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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases

Finished it last night. There are a lot of flaws to the game, but I found it to be a breath of fresh air. Really enjoyed my time with it. I'm curious to see what Rockstar will do with this franchies since Bondi is gone.

ALso, I'm curious if GTA5 will use motionscan. Going back to the wooden facial animations of other games is REALLY jarring now.


yea i finished it last night too on the PC,

the gameplay isnt the best and it does get repetitive but damn i loved the story
I'm currently playing the OnLive version, which is a modified PC version. It looks ok, nothing mindblowing, but you can say the same for the regular PC version as well. I'm currently at the
Black Dahlia murder
cases, and it seems good so far despite the slow pace. It does get repetitve, which a weakness.

The game is basically an advancement of the point an click adventure genre with a dose of open world trappings. I ithink this is what really divides people. This game could have easily been a straight forward point and click game with the addition of shooting and chase sequences.

The facial capture tech is great, but the separate motion capture for the body makes it seem rather ackward at the same time. I'd rather they would use facial capture tech from Avatar (based on Facial Action Coding System (FACS)) and place them onto fully digitized models of the actors. Hower, this could prove to be too expensive.

I can really see this game as a police procedural TV series.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Picked this up for $12 used, and was shocked to discover that both DLC codes in the case were still valid. Nice. :D Played through the first few cases and I'm pretty satisfied so far. The combat feels especially nice, especially compared to something like GTA. Won't delve any further in until I finish Yakuza 4 and/or Dead Rising 2: OTR though. Don't want to have too many games going on at once.
My Updated thoughts on the game:

I got to the middle of the Homicide desk cases, and I just don't feel like continuing. It became very boring. I started hating the slow pace and it was becoming a chore. I also got tired of the open world, the chase sequences, and the shooting sequnces. I know that it broke up the flow, but it became so routine, so dull just like the investigation. I'd rather use a point and click interface since it was getting so repetitive so I could use as little effort as possible to make it thought the game. I started to hate just walking around and looking at clues. It just took too much time. I know they wanted us to be immersed in 1940's LA, but it became a chore for me.

The facial animation tech was great at first, but the more I paid attention to it, the more I noticed how it didn't line up with the body movements. It became very distracting.

I ended up reading the rest of the plot on Wikipedia and looked at character bios on the games's wikia site. It's a shame really. The plot seemed to have picked up afterwards. However, I also didn't care for the main character. There should have been a lot more character development early on, and we should have seen more about his family.

I felt the game wanted to be like an episodic tv series, but it failed when in came to character development of the main character especially earlier in the game. I wanted to see more aspects of Cole's life outside of work. Doing case after case after case was wearing on me. I guess I would've prefer more side missions that weren't shootouts or cases and more situations that expounded on his character. It could have been have Cole meet wife for lunch or something. I don't know.

Also, they game should have kept the coax, force, lie options instead of the truth, doubt, lie. You can tell the dialogue was recorded with the older options in mind. It just works better. Truth and doubt is just plain confusing at times.

At the end of the day, I'd rather play a streamlined point and click version of the game. I like open world games, but this was too slow paced. I guess it was made to play in small doses.


Just bought the game on Games on Demand a couple of days ago and I have to say I'm rather surprised over how much I enjoy this game. After reading some message boards I expected something much worse than this.. Despite some flaws and repetitive aspects aside, I very much enjoy the experience.

Oh, love the detail levels of the city and the interiors. I remember during the early PS2/XBox era when Sony were talking about massive joint libraries to use to build big gaming worlds down to small details. Games like LA (And Heavy Rain, GTA IV etc..) sure realize this in an impressive way.

I haven't finished the game yet, but it would be nice to see a more polished sequel for the next generation.

Anyway, I miss "Under a Killing Moon"...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I picked up LA Noire during the Steam sale, and I'm pretty pleasantly surprised at the gameplay.

Though, I didn't realize until 8 hours in that vibration helps you find clues, because I'm playing with a keyboard and mouse :|

It would have been nice if there was some on-screen indicator that would replace the vibrating if you're not using a controller. Just something super subtle.


y'all should be ashamed
I picked up LA Noire during the Steam sale, and I'm pretty pleasantly surprised at the gameplay.

Though, I didn't realize until 8 hours in that vibration helps you find clues, because I'm playing with a keyboard and mouse :|

It would have been nice if there was some on-screen indicator that would replace the vibrating if you're not using a controller. Just something super subtle.

Are you at the Homicide desk yet? That, for me, is when the entire game fell apart.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Are you at the Homicide desk yet? That, for me, is when the entire game fell apart.

