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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Bakphoon said:
Do you have a premium account? Only Premium accounts get "cosmetic item" drops.
Never heard this before...zoey or someone, can confirm?

Edit: since we're (always) on the subject of hats, do you guys remember the first hat you got? Drop/trade/purchase/crate.

First I got was a day after they introduced hats. It was a heavy football helm. I was thinking, 'wtf is this?!' Little did I realize how rare hat drops would be.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
31 hours played and so far all I have is the ghastly top hat and a couple other promotional hats from other games.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Kuro Madoushi said:
Edit: since we're (always) on the subject of hats, do you guys remember the first hat you got? Drop/trade/purchase/crate.

Late 2009, after like 400 hours of idling I finally got a... Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative. Easily the worst day of my life.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Edit: since we're (always) on the subject of hats, do you guys remember the first hat you got? Drop/trade/purchase/crate.

My very first hat was that "proof of purchase" hat, the second one was a Tyrant's Helm drop.
At that time i haven't known what it was worth and i got scammed in a trade :(


Not counting promo stuff, trades, or summer crates... After about 100-200 hours since drops came out, I got my first hat drop ever, a Hotrod.

My second and third hat drops were.. today. A Magnificent Mongolian and a Vintage Merryweather
If I make a hat from refined, is it worth anything? Like is there a possibility of getting a rare one? Or are the only way to get the rare and unusual's is via a random drop?


MarkMclovin said:
If I make a hat from refined, is it worth anything? Like is there a possibility of getting a rare one? Or are the only way to get the rare and unusual's is via a random drop?
You can get pretty much anything except for Unusuals and I think the Sam's head and Bill's hat are also off limits.
MarkMclovin said:
If I make a hat from refined, is it worth anything? Like is there a possibility of getting a rare one? Or are the only way to get the rare and unusual's is via a random drop?

You might get lucky and get a Team Captain. But the odds are against you finding a valuable one that offsets its cost.

You can only get an unusual through uncrating or trading, never by crafting.


MarkMclovin said:
If I make a hat from refined, is it worth anything? Like is there a possibility of getting a rare one? Or are the only way to get the rare and unusual's is via a random drop?
Unusuals are only from crates, you will never get them through crafting or a drop. Three refined = chance of crafting any hat in the game and four refined + class token = chance of any class hat. So you could craft anything from a Team Captain to the Pyro plunger. The set hats have a specific recipe like four refined + set weapon.

Honestly with three or four refined, you can trade for almost any hat in the game. There are a few that have absurd prices (Villain's Veil), but they will eventually drop in price. Hell, once they make that Brink hat craftable, I think Villian's Veil's price will plummet.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Never heard this before...zoey or someone, can confirm?

Edit: since we're (always) on the subject of hats, do you guys remember the first hat you got? Drop/trade/purchase/crate.

First I got was a day after they introduced hats. It was a heavy football helm. I was thinking, 'wtf is this?!' Little did I realize how rare hat drops would be.
i got a modest pile of hat within like 4 minutes of the first time I'd booted up TF2 since hats were added to the game. i remember I was playing a game of doublecross and a bunch of people were jealous.

Also, big post coming up...


So, here is why proposed OP for OT3. it's pretty verbose, but I figure with the game going free-to-play a lot more new players will be checking it. All of the useful information for veterans is right at the top.


(thanks to Bakphoon for the modified logo)

History of this thread: OT1 | OT2
Trading Thread - head here if you're looking to trade with other GAF members.

Servers & Steam Groups

Free to Play
On June 23rd, 2011 TF2 officially went free to play forever on PC and MAC. That means all you need is a Steam account and you can play as much as you want. There are some minor restrictions imposed which you can read about here.

For New Players
There are in game tutorials that will teach you the basics of gameplay as well as some of the nuances of the more intricate classes. There's also an offline practice mode which lets you test your mettle against bots.

The "Play Now" button will put you into matchmaking for your selected mode. For the first 20 hours or so of playtime you should be matched to the Valve server which are generally full of other new players.

The most invaluable source for all-things TF2 is going to be the Official Wiki. Learn It. love it.

In addition to the standard items there are tons and tons of weapons and cosmetic items. May weapons can be gained by completing achievement milestones for each class. Most items can be found randomly via the drop system and ALL weapons and most hats can be crafted. And, of course, virtually everything can be traded. Most items can also be purchased with real money in the Mann Co. Store. Any purchase from the store will upgrade your account from free to premium. Store-bought items cannot be traded or used for crafting. The important thing to remember is that the vast majority of weapons are designed to be balanced with one another. That is, unlockable weapons aren't upgrades to standard weapons, but rather 'sidegrades' that allow for different play styles, but at a cost.

