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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Teknoman said:
Yes, sorry. I just played Halo before this.
Getting 25-30fps on my system, not bad for an old X1550 card. Might lower the spec, most people expect 60fps right?

PC gaming rules, I don't think I'll run out of things to play this year. So little time, HL2 will last me months.


Played Desert Fortress today, also a pretty good custom (kak says it's from something else). Basically there's two CPs in the middle, you need to cap both (In either order) and then move on to capture the other team's base.


I played Mario Kart today... Which is kind of pointless.

How many hours have you guy played all in all btw? I counted today and it says 110 hours...
Jacobi said:
I played Mario Kart today... Which is kind of pointless.

How many hours have you guy played all in all btw? I counted today and it says 110 hours...

I just had the worst game ever, completely overplayed couldn't even scratch out an MVP. I did learn about one of my faults as demomen though.


W-O-W... Roughly 300? I already thought I was the only one who spent so much time with it :)

I'm already losing my interest though... I might play lots of Frontlines if it's good (and they release a good demo first) and if the new maps don't come soon enough...


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Capndrake said:
Played Desert Fortress today, also a pretty good custom (kak says it's from something else). Basically there's two CPs in the middle, you need to cap both (In either order) and then move on to capture the other team's base.

It kind of reminds me of source forts, I haven't played on it yet though.


I have around 105 hours. I've always thought the times were on the light side though. I'm assuming they only count active time when you're alive and fighting. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like I've logged significantly longer realtime hours than what it shows.

Jacobi said:
I'm already losing my interest though... I might play lots of Frontlines if it's good (and they release a good demo first) and if the new maps don't come soon enough...

Did you get in the Beta? I'll give it another shot if they release a demo, but it's gonna have to have MASSIVE improvements to get me interested again (and I was pumped for it.)

The GFW interview of TF2 looks like Badlands and Goldrush are gonna both rock. And they seem like they are gonna support the game longterm with upgrades (Beyond achievement unlockings.)


Jacobi said:
How many hours have you guy played all in all btw? I counted today and it says 110 hours...

I believe Javaman has over 130 hours as Engineer only :lol

EDIT: Ok, really far off, he has over 240 :lol
RPhilMan1 said:
Well, I guess this is the show off your stats section, so here it goes:

It's funny when I told my team "forget puyo, kill phil" they all laughed. Fucking snipers--forget crits snipers need to go.

Yeah..my interest is waning, it looks like 300 hours is as much as I can take.


Yes, RPhilman and all good snipers make me cry. That's why I was so pissed I hit the wrong screenshot button the other day. Having a screenshot of a sniper hanging upside down from a bridge would have been so nice to have. I may even have made it my wallpaper for a bit.

About the interest part: I've actually gotten the bug back a bit. Kind of lost interest after Christmas and this past week has been the first time I've actually had the fun I had earlier (Not as much without the gaffers... but still a lot of fun.)


PillowKnight said:
It's funny when I told my team "forget puyo, kill phil" they all laughed. Fucking snipers--forget crits snipers need to go.

Yeah..my interest is waning, it looks like 300 hours is as much as I can take.

I know what you mean. We just finally got the server filled (since it is dead EVERYDAY) and then the map changes to Castle2... now there's 7 people.

I think I'm hanging it up for a bit. I had enough yelling at the monitor for a while.


RPhilMan1 said:
I know what you mean. We just finally got the server filled (since it is dead EVERYDAY) and then the map changes to Castle2... now there's 7 people.

I think I'm hanging it up for a bit. I had enough yelling at the monitor for a while.

servers been going dead due to the tourney. A lot of non gaf regulars quit playing and went elsewhere cause of it being locked out at night so much.


Wasn't there a grand total of two scrimmages and two matches (one of which had to be turned into scrimmage since KAS was absent)? And that was two weeks ago, wasn't it?


Eh it seems like the GAF server fills up at exactly 7:00-8:00pm CST for some reason. Its like 0 for most of the day, then you refresh once and its nearly full.
RPhilMan1 said:
I know what you mean. We just finally got the server filled (since it is dead EVERYDAY) and then the map changes to Castle2... now there's 7 people.

