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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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balladofwindfishes said:
Never noticed the ground was so detailed on Viaduct

That, and the snowing effect, used to make people's systems crash. It still screws around with some people's FPS to this day. Ah, Valve. You put out high quality work, but people just want to play your game smoothly.
All i want is a whiskered gentleman and some grey/white paint to use on it. Is that so much ask drop system? Getting tired of backscratchers and medic items (400 hours of tf2 think I've played 2 hours of medic)

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Nabs said:
aw yeah. fist pumps for days.

It was definitely worth... 75 weapons?

For the hat or for the grenades???

I had around 5 of those hats from crates...didn't know you wanted them :p


tagged by Blackace
Nabs said:
aw yeah. fist pumps for days.

It was definitely worth... 75 weapons?[/QUOTE]
Chieftain's is definitely the best Soldier hat by far. High five!
Proven said:
That, and the snowing effect, used to make people's systems crash. It still screws around with some people's FPS to this day. Ah, Valve. You put out high quality work, but people just want to play your game smoothly.
I was playing this map against bots the other day, and my system was having a hard time running it, which is weird, because all other maps with bots run fine for me, and Viaduct runs fine for me online. The combination of Viaduct and bots, however...


enzo_gt said:
Chieftain's is definitely the best Soldier hat by far. High five!
Yup! It was the hat I was going for, but really, I would have been happy with any of the ones I didn't have.


tagged by Blackace
EvilMario said:
Tyrant's Helm with rustic paint for me.
I'm not too huge on the paint thing unless it's Team Spirit. I just love the consistency when it comes to hats. Especially why I like the Chieftain's, it looks badass for red and blue.


Dibbz said:
I changed over to DX8 this morning and whilst it did help with my FPS, I still get drops whenever I use the mouse to look around.

I went ahead and set everything possible to low and got about 100fps but as soon as I move my mouse to look around it drops to like 15-20's :|

Makes no sense to me. I'm waiting for my account to be activated over at Steam Forums to see if anyone there has any tips or advice.

TF2 is CPU heavy. You need a dual-core CPU at least...


Erasus said:
TF2 is CPU heavy. You need a dual-core CPU at least...
At launch, I was maxing it out on a 3.2 GhZ single core, other system specs comparable at the time. Have the graphics really improved that much through updates?


Corporate Apologist
Erasus said:
TF2 is CPU heavy. You need a dual-core CPU at least...
That was my saving grace on my Laptop, while the built in graphics card is likely worst then anything you owned in a decade, the CPU was a fairly powerful AMD Dual Core Athlon.


Some thing must have been up the other day. Played it again today and it was playable. Nice and smooth when looking around, this is in dx9 to. When shit is flying all over the place it's tough though. Guessing it's just because my rig is ancient.

2.8Ghz AMD 3700
7600GT 256MB

Think the ram is really holding me back. I had task manager open on my 2nd screen and memory was maxing out. It's weird how the recommended is below what I have yet I'm struggling to get 30fps with medium to low settings.


Wow, I just tried dx8 mode and got about a million frames per second increase. It's a shame I have to do this on an E6550 and gtx 460, though... That's sad. (Bad Company 2 is turning out to be much worse, as it seems about 90% CPU reliant. What a horrible port job.)

There's still the occasional round of incredibly bad stuttering that lasts for 10 seconds, goes away, and then reappears 30 minutes later ad nauseum. At least Hightower and the like aren't slideshows.


tagged by Blackace
Yasae said:
Wow, I just tried dx8 mode and got about a million frames per second increase. It's a shame I have to do this on an E6550 and gtx 460, though... That's sad. (Bad Company 2 is turning out to be much worse, as it seems about 90% CPU reliant. What a horrible port job.)

There's still the occasional round of incredibly bad stuttering that lasts for 10 seconds, goes away, and then reappears 30 minutes later ad nauseum. At least Hightower and the like aren't slideshows.
Last time I went into DX8 mode it gave me a strict message telling me I wouldn't be able to see painted items. I thought to myself, oh the horror!


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Rapstah said:
At launch, I was maxing it out on a 3.2 GhZ single core, other system specs comparable at the time. Have the graphics really improved that much through updates?

Graphics haven't improved much (if at all), but the number of items in the game have. My FPS doubles in the beta client.

Also, for whatever reason I get lower FPS in TF2 after random patches, and the only thing that has fixed it is to format my HDD. Anywhere from a week after a format to several months. I don't understand what happens, but I dread every patch. lol


Iadien said:
Graphics haven't improved much (if at all), but the number of items in the game have. My FPS doubles in the beta client.

Also, for whatever reason I get lower FPS in TF2 after random patches, and the only thing that has fixed it is to format my HDD. Anywhere from a week after a format to several months. I don't understand what happens, but I dread every patch. lol
Probably just need to defrag your gfc files. It's always a good idea to do that after every patch.

I recommend using HLExtract rather than Steam's built in defragging tool.

Here's a quick guide if you don't want to mess around with it yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccmoToUgEpo
Surprised at all the trouble running the game in here.

My computer is going on four years old, I bought it just a couple months before the orange box. In that time I doubled the Ram from 2-4 and went from Vista to 7. Nothing else has changed, and the game seems as smooth as it ever has.

I ocassionally get a game melting crash, but actually less than when it first came out.

Maybe it's the quad-core?

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
Nvidia 8800 GTS


Corporate Apologist
Who knows, I hear people moan and complain about the game not working right and in 6 months I have had no significant problem.


OK so I updated my mouse and keyboard drivers and disabled something called game mode in the mouse settings and the game works fine. No more FPS drops when looking around.

