I'm surprised by those of you who aren't interested in this. Sure, I can understand that part of the appeal of TCC is collecting the films in physical format with nice cover art, etc.
However, to me, physical media is completely archaic. I've no interest in collecting. I don't like the clutter. And I certainly don't have the money to regularly buy DVDs.
But all I care about is watching great films. If that makes me a film snob, I guess I am one then. For the past few years I've been pretty disappointed with the film selections on Netfliz/HBO/Amazon.
On the other hand, the TV shows on the latter are wonderful, and these services have fostered a new golden era of TV, by expanding the trend started by HBO many years ago.
Bottom line: a steaming service dedicated to great films makes me extremely excited. I can't wait to have these films at my fingertips.