I think I'm hanging it up for a bit. I had enough yelling at the monitor for a while.

That's because Castle is lame. :/

And no voting means the server is stuck on it until it runs it's course, so if you're not a fan of the level there's no reason to stick around.


I agree Confidence Man. But I've given my word and opinion on map voting so I'll leave it at that.

The server hasn't been locked all week. There is no excuse for the server being populated only a couple hours a night.
Yeah it's a shame the server's empty so often, especially when I want to play (10pm pacific). I noticed that sometimes, if you hop on the empty server, then people start coming within 10 minutes and it fills up once people see there are others playing on it.

But sitting in an empty server is boring for most people.


Confidence Man said:
That's because Castle is lame. :/
I like Castle. *shrug*

Still, map voting is a necessity. As long as it doesn't end up with fucking Dustbowl and Gravelpit 24/7. That's the only problem I have with voting.

EDIT: And Icy I don't have a reserved slot still, and I know I PM'd you. D:


nakedsushi said:
Yeah it's a shame the server's empty so often, especially when I want to play (10pm pacific). I noticed that sometimes, if you hop on the empty server, then people start coming within 10 minutes and it fills up once people see there are others playing on it.

But sitting in an empty server is boring for most people.

Maybe i'll try that...


Looks like COX has overloaded my neghborhood's node, and will be splitting it off into 2 nodes very soon.

Hopefully I won't be known as the "teleporting scout" anymore.:D


Bitches love smiley faces
My interest in TF2 started waning awhile ago, plus I got other stuff to occupy my time. The tournament rejuvenated interest and I'll join the server if I see a lot of gaffers on, but otherwise I'm playing something else.


fallengorn said:
My interest in TF2 started waning awhile ago, plus I got other stuff to occupy my time. The tournament rejuvenated interest and I'll join the server if I see a lot of gaffers on, but otherwise I'm playing something else.

Yeah when I'm playing with people I know it's always a good time, otherwise it's a crap shoot.

I say we just need to let the server recover a little from the traffic drain from the tournament, even though I've admittedly had little time to play as of late. Otherwise I still love the game as much as ever.


Can anybody turn this into a correctly working spray? I tried a few times, but it kept losing it's transparancy, so it kept getting a white square and got really hard to read.


SexConker said:
Looks like COX has overloaded my neghborhood's node
:lol O Rly?

Seriously though, I noticed alot of strange lag spikes last night on the GAF server as well. Didnt last a long time, but it was definatly there. Last time that happened though, a quick server reset was all that was needed.


Capndrake said:
Can anybody turn this into a correctly working spray? I tried a few times, but it kept losing it's transparancy, so it kept getting a white square and got really hard to read.
I'm too lazy to do this myself, but if you have photoshop, do a pretty sensitive magic wand/lasso for the text color alone, cut/copy it and make it a new layer on top of a transparent background. Then save it under a different name, and flatten it and see if it works.


just use the vtf/vmt plugin and export it that way. And modifyed the vmt file to use a background transpranecy. will fix it no problem.


Icy said:
just use the vtf/vmt plugin and export it that way. And modifyed the vmt file to use a background transpranecy. will fix it no problem.
icy are reserved slots working?

i'm getting the kicked: reserved slot message all the time


rakka said:
icy are reserved slots working?

i'm getting the kicked: reserved slot message all the time

I'm trying to figure out whats wrong.. some days it'll kick some ppl and not others and vice versa on other days.. its like its got PMS or something.
I'm trying to figure out whats wrong.. some days it'll kick some ppl and not others and vice versa on other days.. its like its got PMS or something.

Do reserved slots work by kicking the person in the server with the least amount of kills? My friend was trying to get in the other day, and he noticed that a player was kicked who had one true kill in the server info. But I was on the server, and that player was a medic with over 60 assist kills and on the top of his team.