Been playing it all night and morning but how many attack/defend maps are there? I really like Dust Bowl but can't seem to find many other like it. Doesn't help most of the maps have the suffix cp_ when they all seem to be different game modes.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Dibbz said:
OK so I updated my mouse and keyboard drivers and disabled something called game mode in the mouse settings and the game works fine. No more FPS drops when looking around.

Been playing it all night and morning but how many attack/defend maps are there? I really like Dust Bowl but can't seem to find many other like it. Doesn't help most of the maps have the suffix cp_ when they all seem to be different game modes.
Off the top of my head there's also Egypt, Gravel Pit, Gorge, and Steel.


There's only two different kinds of cp_maps. Attack/Defend and 5cp. 5cp maps are symmetrical and have you trying to capture all 5 control points.

If you're only interested in the maps included in the client you can see all of them on the wiki. If you're talking custom maps as well there are tons of attack/defend maps.

Payload is also very similar to attack defend (while payload race is somewhat similar to 5cp).


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Yeef said:
Probably just need to defrag your gfc files. It's always a good idea to do that after every patch.

I recommend using HLExtract rather than Steam's built in defragging tool.

Here's a quick guide if you don't want to mess around with it yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccmoToUgEpo

Nah, I tried all of that and many more things. Only formatting works (for me anyway). What's weird is that I don't even reinstall the game, since it's on a separate hard drive I don't have to re-download it.


Sgt.Pepper said:
I have such bad luck when I play Heavy. Everyone aims at me instead of the demo, pyro, medic or the engineer. What the hell?
That happens to everyone. Heavy is big and obvious target. The trick is to know when to hold your ground and when to retreat.


Sgt.Pepper said:
I have such bad luck when I play Heavy. Everyone aims at me instead of the demo, pyro, medic or the engineer. What the hell?
Yeah, try to run away when you're in a bad situation, try to jump while you rev your gun up since it lets you quickly appear around corners with your gun spinning, and don't use the brass gun (at least not starting out). It's so slow that it may cripple your self defense and escape.

If you use one of the sandwiches (I think either sandwich heals 50% when thrown? Not sure), my advice is to almost always throw it, and never eat it. Getting 50% health back on the move is more preferable to freezing yourself in place with a loud NOMNOMNOM sound effect unless you're sure you're safe. (Oh wait, there was a cloaked spy behind you, you're not REALLY safe) That's just my opinion though. Some people really don't like the sandwich, but I think it can be useful if you throw it ahead of you while on the run, or if you throw it in front of your medic/dying teammate to quickly get them back to a safe health range.

If you're running away from an enemy and they know you're injured, you might have time to run around a corner, throw a sandwich, and quickly reverse direction (make sure to walk over the sandwich though). If you have enough time, they might chase and suddenly encounter a healed heavy with the gun spun up, coming back in the opposite direction.

Perhaps the most important rule of heavy, if you haven't learned it already, is to spin around about every 2.3 seconds to kill the spy behind you. Everyone on your team is a spy, and some of the enemy team. There is also a spy ABOVE you, waiting to jump on your head. If you kill all of these spies, you will still have to worry about them suddenly stabbing your medic and losing that uber you were craving. :p


Blizzard said:
Perhaps the most important rule of heavy, if you haven't learned it already, is to spin around about every 2.3 seconds to kill the spy behind you. Everyone on your team is a spy, and some of the enemy team. There is also a spy ABOVE you, waiting to jump on your head. If you kill all of these spies, you will still have to worry about them suddenly stabbing your medic and losing that uber you were craving. :p

I remember this was why I enjoyed playing with Yasae.


relies on auto-aim
Honestly you should be checking your back every 2 seconds anyway unless you are scout (more like 3 seconds for scout).

The trick with heavy is to engage situations where you will win 100% and escape without putting yourself in harms way. Retreat, use health packs, and just control an area so your team pushes up.

Try to only fight in tight spots / corners / close areas. If there's a demo or soldier that is more than 20 feet away, just move back and wait for your team.


Do these name tags count towards my drops per week cap? I keep getting the sunsa bitches and no freaking YER, its driving me mad.


well shit. traded one yesterday for a spy gun. I figured at least I could get another gun and make a metal with them, I didnt realize the tag was worth anything looks like it only renames your existing weapon. I may have gotten taken for one of them lol.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
I finally did it guys. After getting too comfortable with the high mouse sensitivity in Monday Night Combat I've uped my senstivity in TF2 from 2.38 to 3.38. Dear god, I'm spinning around so fast. I'm having a hard time adjusting... though spychecking has become so much easier.


King Of Fuh said:
Surprised at all the trouble running the game in here.

My computer is going on four years old, I bought it just a couple months before the orange box. In that time I doubled the Ram from 2-4 and went from Vista to 7. Nothing else has changed, and the game seems as smooth as it ever has.

I ocassionally get a game melting crash, but actually less than when it first came out.

Maybe it's the quad-core?

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
Nvidia 8800 GTS

Q6600 is still an extremely capable processor. It's not top-of-the-line-bleeding-edge, but if you pair it with any modern video card you're still probably going to max out most what you throw at it, and that's not even with overclocking.


Jangaroo said:
I finally did it guys. After getting too comfortable with the high mouse sensitivity in Monday Night Combat I've uped my senstivity in TF2 from 2.38 to 3.38. Dear god, I'm spinning around so fast. I'm having a hard time adjusting... though spychecking has become so much easier.

Send me an invite next time you're in-game, ya jerk ;)
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