But not a very good one.theBishop said:Then again, Christ was a Jew.
But not a very good one.theBishop said:Then again, Christ was a Jew.
ronito said:But he has. See my post above.
I love it.
"You can't deny scripture!!!"
"Then you believe the world is 6,000 years old."
"WTFOMGBBQ! That's stupid! Wut are you? Ignurnt?"
"It's in the bible. Prove me wrong."
bastionwords said:So why even teach anything from Leviticus in churches?
bastionwords said:Why have my Christian friends who try to tell me that certain things are wrong based on levitical scripture?
bastionwords said:You can't use this argument because I have been in enough churches to know that levitical law is still a pick and choose world where Christians choose which levitical laws can and can't be used against themselves and other people.
Why would the Bible go through great length and detail to give you the days if you're supposed to ignore it? Is it just baiting you?TheExodu5 said:Does the Bible not make a point of saying to not count the days? My uncle's pointed me the verse at one point (two of my uncles are pastors actually). I don't think we're supposed to be interpreting the age of the world, and even if we are, it's really of no significance.
Unfortunately, with thousands of denominations of Christianity saying theirs are the correct interpretations, your case is a little weak.ManaByte said:Just because one Church is completely wrong in their interpretation of the New Testament teachings; it doesn't mean all of Christianity is.
Swedomu said:![]()
Wow, look at Turkey.
ManaByte said:Just because one Church is completely wrong in their interpretation of the New Testament teachings; it doesn't mean all of Christianity is. There's a very large movement right now in the Emerging Church that teaches that Christ isn't the only way to Heaven; which ignores John 14:6.
Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
deepbrown said:OK...but aren't you just missing the point? Do you, as a Christian, think your morality comes from the Bible? Do you only know what is good because you are told by the word of God in the bible? If this is the case (which all CHristians should believe if they are indeed Christain), how is that you pick and choose your morals from the Bible. By what facts are you able to CHOOSE your morals and reject others, when only the bible can inform you of your morals?
Dali said:When I think about it most people don't really need to know about evolution anyway. So I guess it's pointless to get angry at parents that willingly force ignorance on their children and shield them from learning about it.
bastionwords said:So why even teach anything from Leviticus in churches? Why have my Christian friends who try to tell me that certain things are wrong based on levitical scripture? You can't use this argument because I have been in enough churches to know that levitical law is still a pick and choose world where Christians choose which levitical laws can and can't be used against themselves and other people.
A question in regards to the apologetic evolutionary teaching, why must science be sensitive to any religion in terms of study?
besada said:So if there's metaphor in the bible, how do you tell which bits are metaphor and which bits are literal?
theBishop said:Matthew 15:4
Then again, Christ was a Jew.
Too bad my experience isn't one church! I kinda of grew up in a baptist church, attended a non-denominational church and been to a shit load of christian gatherings. It is there, and you simple statement does not admonish this. The pick and choose of scriptures by Christian is a very widespread activity. Once again, your simple statements do not dilute the overwhelming evidence of experience from my head. I know the talk, so your simple arguments to paint a different picture will not change the conclusion in my head. However, you are not even addressing the topic at hand. You are trying to be the victor by posting as much scripture as possible.ManaByte said:My Church goes verse-by-verse from Genesis to Revelation, using inductive study (which means the context is explained with each verse). Non-denominational ftw.
Because they don't know what they're talking about?
Just because one Church is completely wrong in their interpretation of the New Testament teachings; it doesn't mean all of Christianity is. There's a very large movement right now in the Emerging Church that teaches that Christ isn't the only way to Heaven; which ignores John 14:6.
Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Dolphin said:Unfortunately, with thousands of denominations of Christianity saying theirs are the correct interpretations, your case is a little weak.
Tamanon said:Hell, most of the societal problems with Christianity could probably be solved if Leviticus didn't exist. It basically runs counter to much of what the Bible teaches.