So the reserved slots may be using true kills to determine who gets kicked, and that isn't fair to medics or really a good system to begin with since so much of the game is assist kill based.


Just when I thought I had my swagger back (Finished Dustbowl with 6 guys dominated on CircleX), I rejoin for just one more game and played one of the worst matches I've EVER played.
1-D_FTW said:
Just when I thought I had my swagger back (Finished Dustbowl with 6 guys dominated on CircleX), I rejoin for just one more game and played one of the worst matches I've EVER played.

We were getting mauled. We couldn't even cap A. :lol


Icy said:
rakka said:
icy are reserved slots working?

i'm getting the kicked: reserved slot message all the time
I'm trying to figure out whats wrong.. some days it'll kick some ppl and not others and vice versa on other days.. its like its got PMS or something.
forgot to mention i'm getting kicked when trying to connect at 22/24 or 23/24; once i'm in the game its usually ok


I finally asked an admin to do @map ctf_convoy (None got on the server the past few days... not that anybody really got on the server) and he (warcock) said it didn't work. So something has to be wrong with it, Icy.
I've found that for maps where there is an attack team and a defense team, the defense team is much stronger WITHOUT any engineers.

As of now, the good players have enough experience dealing with sentries that they only pose an hinderance now.

When a sentry is too close to an attach team enterance, one gurella demoman can take it out with about 4 stickies detonating at once. If sentry is farther back, there is a multitude of ways of destroying even lvl 3 sentries.

A barrage of solder rockets will make short work of sentries, especially with crit hits. A couple of snipers can also destroy ill placed sentries that don't have good cover. Combined with good spies who place a sapper on a turret, then cloak away, the attack team can shoot the turret while the engineer is wretching life back into it. (espically when using some ubers)

However, a great engineer on the attack team is very awesome. Teleports, depensers, and a sentry gun to move the offense line up, are very helpful in the push.

Of course, great engineers on defense, are worth their weight in gold, but when I see 4 engineers on gravel pit, I cry inside, and I know we'll lose.



The ass kicking Confidance Man and I had on Gravel Pit A yesterday had some well placed sentries on it. Maybe it's because nobody defends A anymore that they were able to get away with it, but sentries were definitely a part of the defense.

I came out the left side ubered up, went to attack the middle route, and got SUCKED into a sentry placed towards the entrance to C. I have no idea what happened, but it was like I was in a Hollywood movie, had shot a grappling hook at it, and reeled myself into it at 1000mph. It was the freakiest shit I ever saw in the game. Maybe there were other sentries I didn't see that were shooting me that direction? I don't know. But it looked like something out of a special effects laden Hollywood movie and was really cool.

And that sentry was credited with my kill. So I'll never be able to explain the physics on it. Aside from the fact they were using sentries and were part of an insane defense (We'd captured B, so it was team on team at A.)
I finally asked an admin to do @map ctf_convoy (None got on the server the past few days... not that anybody really got on the server) and he (warcock) said it didn't work. So something has to be wrong with it, Icy.

Having Warcock involved in that statement might hurt its validity, so I just wanted to chime in and say that I also tried switching to convoy and it didn't work. Several maps that are viewable in the list still won't work as well.


Oh man, I just had the most epic match ever. It was Hydro, the dam vs. the powerhouse/engine room and it went into Sudden Death. Eventually it was just me and an Engineer vs. like 5 people on the other team. He took out one and died, then I managed to take out 3 more by waiting for them to come to the CP and sniping them. They had a Demoman left guarding their CP, who I basically battled with for like 3 minutes quickly ducking around corners and firing a shot. Eventually he thought I left or something and took the back way out to go for my CP, so I followed him and managed to snipe him from the top of the metal staircase. Victory!



What? So headshot kills as a sniper count as 2 points? That's why good snipers are always at the top of the leaderboard.

Yes, I never knew this. I've logged a total of 2 minutes as a sniper.
Apparently reserved slots are working, sort of. I got kicked out of a game to make room for someone else with a slot, even though I too, have a slot.
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