Play whatever you want!Ultimatum said:I'll definitely be there if you need me (ReRixo), but I'm a little out of practise :lol I'll play over the weekend, what class would you need me to play? As it's on the US servers I shouldn't play scout or sniper, and I suck as engineer.
Though I haven't seen pet post or played with him recently, I HAVE seen him online playing TF2...with YOU, what's his status?Boonoo said:Yeah, bomb's good for it. Striker can't make it until 12.30
So I'm showing 8/9 with pet and Striker as definite no shows.
Kuro Madoushi said:Though I haven't seen pet post or played with him recently, I HAVE seen him online playing TF2...with YOU, what's his status?
haterrar said:cant play at that time, have work
ive been scrimming, not alot of time to pub
Who are you again? Something about a pet...rar said:cant play at that time, have work
ive been scrimming, not alot of time to pub
I've called dibs on heavy like 3 times I thought.Twig said:Play whatever you want!
The current "dibs" are as follows, but they're by no means set in stone, most likely:
Boonoo engineer
notsol337 scout/sniper
rac soldier
ReRixo ???
Twig spy
n0b said he should be able to play by Sunday, and I know Blizzard said he previously wanted to be heavy, so that's a tentative 7/9 we have.
2pm CST? That's 3pm EST... and I'm working then. Crap. Oh well. I'd be able to play/practice earlier that day or later in the evening, if anyone wants, though. (I'm benhuberGAF, btw)Boonoo said:Yeah, bomb's good for it. Striker can't make it until 12.30
So I'm showing 8/9 with pet and Striker as definite no shows.
That is why I said that I knew you wanted to be heavy. I was just waiting for extra confirmation one last time.Blizzard said:I've called dibs on heavy like 3 times I thought.I had to be fast so all the BETTER heavies couldn't have it.
you might have been banned and not noticed it at the time
heavy plz ;___;Twig said:That is why I said that I knew you wanted to be heavy. I was just waiting for extra confirmation one last time.
Medic or demoman or pyro. Everything else is claimed apparently. U:n0b said:People please choose classes so I can practice on whatever I'm going to end up playing. :<
There is Tomorrow Still! SURPRISE UPDATE!(._.) said:Guess Polycount isn't this month after all.
notsol337 said:Practice is for squares!
(I'd be on more but I'm getting hammered by school.)
Sounds like you'll be our secret weapon.n0b said:I would agree if I didn't have to learn how my temporary computer reacts to simple things like opening doors, going around corners, and more than two players being in the same area as me.
More like "Quick, throw in n0b the decoy!"Blizzard said:Sounds like you'll be our secret weapon.
"Quick, throw the LAGBOMB at the enemy players!"![]()
Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
Team Fortress 2
Added the Mann-conomy.
Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates).
Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog.
Added Trading.
Added Item customization.
Additional TF2 features
Added new auto-team-scramble system:
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto to 1 (default) to automatically scramble the teams if the criteria is met
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference to set the number of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble (default is 2)
Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly distribute the selections
Fixed the FreezePanel background not using the correct color if you were killed by a player or building on your own team
Server browser tweaks
It will now encourage you to add servers to Favorites or Blacklists after you have a good/bad experience on them.
The Server Browser now automatically closes after successfully connecting to a server (opt-out via the Options-Multiplayer->Advanced dialog)
Achievement tuning
Demoman achievement "The Stickening" changed to 3 from 5.
Heavy achievement "Krazy Ivan" changed to 50 from 100.
Medic achievement "Consultation" changed to 3 from 5.
Medic achievement "Peer Review" changed to 10 from 50.
Medic achievement "Placebo Effect" changed to 2 from from 5.
Medic achievement "FYI I am A Medic" changed to 1 from 5.
Medic achievement "Family Practice" changed to 5 from 10.
Soldier achievement "Geneva Contravention" changed to 3 from 5.
Scout achievement "Strike Zone" now counts assists.
Scout achievements "Fall Classic" and "Foul Territory" are fixed.
Engine (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2M)
Added sv_alltalk to the list of convars that are checked for the sv_tags list.
Fixed a model instance crash.
Removed engine ConVar "r_ForceRestore"
Other Games
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Updated to run on the Orange Box engine with CS:S, DoD:S, and TF2
BigKaboom2 said:Oh boy, microtransactions:
Uh they actually say all the new items can be crafted in the update.Kulock said:Microtransactions, "Item sets," uncraftable items... I think they've taken a wrong turn with this one.
Q: Can I craft the Polycount weapons? Do they have recipes like the other community items?
A: Yes, they're craftable. They have the same recipe style (combine two weapons) as the other community-contributed items.
Kulock said:Microtransactions, "Item sets," uncraftable items... I think they've taken a wrong turn with this one.
Stallion Free said:Uh they actually say all the new items can be crafted in the update.
QQ it's not like you crafted all the previous hats. Especially not legitimately.Kulock said:Somewhere I got jumbled and read that it was an 80/20% split, that was wrong, but there are some cosmetic items that can't be crafted still.
Stallion Free said:QQ it's not like you crafted all the previous hats. Especially not legitimately.
You know, the fact that I keep the compression blast may make it more useful. The only thing I don't like about these "Wear all x" packs is they all have Hats as part of them.EvilMario said:Pyro is a mix bag. I have to use a really weak Flamethrower (hopefully maintaining the compression blast), but I do pick up the 10%+ speed bonus.. which makes the Pyro about what.. equal to the Medic?
Of course.. with the defensive liabilities, and weak Flamethrower, circling Heavies is no longer an option, and you still can't catch up to a Scout (while now taking more damage).
The 'Natasha'-Pistol for the Scout, and Cloak regenerating Revolver look pretty smexy to me.
Drkirby said:The Degreaser sounds useless D:
Oh sure, I can switch my weapons faster, but it lowers my damage D:
What, do they want me to set on fire my enemy, then hit them with the hammer and heal while I am being shot at :/
Solder stuff sounds like its decent to take out sentry guns, Scout stuff seems usefulish, Sniper stuff sounds odd, Spy stuff seems like its very situational.
He shale give it to me!~Yasae said:I'm calling in my chips. You WILL give me that whiskered gentleman, boobnoob. I mean, Bono. I mean, boohoo.
Oh fuck, did they seriously just UPDATE it right NOW :O:O:O:ODrkirby said:UPDATE :O
And here I am, with a portable Hard Drive with TF2... *Rushes to Libary PCs*
Yasae said:I'm calling in my chips. You WILL give me that whiskered gentleman, boobnoob. I mean, Bono. I mean, boohoo.
I was able to for a bit before it went away, but obviously shit's getting hammered to hell.Stallion Free said:Has anyone been able to access their Back Pack or the Store? It keeps saying I can't connect to either.