There are many sites that allow you to check other players' inventory and also setup trades. The most popular three are:
TF2B.com (inventory)
TF2items.com (inventory and trading)
TF2tp.com (trading)

Classes & Subclasses
--- Scout ---

The Scout is all about speed and quick kills. He's the fastest class and also has a double jump. Getting in close allows him to do massive damage with his scattergun before the enemy can react. he also has a pistol to finish off enemies if his primary weapon needs to be reloaded. Because of his low health he's easily dispatched if the enemy can manage to hit him.

Subclass: Special Delivery Scout
Requires: The Milkman, The Shortstop, Mad milk & The Holy Mackrel

The special delivery scout plays a bit differently than the standard scout. His new primary, the shortstop works better at mid range than close range. He also has higher max HP as well as a weapon (Mad Milk) that allows him to leech health from enemies. This gives him more survivability at the cost of fewer options for attacking.

--- Soldier ---

The Soldier is the bread-and-butter class of TF2. He has a rocket launcher which puts out lots of damage and a shotgun that's great at finishing off wounded stragglers. He has the second highest HP after the Heavy. Rocket jumping also affords him great mobility, but at the cost of health.

--- Pyro ---

The Pyro is designed for close-quarters combat. Pyro has a large amount of health and Pyro's flamethrower will ignite enemies causing them to take extra damage over time even if they escape. The flamethrower can also fire off a compression blast that can reflect projectiles (such as rockets and grenades) back at enemies, push enemies away, as well as douse teammates that are on fire. Like many classes, Pyro carries a shotgun to finish of those that get out of Pyro's range.

--- Demoman ---

The Demoman is the explosives expert of the team. He carries a grenade launcher that fires grenades that will explode on contact if they hit an enemy before they bounce. If his grenades should miss an enemy then they will explode on a 3 second fuse for reduced damage. He also wields the much-lauded Stickybomb launcher which allows him to place up to 8 stickybombs (remote mines) that he can detonate at will. Because all of the Demoman's weapons are projectiles he generally has a hard time in close quarters combat. Of course, as a demolitions expert he is the go-to class when dealing with sentry guns.

Subclass: Demoknight
Requires: The Chargin' Targe or The Splendid Screen

The demoknight tosses his stickybomb launcher aside for a shield that allows him to charge at high speeds and do massive melee damage. This is incredibly useful in medieval modes, but not nearly as potent (though still amusing) in regular game modes.

--- Heavy Weapons Guy ---

The Heavy is the lumbering hulk of the group. He has the highest health and the slowest movement speed, but his minigun allows him to put out enough damage to make short work of anyone in close or medium range. Because of his high health and high damage capacity he tends to be the favored healing target amongst many medics.

--- Engineer ---

The Engineer prefers to keep enemies at bay rather than fighting them face to face. He does this by building sentry guns that will automatically target and attack any enemy that gets within their range. He also acts as a great support for teammates by building teleporters that help get his team back into battle more quickly, and dispensers which refill allies' health and ammo. The Engineer carries a shotgun and a pistol to defend himself should he not have a sentry to rely on.

Subclass: Gunslinger Engineer
Requires: Gunslinger

Gunslinger Engineers eschew the normal behind-the-lines role of the standard Engineer and fight on the front lines alongside the other classes. The gunslinger increases the Engineer's max health and allows him to construct quick-building mini-sentries which deal decreased damage and cannot be repaired or upgraded. By building a mini sentry while also attacking with his shotgun the engineer forces his opponents to deal with two targets at once.

--- Medic ---

The Medic is the chief support class in TF2. His medigun allows him to not only heal damage to teammates, but also to 'overheal' them, increasing their maximum health by 50%. Overheal will drain on its own over 20 seconds, so it's a good idea to top off allies before they go into battle. As the medic heals his teammates his medigun builds an 'ubercharge.' When the ubercharge is full the medic can use it to make himself and his patient invulnerable for 8 seconds. The Medic also carries a syringe gun to defend himself should he find himself without a teammate to heal.

--- Sniper ---

The Sniper is exactly what you'd expect. He wields a sniper rifle that can deal critical damage on a headshot when scoped in. The longer he remains scoped in the more damage his shots will do. he also carries an SMG to help out with close range combat should the enemy manage to make it that far.