You know what is a really incorrect and disingenuous move? Sticking words into someone else's mouth. If you want to cite me, there is a quote function attached to every message I post.Azih said:Crazy thing is that this highly intelligent, highly competent, and committed man of science would be derided and mocked by the Dawkins and the PhlegmMasters and condescended to by the speculawyers because of this one line:
ManaByte said:Again that's why you go to a non-denominational Church that teaches the Bible.
Did you even read the posts in this thread that explain that Christians do not follow Leviticus due to the New Testament and Christ's New Convenant?
Well it makes it easier to ignore willful ignorance. Their son is going to shuck corn when he grows up. Why bother him with evolution? Their daughter is going to knit clothes and cook all day. What does she need with evolution?theBishop said:People don't need to know most of what they learn in school. That's no kind of argument.
So . . . do all these non-denominational Churches teach the Bible in the exact same way? :lolManaByte said:Again that's why you go to a non-denominational Church that teaches the Bible.
You know, the New Testament is filled with massive piles of crap too. Jesus talked about slaves . . . why didn't he ever suggest that they should be freed? Are you pro-slavery on Biblical ground as much of the American south was (and to some degree still is)?ManaByte said:Did you even read the posts in this thread that explain that Christians do not follow Leviticus due to the New Testament and Christ's New Convenant?
To be fair (TM), most christians don't even live the new Covenant.ManaByte said:Did you even read the posts in this thread that explain that Christians do not follow Leviticus due to the New Testament and Christ's New Convenant?
Syth_Blade22 said:No, my morality does not come from the bible. what DOES come from the bible, are a bunch of stories, that are quite uplifting, and give me an insight into what a wonder it all is, We're alive. thats pretty fucking impressive. why not write a story about it, something, something for our kids to enjoy. lets call it the bible.
also, i dont pick and choose my morals from the bible, i pick and chose them as i see fit. It just so happens, that the majority of them in the bible are correct. And really i think this is on a whole other level to the level of religious devotion in Australia, it's quite astounding.
really now its 3:20 and i'm even more delusional.. but if your point was do i get my sense of morals only from the bible? no.
do i beleive anything in the bible? no.
the bible was written before scientific fact (well a whole lot of it) came to use.
The Aboriginals of Australia tell of stories such as the magpie being black and white because he was caught in a bush fire.
What gives the Christian story more fact over theirs? do you have me pictures of said jesus playing cricket on the shores of Jerusalem?
also nothing personnel on you anyway, I've had a shit day at home with many an argument and I'm really just using the internet to vent! no assholery intended!
ronito said:To be fair (TM), most christians don't even live the new Covenant.
Dali said:Well it makes it easier to ignore willful ignorance. Their son is going to shuck corn when he grows up. Why bother him with evolution? Their daughter is going to knit clothes and cook all day. What does she need with evolution?
I know my examples aren't completely accurate and there are a lot of people in positions of power and other seemingly well-educated persons with those beliefs. My little fantasy just makes it easier for me to stomach the reality of the situation.
Tamanon said:I can certainly tell by the arguments used against gay marriage. So are you saying that anyone who does quote Leviticus is not a Christian?![]()
Yeah...even non-denominational Churches are denominational. It's a misnomer.ManaByte said:Again that's why you go to a non-denominational Church that teaches the Bible.
ManaByte said:If they're quoting from Leviticus; they're wrong. Those same arguments are found in the New Testament; specifically by Paul in his letter to the Romans.
what's your definition of the new covenant between man and GOD?ronito said:To be fair (TM), most christians don't even live the new Covenant.
Seth C said:You're absolutely correct. He was a Jew, and until his death and resurrection, he and everyone else were governed by and had to uphold the law. I believe Jesus himself stated that he came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. Until he had done so, he couldn't command people in any way that would lead to them violating their law/covenant.
Kaervas said:So, you were raised in a christian western society and the bible had no effect on your moral choises whatsoever, they are just stories.
ronito said:Why would the Bible go through great length and detail to give you the days if you're supposed to ignore it? Is it just baiting you?
Also Christ himself also said nothing about gays, some verses hint that life doesn't begin until after the third trimester (the quickening) so I guess some interpretations are ok and others aren't. Gotcha.
