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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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GAF I just bought Orange Box for TF2 and Episode 2. Downloading TF2 now.

What am I in for? Haven't played a PC FPS in years.


Dibbz said:
GAF I just bought Orange Box for TF2 and Episode 2. Downloading TF2 now.

What am I in for? Haven't played a PC FPS in years.
It's a team-based, class-based FPS. Most modes involve escorting a cart or capturing+holding map areas.

It is fairly easy to pick up and the community is pretty decent, at least on some servers. It does not use realistic graphics, choosing instead to go for humor.
Blizzard said:
It's a team-based, class-based FPS. Most modes involve escorting a cart or capturing+holding map areas.

It is fairly easy to pick up and the community is pretty decent, at least on some servers. It does not use realistic graphics, choosing instead to go for humor.
Join the GAF Steam group and play with them. After years of playing on random servers, I've never had more fun with the game.


The Big Rig said:
Join the GAF Steam group and play with them. After years of playing on random servers, I've never had more fun with the game.
Yep, I usually play with NeoGAF people. Thanks for the tip though. :)
Dibbz said:
GAF I just bought Orange Box for TF2 and Episode 2. Downloading TF2 now.

What am I in for? Haven't played a PC FPS in years.

Prepare yourself for a wild ride...

Don't get disappointed at the first impression of not knowing what the fuck is going on. If you pass that learning curve of all classes and weapons, and don't get worked up just for dying a few times, you will fucking love this game...

Both the competitive and the public community are one of the most decent communities I've seen in a while...

If one has to describe the game itself, Blizzard nailed it.
The community is very laid back, it's pretty easy to pick up, but hard to master. I recommend starting with Medic or Pyro; Medic it's great to see how people play and you will end up fairly high in the ranking, and your medi gun beam is fairly long and it bends, use it to stay safe and always turn around every 2 seconds because you'll probably have a spy behind you. Medics have this big sign that says "KILL ME".

Pyros are pretty easy to use, the flamethrower has an airblast that can be used with M2, you can push enemies back, put fires out on teammates and can reflect projectiles. Use your flamethrower on teammates often, they could be disguised spies.

Scout is fairly hard to use since he is much faster than most character in most FPS so it can be hard to get used to his speed. At least I still do.

Soldiers are pretty straightforward, but will have to master rocket jump to be good with them.

Spy is pretty hard to use effectively early on, you will die a lot, but practice makes the master.

Check this site for tips and stuff.


Yeef said:
Technically, you're an admin on the GAF server, even if you pretend not to be.
Well yes, I'm an admin on the new server, was an admin on Java's server, and have 996.1 TF2 hours according to Steam. A lot of those hours (maybe even most) were with GAF people/the GAF servers.

I was trying to be polite though. :p




I died so much. I didn't expect the game to be this fast. I literally cannot keep up because my frame rate just keeps dropping. It's about 40's most of the time then it'll drop to 20's in firefights when there is fire and bombs and shit. It's really odd that changing the resolution doesn't seem to have an effect on the FPS at all. In fact I'm sure it went up when in increased the resolution :|

I spent maybe 30 minutes in my bios trying to overclock my CPU. lol how I missed PC gaming where games play like shit on my rig :(

It's helped but still the frame rate and lack of knowing what the hell is going on is really holding me back :lol

BTW playing as soldier since the tutorial had it to that. I fear if I play any kind of support roles people will scream at me for not knowing wtf I'm doing. I basically run into rooms and just spam rockets until I die. Seems like everyone is doing that :|

Game modes seem fun though, I really dig the art style to. Will go play some EP2 for a bit. I'll try and join the GAF group thing. Thanks for all the advice guys.


Corporate Apologist
What kind of PC do you have? Most likely turning off some of the advance video options from the recommended would help.


Were you playing on a 32 player server by any chance? An explosion heavy firefight with a ton of people on one of those can cause slowdown on very fast PC's.


Played on 5cp Gorge for the first time last night, damn it's a good map. Only problem is how long it took to get back into action after dying. Like a 15-18 second respawn, then a minimum of 20 seconds to get back to the current point.


Dibbz said:


I died so much. I didn't expect the game to be this fast. I literally cannot keep up because my frame rate just keeps dropping. It's about 40's most of the time then it'll drop to 20's in firefights when there is fire and bombs and shit. It's really odd that changing the resolution doesn't seem to have an effect on the FPS at all. In fact I'm sure it went up when in increased the resolution :|

I spent maybe 30 minutes in my bios trying to overclock my CPU. lol how I missed PC gaming where games play like shit on my rig :(

It's helped but still the frame rate and lack of knowing what the hell is going on is really holding me back :lol

BTW playing as soldier since the tutorial had it to that. I fear if I play any kind of support roles people will scream at me for not knowing wtf I'm doing. I basically run into rooms and just spam rockets until I die. Seems like everyone is doing that :|

Game modes seem fun though, I really dig the art style to. Will go play some EP2 for a bit. I'll try and join the GAF group thing. Thanks for all the advice guys.