--- Spy ---

The Spy is different from every other class because he relies on subterfuge and knowledge to deal with enemies. The spy carries an invisibility watch that makes him invisible for a few seconds. While cloaked he cannot attack and if he takes damage or bumps into an enemy he will become visible again for a split second. The Spy can also disguise as an enemy to fool opponents into thinking they're safe. Attacking while disguised will instnatly drop the disguise.

Using his knife the spy can stab an enemy in the back, instantly killing them. He also carries a sapper which allows him to disabled and slowly drain the health of engineer buildings. using a sapper does not drop a Spy's disguise.

If all else fails, the spy carries a revolver with which he can dispatch his foes. Since the spy can see enemy health at all times he can quickly assess if it's better to attack or flee.

Game Modes
  • Atack / Defend - One team attacks and the other defends. The attackers try to capture the control points in order while the defends try to hold them off until the timer runs out.
  • Arena - Elimination mode. most Arena maps will have no health pickups, so engineers and medics are vital. Once you're dead you don't respawn until the next round. Killing all members of the opposing team is the goal. To prevent stalemates and camping after a couple of minutes a central control point is activated and the team to capture it wins.
  • Control Points - Also called Push or 5cp, control point maps are symmetrical and have either team vying to capture all of the control points in order.
  • Capture The Flag - Plays just as you'd expect. Each team tries to bring the enemy intelligence briefcase back to their base while preventing the other team from doing the same.
  • King Of The Hill - Symmetrical maps with a single control point in the center. Each team has a countdown timer. As long as a team holds the control point their timer will countdown. First to empty their timer is the winner.
  • Payload - Likely the most popular game mode, in Payload maps there is a cart with a bomb on it. The attackers try to move the cart to the end of the track by standing near it as though it were a control point. The defenders try to hold them off until the time runs out.
  • Payload Race - Similar to payload, but each team has their own cart. The goal is to push your team's cart to the end while preventing the other team form doing the same.
  • Territorial Control - The least popular game mode. TC work similarly to Push maps. Each time a point is captured the map layout changes dramatically and a new round is triggered.
  • Medieval - not a game mode, but rather a setting, medieval mode restricts which weapons are available to melee weapons and time-era appropriate weapons such as the bow & arrow and crossbows.
  • The are also many custom modes created by the community. The most prominent is likely the Vs. Saxton Hale mode which puts all but one player on one team while the lone player plays a super-powered boss character. The rules are the same as Arena.
  • Valve has confirmed that they're working on at least one new game mode, speculation and leaks point to them working on two modes: one called "Raid" and the other "Specialty."

There are many, many cosmetic items in TF2. hats and other cosmetic items can be modified with custom names and descriptions with name tags and description tags respectively. Many items can also be painted to further customize them. Cosmetic items have no effect on gameplay with the single exception of the Polycount set hats: The Milkman, The Grenadier's Softcap, The Attendant, Ol' Snaggletooth and The Familiar Fez. Valve has since realized that giving hats gameplay stats was a bad idea and hasn't done it since.

Competitive TF2
Competitive league play is a bit different from standard play. The most common format for competitive is 6v6. In 6v6 each classes is limited to 2 per team with the exception of Medic and Demoman which are both limited to 1 per team. There are also restrictions, depending on the league, on which weapons are allowed to be used.

Another format used in some competitive leagues is "Highlander." highlander games are 9v9 with each team limited to 1 of each class.

For more information on competitive play check the wiki page here: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Competitive

Contribute & Mann Co. Store
As you may or may not be aware, much of the content in TF2 has been created by the community. Weapons, hats and maps from everyday player have been made official and added to the game on numerous occasions. All community members with items available in the Mann. Co. store get a portion of the profits when those items are purchased. Creators of items also get self-made versions of the items for in-game use. When community items are added to the game Valve is only looking for models, they decide all gameplay stats themselves.

If you're interested in modeling items this is a good place to start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X5QGx2TP_8&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_834563

If you're interested in mapping check out tf2maps.net


First hat drop I got was...Texas Slim's Dome Shine or something.

Basically, a bald Engineer. I was disappoint.

I have gotten ~5 hats from idling. Bald Engie, Masquerade Mask, Professional's Panama, Safe N' Sound, and Flipped Trilby. Played ~450 hours.
Nice post Yeef, but you should highlight the Trading thread a little more. It is kinda lost in that info. Putting lower in the post would help, instead below the banner.


can we have three extra posts? one detailing controls, one detailing the tf2 plotline and one showing media and footage/????
Finally managed to buy two keys with a visa gift card. At last, my F2P shackles have been broken! I have $20 left, but I think I'm just going to add some money onto my PSN account for that.