I'm on case 3 for Homicide. Not really getting the hate. The game seems pretty god damn amazing to me.

(I watched my roommate play the entirety of Homicide back when the game first came out, so I kinda remember what's coming up)

The game seems like it's investigation/interview/investigation/interrogation all the way through. I was worried that the game would be all shootouts and shit. Thankfully the tone of the game is nice and subdued. It feels like what a game about police officers should be.

I absolutely love the slow pacing. Though I kind wish there were no shootouts at all.
I picked this up through Steam on New Years eve, and have LOVED the game so far! Nice to see a game that doesn't have huge floaty arrows over clues. So anyone else keep reloading till they get a perfect interview?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I picked this up through Steam on New Years eve, and have LOVED the game so far! Nice to see a game that doesn't have huge floaty arrows over clues. So anyone else keep reloading till they get a perfect interview?

Nah. That feels like cheating. I like to sometimes fail, and hope for success in the future.

REV 09

I also got this from the Steam sale and it has made a great first impression. I'm only an hour in though, but the tone is spot on. The gameplay is also serviceable; I especially like the context sensitive actions. Cole walks up to a door and just knocks...no "press A" to knock, he just does it. It really helps with making the game feel like an interactive film.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I also got this from the Steam sale and it has made a great first impression. I'm only an hour in though, but the tone is spot on. The gameplay is also serviceable; I especially like the context sensitive actions. Cole walks up to a door and just knocks...no "press A" to knock, he just does it. It really helps with making the game feel like an interactive film.

I like that too. I do like the way he navigates things without too much babying. I love control in games, but there's no reason for me to have minute control over Phelps walking down some stairs or up a fire escape.

It's also kind of funny to play as a cop in a world before police brutality laws. The funniest line?

"If you keep lying to me, I will send you AND your baby...TO JAIL!"

I was hoping he would charge the unborn baby with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit murder.


Does LA Noire control better with a controller (I have a 360 pad) or mouse and keyboard? I'd like to know before I start playing.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Does LA Noire control better with a controller (I have a 360 pad) or mouse and keyboard? I'd like to know before I start playing.

I play with both. Controller for most things, and KBM for shootouts. You can switch on the fly.

KBM is not bad for the whole thing, to be honest.


Got it on Steam, just made it to Vice and while I am enjoying the game, man, I hate not knowing what I will say.
I wish it would be like
(1) Truth ("I believe in you")
(2) Doubt ("What are you holding back?")
(3) Lie ("You were there! You killed him!")

With the exact quote of what I am going to say. I hate when my thought process is completely screwed by the dude screaming to someone's face that he is a murderer when I all want is some clarification.
Trying to make my way through the game, started the arson case, it just drags on, can't stand Phelps at all, great mo-cap (they really spent a ton on the actors), horrible writing.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Listen for chimes in the music.

I actually noticed that today, but only because I was playing with headphones. It's impossible to hear unless you live in a soundless vault.

Unfortunately, I live with another person who sometimes talks and uses things that exist in the apartment.

He can be unlikeable, just not to the point where I want him killed.

Why not? Your job isn't to sympathize with the main character. You're a detective, not his girlfriend.

Trying to make my way through the game, started the arson case, it just drags on, can't stand Phelps at all, great mo-cap (they really spent a ton on the actors), horrible writing.

Not sure I get the writing complaint. What is so horrible about the writing? And you better give me something that is actually HORRIBLE, or I'm taking you to task for using hyperbole.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm not trying to sympathize with the main character at all, I'm trying to run him into traffic to get him run over.
Have you tried turning off the game system and going outside? I think you have rage issues.

Is there a point where Phelps rapes children in between cases? Because unless that's happening, I don't understand why you would hate him so much.
Have you tried turning off the game system and going outside? I think you have rage issues.

Is there a point where Phelps rapes children in between cases? Because unless that's happening, I don't understand why you would hate him so much.

It's not like I'm breaking controllers here, I'm just running him into traffic, it's fun. :)


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
It's not like I'm breaking controllers here, I'm just running him into traffic, it's fun. :)

I've never tried. I don't really play in the streets in the game. I just have my partner drive places, because driving in the game is a total waste of time.


I recently started playing this about a week ago, I'm currently up to the 3rd Vice case and I really enjoy it. As some people have mentioned it does feel like a progression from the point and click adventures of yesteryear.

I do agree that the homicide cases are all very similar and that's quite intentional. I really enjoyed the last act of the homicide desk scaveging around the city looking for my nextdestination and clue. The homicie finale was pretty creepy too.