You're probably going to want to find a good autoexec that turns off a lot of stuff. When I get home from work, I can show you what I have. Also, don't run directx 9, run directx 8; this should help a lot. In order to run directx 8 you have to put it in the command line when you start up the game -dxlevel 81.

Actually, here is where I grabbed my config from:

I wanna try out spy tonight. Any tips for someone who has never played spy?

Also, do you guys happen to know the IP adress of the GAF server? I'd love to join in the fun.


lol you don't want to know my setup. Lets just say I should have probably invested in a dual core processor some time ago.

I had a few games earlier that were pretty decent FPS wise, others not so much. Think when there were bots my frame rate was really bad but in rooms with just players it was bearable. Gonna head back on it for a bit now.

Ep2 is fun also, mines were a bit boring though. I wanna see trees and stuff not tight ass mines.


That girl in the bunny hat
SteelAttack said:
I wanna try out spy tonight. Any tips for someone who has never played spy?

Spy play relates speed to skill. That is, the better you are, the more rapidly you make an impact. So that should be your first tip- be patient. Cloak & Dagger is pretty good for you, since it'll force you to be patient and take your time spotting routes and waiting to strike.

Second, cloak > disguise. Don't rely on your disguise very much; wear one and keep it believable, but these aren't stealth game bots you're fighting. They'll figure you out. But like Scout says, can't hit what ain't there.

Keep clear of Pyros. Retreat early. Don't draw attention. Realize that Spy is probably the hardest class in the game to play well, so expect to fail a fair bit.


Cloak and Dagger also teaches you to wait a lot more than you should.

It's a GREAT tool for learning the maps and learning the best locations to set up an ambush, but once you reach that point, the default watch is the best, because it forces you to ACT instead of sitting there waiting, waiting, waiting. The worst spy is the spy who spends more time waiting for an opportunity to kill than actually killing.

The Dead Ringer is a completely different style of play, and one which I don't particularly like, so I wouldn't recommend it. x:


Definitely start with the C&D and Default. Make sure to set some hotkeys. Weapons and last disguise are important.


That girl in the bunny hat
Twig said:
The Dead Ringer is a completely different style of play, and one which I don't particularly like, so I wouldn't recommend it. x:

And Your Eternal Reward is in the same neighborhood. Both require a fair degree of skill, and you have to be crazy/really good to use both together.


A different kind of skill, it should be noted. It's not like you can learn default watch and get really good at it and expect to be good at dead ringer off the bat. I mean, you'll be better than if you started from scratch, but... yeah. It works the other way, too. Being good with dead ringer doesn't make you good with default watch. AND, same for the knives.


Dibbz said:

BTW playing as soldier since the tutorial had it to that. I fear if I play any kind of support roles people will scream at me for not knowing wtf I'm doing.

As someone else mentioned, switch to a medic. It's a great class to learn the game and still be helpful. Just find somebody (preferably a Heavy) and continually heal them keeping behind them. This will not only score you points for every kill the person you are healing gets, but it also lets you learn the maps and how the game is played.


I find the non default spy watches to be too situational to use regularly. I especially dislike the Dead Ringer because its decloak sound is such a huge giveaway.

Btw is the GAF server still up and running? I havent played TF2 for a couple months.
Thanks for the tips, guys. I believe I'm in for a wild ride tonight.

Dibbz, if you're playing medic, just remember staying out of harm's way should be your top priority. Don't shy away from battles, but do not follow a mad heavy into death just to show you're a team worker. It's alright to back off from time to time to heal someone else, to keep building übers and/or to heal yourself up.

It's better to use an über on whoever happens to be around you if you're about to die than to die without having used it.

Übered demomen are even deadlier than heavies. Übered pyros are death incarnate in engies nests.


Well been playing as a medic and it's fun, although I wish there was some sort of feedback or something to tell you, you are close enough to heal someone. Me and a heavy were tearing it up, then I died, no idea how, seemed like one hit so probably a sniper, can't remember. Got loads of points though :D

Been having problems just getting the game started. hl.exe seems to crash on me quite a bit, so I un done my overclock but same shit. Luckily after a while it was ok, so no idea why it crashes on me now and again.