Zerokku, as promised, I picked your name so you may or may not get a gift.

EDIT: Decided to use one key, got a Strange Ambassador. Yay?


Ok GAF I need some help. One of the servers I play on has Mario Kart in the map rotation and I have been spawn camped to hell and back after engineers establish bases on top of the middle building or on the corner towers.

I know they're using the wrangler and rocket jumping but I can't figure out how they are getting the height required.

Does anyone have any tips or links on how to get up there?


Professor Beef said:
Finally managed to buy two keys with a visa gift card. At last, my F2P shackles have been broken! I have $20 left, but I think I'm just going to add some money onto my PSN account for that.

Zerokku, as promised, I picked your name so you may or may not get a gift.

EDIT: Decided to use one key, got a Strange Ambassador. Yay?

Awesome. Lemme login and see.

Edit: And yup, got the speks. Thank you kindly sir.


Sorry I've been absent from the EU server and all things surrounding it lately. Planning to get things up and running again next week and get some regulars in the server. How do people feel about it possibly being added to the F2P server list with a VIP status for gaf members so that they can take spots if the server is full.


awwyeahgurrl said:
Sorry I've been absent from the EU server and all things surrounding it lately. Planning to get things up and running again next week and get some regulars in the server. How do people feel about it possibly being added to the F2P server list with a VIP status for gaf members so that they can take spots if the server is full.
Sounds cool enough. It's not like it's ever full.
It just asked me if I wanted to refer someone and I cancelled out of it. I can still get those speks for my other account right or is that chance gone forever? :(


SteveWinwood said:
It just asked me if I wanted to refer someone and I cancelled out of it. I can still get those speks for my other account right or is that chance gone forever? :(
It should re-nag you every single time you launch the game.


For the comp section I would add that TF2lobby is the easiest place to try out 6v6. You might also want to add that the standard team makeup is 2 soldiers 2 scouts 1 demo 1 medic.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Boonoo said:
For the comp section I would add that TF2lobby is the easiest place to try out 6v6. You might also want to add that the standard team makeup is 2 soldiers 2 scouts 1 demo 1 medic.
Lobby is filled with raging idiots who don't know how to play but like to give shitty advice.

Noy sure how many Gaffers are interested in comp play. Pet and boonoo are the most knowledgeable (pet is still competing). I can answer some questions as well.



Preview in-game! This is my first attempt and the texture isn't working right, it's way, way too dark. I gotta figure out what to do next but I like how it's looking on him so far.

(unusual version + sight for sore eyes = omg haha)
Dechaios said:

Preview in-game! This is my first attempt and the texture isn't working right, it's way, way too dark. I gotta figure out what to do next but I like how it's looking on him so far.

(unusual version + sight for sore eyes = omg haha)
Oh my. I might get a new mask for the Pyro when it comes out. Reminds me of Protoss, is that intentional?


Sgt.Pepper said:
Oh my. I might get a new mask for the Pyro when it comes out. Reminds me of Protoss, is that intentional?
Actually that's completely unintentional but I can kinda see that now...

If this gets put in I have to obtain sight for sore eyes to use with it!!


Dechaios said:

Preview in-game! This is my first attempt and the texture isn't working right, it's way, way too dark. I gotta figure out what to do next but I like how it's looking on him so far.

(unusual version + sight for sore eyes = omg haha)
Can you take some shots outside? I can't see it too well in the darkness. It looks good in the other shots so far though!


TheBez said:
Can you take some shots outside? I can't see it too well in the darkness. It looks good in the other shots so far though!
Oh wow, thanks man-- turns out I was just standing in the dark!


That sparkle effect is the effect that mine would have on it if it was accepted by Valve. It's called "Community Sparkle".
Dechaios said:
Maybe make it a little lighter if thats what it looks like in the light. Its still a little dark in my opinion.


SteveWinwood said:
Maybe make it a little lighter if thats what it looks like in the light. Its still a little dark in my opinion.
I kinda feel the same way. It shouldn't be too hard to brighten the textures a little bit as I'm losing all my detail at this point.
Grimm Fandango said:
You might get lucky and get a Team Captain. But the odds are against you finding a valuable one that offsets its cost.

You can only get an unusual through uncrating or trading, never by crafting.

What's the cost though? Once you have all the weapons there isn't really a use for Refined, right? Crafting a random hat sounds like fun.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
GGs all.

I'm glad we could actually get the server populated this early :D.

Btw Jangeroo, I really hope you saved a replay of your spy antics towards the end.
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