Thats right guys! Its a tea swap!
After a wonderful turnout during the anniversary contest. Morningbus and I thought it would be an awesome idea to have a tea swap and I've decided to run it! This will allow us to give teas to people who would normally not have the chance to buy, whether they wouldve never thought to buy it or just havent experienced many teas. This is also a wonderful chance to interact with each other members of Tea Gaf. Dont be scared if youre new to tea and feel like you dont know enough about teas, you can always browse Steepster and see what sort of reviews the teas have.
A few rules apply:
1. The deadline to sign up is
Friday, May 17th.
2. I will pm you on
Sunday, May 19th with your tea pair
3. Pm your tea buddy and swap addresses, if you prefer, you can pm me and Ill pm your partner with your address.
3.You MUST mail your tea care package by
May 31st.
Its not required, but it would be nice if everyone told us what tea/teas they got as a swap as well as a review of their teas.
There is no specific price range, but please try to strive for at least one tin or bag of at least 50 grams (2oz) of loose tea. No bagged tea!
How to register:
If youd like to participate, please post in this format:
Country of residence:
Your favorite teas:
Favorite flavors:
Things you dislike, allergies, cant tolerate:
Where you buy your teas from:
Additional Notes:
I really hope we have a good turnout! Although this is the first one with no particular theme, if this goes well, it would be awesome to have seasonal tea swaps (summer teas/winter teas). Maybe Im getting a little ahead of myself, but this event just seems so fun!
Anyways Ill go first:
Username: Arsenic Yellow
State/Country of residence:Massachusetts, USA
Your favorite teas:I love all tea types, but my favorites are Almond Rooibus, Peach Rooibus, Orange Rooibus, and Coconut Oolong. Honeydew Mate from Davids tea is becomming a new favorite as well.
Favorite flavors:I love nutty Fruity and creamy flavors.
Things you dislike, allergies, cant tolerate:chocolate, Lavendar, coacoa and coffee
Where you buy your teas from: Tealuxe, Metropolitan Tea Company and Davids Tea
Additional Notes: Im seriously up for anything. I love unique blends. One tea type I havent tried is Puerh, but Im nervous because Ive heard that it typically smells a little fishy which doesnt sound so pleasant considering Im a vegetarian. Whenever Im out in Boston, I usually buy at least 50-250 grams of teas, so my tea collection is fairly large, but its pretty much entirely from Tealuxe and Davids Tea.
I also want to add, you don't have to buy JUST tea, if you want, you can include additional tea goodies as well. Some examples: Honey sticks, cute teacup, measuring spoon, mate gourd, bombillas, etc.
Edit: I'd also like to add that this is for full tea tins, not just samples of your own tea. Example: I love sencha from tealuxe and my partner has never tried it before. Instead of giving my tea partner a baggy of sencha. I'll go to tealuxe and buy them a small tin. of course that doesn't mean I can't include samples with my package. I'm not saying to go all out and give crazy amounts of tea, but a small tin would be nice