesses" in the strategy menu. Make the game easier.
Thanks for the answers, guys.
on hard was the first really tough fight I had to start a few times over. I enjoyed that a lot. First time I also had to use armatize in a meaningful manner as in rescuing people from dying, healing and so forth.

Really awesome game so far.


Yeah, actually you're able to save point travel before that, you're able once you reach

Sweet, was finally able to jump around a little and do some of those sidequests.

Question though, is there any way to beat that witch in the forest on the way to Elysia, or the other two right monsters right around
Shepard Michael's house
on the first playthrough?


Sweet, was finally able to jump around a little and do some of those sidequests.

Question though, is there any way to beat that witch in the forest on the way to Elysia, or the other two right monsters right around
Shepard Michael's house
on the first playthrough?
I played in moderate, and can't think of any enemy I wasn't able to defeat in my first playthrough (though I was rather high level by the end since I did alot of extra stuff).

The only thing I wasn't able to defeat and not gonna bother trying until a possible new game+ run is...something from the post end-game (
stronger version of the final boss after completing a dungeon that only appears after defeating the final boss
Can someone explain to me how to inflict status ailments during a battle? Like stunning etc. I see that some artes can inflict stun on certain enemies, but it's 100% chance? I remember something from a monolith about increasing the chance of inficting poison etc but I don't remember how
Can someone explain to me how to inflict status ailments during a battle? Like stunning etc. I see that some artes can inflict stun on certain enemies, but it's 100% chance? I remember something from a monolith about increasing the chance of inficting poison etc but I don't remember how

When you equip equipment some of the E and G unions confer higher chances of inflicting stun, titles can also raise the chance to stun as well.
yesterday, and wow the presentation of that fight was awesome, especially the music change.

I'm enjoying the characters and their interactions with each other, as well as the OST, that being said, I'm so lost on what the timeline of events actually is since
the Celestial Record and the Iris Gems are created/written only a short time before the events of the game, while the dialogue makes it seem as if the Celestial Record (which is looked at as a mythical text) as well as the events shown within the Gems are older.
The game seems to have a hard time conveying what events are "ancient" and which are relatively recent.

(With that being said, does anyone have a proper timeline of the world leading to the current events of the game?)


yesterday, and wow the presentation of that fight was awesome, especially the music change.

I'm enjoying the characters and their interactions with each other, as well as the OST, that being said, I'm so lost on what the timeline of events actually is since
the Celestial Record and the Iris Gems are created/written only a short time before the events of the game, while the dialogue makes it seem as if the Celestial Record (which is looked at as a mythical text) as well as the events shown within the Gems are older.
The game seems to have a hard time conveying what events are "ancient" and which are relatively recent.

(With that being said, does anyone have a proper timeline of the world leading to the current events of the game?)
Found this after a quick search.
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