I invesgtigation scenes were enjoyable and helped along by both an audio queue and the control pad vibrating. You knew that if the music kept playing there were sstill more clues to find.
The interrogation scenes are also fun. I was really bad at them at first and chose many incorrect answers. After a while though you get the swing of things and understand how to read people properly, sometimes I received incorrect answers for the simple fact that I didn't read through the evidence correctly.

Driving the cars is quite fun and I have a strange addiction to hunting down the 95 different cars. I don't actually drive them, just pull over, take their car so it registers and hops back out. Makes me laugh seeing the owner walk off annoyed whilst I'm getting back in the police car.

BTW can anyone tell me where the hell the film collectibles are? I have not come across a single one and have no idea what they look like.


I guess we don't have a PC/config thread for this? I really wish I could unlock the framerate and do a little bit of tweaking.


Got it on Steam, just made it to Vice and while I am enjoying the game, man, I hate not knowing what I will say.
I wish it would be like
(1) Truth ("I believe in you")
(2) Doubt ("What are you holding back?")
(3) Lie ("You were there! You killed him!")

With the exact quote of what I am going to say. I hate when my thought process is completely screwed by the dude screaming to someone's face that he is a murderer when I all want is some clarification.

Yeah, it's weird when you choose "doubt" and Phelps just goes batshit insane screaming at the witness. Just calm down a bit. :eek:

The mocap for the faces is fucking amazing, even the neck animates! An I really like the shooting parts. Blasting someone with a shotgun never gets old. :)


Yeah, it's weird when you choose "doubt" and Phelps just goes batshit insane screaming at the witness. Just calm down a bit. :eek:

But he's clearly doing that to intimidate the suspect. They probably should have labelled that 'intimidate' or 'force' or something though.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
But he's clearly doing that to intimidate the suspect. They probably should have labelled that 'intimidate' or 'force' or something though.

His threats are hilarious too. "I'll make sure your baby is born in PRISON!"


The Everyman
fun game but some of the use of evidence makes no appaernt sense

"you killed your wife with a tire iron!"

"prove it!"

*takes out bloody tire iron*

"oh no! you got me!"

how the shit does that prove it?

edit: also, a detective game with this much hand holding is pretty self defeating.
fun game but some of the use of evidence makes no appaernt sense

"you killed your wife with a tire iron!"

"prove it!"

*takes out bloody tire iron*

"oh no! you got me!"

how the shit does that prove it?

edit: also, a detective game with this much hand holding is pretty self defeating.

It's more like:

"You killed your wife with a tire iron!"

"I don't have a wife."

*Takes out bloody tire iron*

"You know what this is? A TIRE IRON!"

"I don't own a tire iron. I don't even have a car. I've never even seen a tire iron until today."

"You'd better confess now or you and your baby will burn in PRISON!"

"I don't have a baby."

"Ok I take it all back."
So apparently the Complete Edition is not compatible with the vanilla version's files and I will have to start over again to play the extra cases. I don't mind that part that much because I liked the game unlike most of GAF, what I don't like is that my stats on Rockstar social club are completely wiped now.


I just finished it, I'm watching the credits roll right now, and wow, what an overall terrible game. I was relieved when it ended, but I was also left shaking my head. The narrative, gameplay and general fun factor were all way below what I would even begin to consider an average game.

Outside of the voice acting and facial animations, I'm really struggling to find one redeeming things to say about L.A. Noire. Going in, I tried to keep my expectations in check, but I was definitely not prepared for what I just put myself through. And it's by no means a short game, which I think is effecting me most of all.


Off to the backlog bin it goes!

I'm probably halfway through and good god, it really became very repetitive. I would rather spend the time on playing more entertaining games than waste more of my time on this crap...ugh

It's interesting to see that a lot of people here feel the same way. It is decent first few chapters, but halfway through, it becomes a drag. I don't think cutting the length in half would have helped either. It's probably the way the game was designed.

It's a glorified point-and-click adventure with a few action/shooting sequences slapped in for good measure. I picked it up for $20 a few months ago, so I guess it wasn't much of a loss.
sorry for necrothreading, but i'll bump once more to add another unsatisied opinion..
the game starts great..
promise a lot, delivers really good facial animation, the whole investigation thing is nice...
for an hour, two tops..
it's a chore to play..
the narrative has no crescendo..
the story is shallow...
the gameplay is just stupid, it's a sandbox where you sandbox a normal citizen that has ONLY limitations and that has to run on some pre-traced rails.....
and the music while nice at the beginning, it becomes horribly ripetitive...
I really can't understand how anybody can even like this mess of a games...

while i normally i try to end a game, this one was in my backlog for a long time and i'm at the point where i'll most likely trade it away for some promotion (provided they accept this crap), because i feel no real drive to play this any longer...


definitely this barely covers my facepalm need, i should have just slapped myself out of buying this @full price @launch...