The frame rate dips I'm getting are really odd. It's been a while since I've played pc games but back in the day my fps would dip if I was moving forward, left, right, moving the mouse etc but for some reason I can strafe just fine in TF2 without and dips but as soon as I touch the mouse the frame rate tanks. Tried mouse smoothing but didn't help. Is it just the way the engine is built? I would have though any sort of movement would cause frame rate drops not just looking around.

I have most of the graphical settings below the recommended, most of them want me to put them on high. Hell it even wants me to put 2x AA on but screw that my FPS is already killing me. Maybe I'll just have to invest in a new processor or something.


Dibbz said:
Well been playing as a medic and it's fun, although I wish there was some sort of feedback or something to tell you, you are close enough to heal someone. Me and a heavy were tearing it up, then I died, no idea how, seemed like one hit so probably a sniper, can't remember. Got loads of points though :D

Been having problems just getting the game started. hl.exe seems to crash on me quite a bit, so I un done my overclock but same shit. Luckily after a while it was ok, so no idea why it crashes on me now and again.

The frame rate dips I'm getting are really odd. It's been a while since I've played pc games but back in the day my fps would dip if I was moving forward, left, right, moving the mouse etc but for some reason I can strafe just fine in TF2 without and dips but as soon as I touch the mouse the frame rate tanks. Tried mouse smoothing but didn't help. Is it just the way the engine is built? I would have though any sort of movement would cause frame rate drops not just looking around.

I have most of the graphical settings below the recommended, most of them want me to put them on high. Hell it even wants me to put 2x AA on but screw that my FPS is already killing me. Maybe I'll just have to invest in a new processor or something.
Try the DX8 fix first. It should help if you are getting erratic framerates.

Once you feel comfortable with healing as a medic, start to switch targets to top people off as needed instead of just sticking to a heavy. If everyone is full start overhealing anyone that needs it. Not only will your uber build up faster (unless the heavy you were sticking to was being a team meat shield) but you are being a larger help to the team.
GAF, do you have a spare Loch or Warrior's Spirit? Pick any regular equipment you want:

...as long as it's non-vint and that I have a dupe of it (eg, not my sole Candy Cane), and not something like tags or duels. I've got a bunch of spare items from Polycount and Australian Christmas.


Wolf Akela said:
GAF, do you have a spare Loch or Warrior's Spirit? Pick any regular equipment you want:

...as long as it's non-vint and that I have a dupe of it (eg, not my sole Candy Cane), and not something like tags or duels. I've got a bunch of spare items from Polycount and Australian Christmas.
You mean Loch N Load? I'll swap you mine for a Backscratcher.

Anyway, has there been some glitch with Bill's Hat? Some guy just saw mine and offered a whoopee hat and the pyro gas mask for it which I was happy to trade, then I realised I had two Bill's hats for some reason. So in the end I kind of got two new hats for free.


This thread was cast out of the gaming board. It got buried by PSP2 thread anyways.

We need to get a game going up one night soon. I wanna try out the custom maps. I know a lot of us are busy playing Monday Night Combat though (me included).


I feel kinda bad that during the entire week, we never organized some kind of "new player night" with an announcement and stuff. Oh well, double dipping for Monday Night Combat was worth it.
Twig said:
A different kind of skill, it should be noted. It's not like you can learn default watch and get really good at it and expect to be good at dead ringer off the bat. I mean, you'll be better than if you started from scratch, but... yeah. It works the other way, too. Being good with dead ringer doesn't make you good with default watch. AND, same for the knives.

Yeah I can't play the default spy watch worth a lick but dead ringer just works for me. It also kind of depends on the map as well. Maps with choke points favor something like a dead ringer whereas default spy watch is better for open spaces.


Corporate Apologist
Nabs said:
aw yeah. fist pumps for days.

It was definitely worth... 75 weapons?[/QUOTE]
Well, what else are you going to do with them, you can only kill someone with one sandman at a time.

[quote]WHAT HAPPENED TO ME. ):[/quote]
You focused to much on the hats and trading and such instead of going "I don't care, I am just going to play the game"


Drkirby said:
You focused to much on the hats and trading and such instead of going "I don't care, I am just going to play the game"
Nope. Stopped caring about the hats long before trading was even introduced. I mean, I still wanted hats, but I wasn't falling over backwards for them.


I changed over to DX8 this morning and whilst it did help with my FPS, I still get drops whenever I use the mouse to look around.

I went ahead and set everything possible to low and got about 100fps but as soon as I move my mouse to look around it drops to like 15-20's :|

Makes no sense to me. I'm waiting for my account to be activated over at Steam Forums to see if anyone there has any tips or advice.
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