Jason's Ultimatum said:I always get the "But if we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" comment from the anti-evolutioners. :lol
Aurvant said:Well, Christ himself doesn't personally speak out against the Homosexuals but his teachings show that it is considered a transgression against God's will.
And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ “and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’” (Matt. 19:4.)
Jesus obviously shows that he, as the Son of God, believes in the Fathers will that Man and Woman are only to be joined together.
I do not want to derail this thread to speak about anything other than Science and Faith, but I just wanted to address that for Ronito.
Yeah, except that was an answer to whether or not a man could divorce his wife.Aurvant said:And He answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? (Matt. 19:4.)
Jesus obviously shows that he, as the Son of God, believes in the Fathers will that Man and Woman are only to be joined together.
I do not want to derail this thread to speak about anything other than Science and Faith, but I just wanted to address that for Ronito.
Aurvant said:And He answered and said to them, Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? (Matt. 19:4.)
theBishop said:So in practice, the only parts of the bible you uphold as relevant are the ones that take place after the resurrection?
Dolphin said:Yeah, except that was an answer to whether or not a man could divorce his wife.
Gaborn said:As an observant Jew Paul was referring to Leviticus because... that's what Rabbis do.
ManaByte said:Paul's letters were after Christ gave the Great Commission to the disciples and he was writing to the early Church that was made up of both Gentiles and Jews. The Jews wanted to keep the Torah, so Paul wrote his epistle to settle the differences between them and the Greek Gentiles also in the Roman Church.
Matthew 28:16-20
16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
gofreak said:I totally don't get the conflict between creationism and evolution.
Evolution is merely a process. It says nothing about the origins of the process. There could still have been a creator who designed the process, with the notion of humans as the end-output of that process, and then set it in motion. Or not. Point is, it speaks nothing, for or against, a creator God.
Even my 70-odd year-old Catholic parents, raised in an exceptionally conservative Ireland, can accept evolution theory.
Wurm said:This is when I find religion can't be respected, nor tolerated when it actually encroaches on the intellectual advancement of society to such a degree.
I sort of agree, which is why I am so pissed that people like the female teacher exist. At the same time if you live in an idiot village you want your schools to teach your idiot village lessons. I'm torn between my feelings on the two. I think teachers should be objective and have a duty to their profession to have students prepared for the world and more intelligent when they leave than when they got there. Just like you have bad doctors though you also have piss-poor teachers who think they are fulfilling their duty when they really are an embarrassment to their profession. The idiot village hires these piss-poor teachers only they see them as the epitome of excellence.theBishop said:I guess I have kind of an idealized view of education. Doctors have the Hippocratic Oath, I think educators have a similar responsibility to their profession. Subjects should be taught according to the best understanding at the time, not according to the irrational "values" of the parents of the student.
Dolphin said:Yeah, except that was an answer to whether or not a man could divorce his wife.
Also, it seems that the Bible says that it's a sin to be single judging by that. There goes the youth movement!
Aurvant said:Still, Jesus' definition of Marriage, be it concerning divorce or homosexual unions, is pretty straight forward. Male + Female = Definition of marriage.
TheExodu5 said:Nope. Catholics and pentecostals at least are tought that the Bible is supposed to be interpreted literally. The ones who teach not to interpret it literally are likely more open to evolution, and allow it to co-exist with their religion.
So yeah, sorry, I suppose evolution can co-exist with religion under certain conditions.
gofreak said:I totally don't get the conflict between creationism and evolution.
Evolution is merely a process. It says nothing about the origins of the process. There could still have been a creator who designed the process, with the notion of humans as the end-output of that process, and then set it in motion. Or not. Point is, it speaks nothing, for or against, a creator God.
Even my 70-odd year-old Catholic parents, raised in an exceptionally conservative Ireland, can accept evolution theory.
Jack Random said:Can you read that to yourself again, and tell me how the hell that makes any sense at all?
You can't make "conditions" where facts are allowed to exist, they simply do.