To this day I still look back fondly on this game. Kind of interesting, it's easily one of the most polarizing games that I've personally enjoyed.

I love the soundtrack as a whole (ended buying it even from Amazon) but I do agree that some of the key pieces and audio cues they use can get repetitive. The swell of sound when you do something wrong in an interrogation still haunts me.
Went to a presentation by Production Designer Simon Wood last night, was very interesting.

The amount of research that went into the game was mindblowing, so many small details, and so many problems encountered that I would never of thought about.

Very impressive stuff. Has inspired me to, you know, FINISH the game lol.
Finished this game today. I loved it, and got extremely involved in the story.

I'm sure this has been talked about before, but the thread is massive:

Was the whole video reel thing explained AT ALL? I mean, it just came out of nowhere and was made for no good reason? Did I overlook some part of the story to explain why this highly incriminating, randomly placed video exists?
Full Disclosure: I'm the Marketing Manager for Amazon Game Downloads

Earlier today/late yesterday our friends over at Joystiq wrote an awesome article about our Max Payne 3 pre-order offers.


Unfortunately the deal on L.A. Noire and GTA IV had already expired. In order to eliminate customer confusion we decided to put this pricing back in place until Friday. Just an FYI for those interested.

I know the last post in this thread was over a month ago, but im lttp and had to say that I am fascinated by this game, it does so many things right, but is also so flawed at the same time. I went in with zero expectations and I feel as though that helped my enjoyment of the game immensely, I knew it wasn't a GTA/ Red Dead style game and I think the backlash put me off, so im glad I waited as long as I did and can enjoy it for what it is.

I have to say, it felt more like a movie on rails than a game, even during the investigations it felt like my lines of questioning made no difference (well I think I understood the case more as a viewer, but no matter what Cole was going to carry on with the case no matter what I did.) I did also catch the wrong guy a couple of times, which felt bizzare, but misgivings aside, it was a pretty damn unique experience, and even if the story itself wasnt exactly amazing, I love the way it came together.

I really hope something is done with this franchise, I would love a sequel, Assassins Creed 1 was equally as flawed, but Ubisoft learned a lot and Assassins Creed 2 was fantastic, I think the same thing could happen with LA Noire. I know a lot has happened since the games release regarding Bondi, so I know its unlikely, but if it happened I would be there a lot earlier next time.

I think the game gets a lot of flak because people expect it to be something it isn't, or don't warm to the main character, or get bored quite quickly (The homicide desks where pretty annoying, especially because of how predictable the overarching plot was there) I was pretty close to giving up on it, I think you need to play it to the end to appreciate Cole and you certainly need to get to the Vice desk to get past the slump the game has early on. I think the game was too ambitious, and shot itself in the foot in a few ways, glad I stuck with it though. I just wish, like others have mentioned that the individual cases felt more defined.

EDIT: Thinking about it, what happened after the events of the game, I think its fair to assume that
Since the army flamethrower guy was killed, and Cole died, that theres no way Kelso managed to prove the corruption? Or is that paper trail good enough? Im so confused how that played out, because at the funeral he was there along with the bad guys, who would have killed him as soon as they saw him?

I also wanted to add that the ingredients are in place for a fantastic detective game, the clue gathering which is simply done through picking up items was awful, but the way you could uncover clues through asking the right questions and solving puzzles was a bit more interesting. The interrogation stuff was decent and can be improved, but in LA Noire the only time you really gathered clues, took in suspects, and had to choose who to convict, both answers seemed illogical (for good reason!). A game where taking in suspects and using interrogation to choose the guilty party would be great, in LA Noire, despite the mechanics existing, we didnt get a single case like that! I dont count the 2 I mentioned.
Because neither man was actually guilty in either of those cases! Which led to a lot of confusion over all the evidence, game really felt like it tripped itself up because of attempts at a larger narrative. Which is a shame because I loved that they tried that.
If you're on the fence about this game and want it on PC, Steam has it on sale this week for $4.99. The deluxe edition with all the DLC is $7.49. This sale price lasts through Thursday at 7 PM ET/4 PM PT.
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