Looks like no big surprises for tomorrow. RIP MVM mode, you were too sweet for this world.We've also only got one more day until Pyromania goes live, exploding into a fireball of new item sets, a new game mode, and of course, Meet the Pyro.
The one at the bottom looks cheesy, thus Meet the Pyro is confirmed terrible etc. etc. However, I like the creepy pyro eyes at the top of the screen.I am not sure I like this heroic Pyro pose...
Hope the new rocket launcher can take out (unwrangled) level 3's in one hit. :3
Force those Engies to run Short Circuit!
Hope the new rocket launcher can take out (unwrangled) level 3's in one hit. :3
Force those Engies to run Short Circuit!
Hope the new rocket launcher can take out (unwrangled) level 3's in one hit. :3
The Omega Man said:Day 2 of the pyromania update is up guys, sniper is getting a new SMG!
I'm glad we're finally getting new stuff, but this update seems pretty miniscule compared to last year's Uber Update. Last year we got 20 weapons, a new map, seven or eight new hats, Strange weapons, new taunts, Meet the Medic, and it went F2P. This year we have a new map (yeah they call it a mode, but really it sounds like CTF/KOTH hybrid which custom maps have done), six new weapons, Meet the Pyro, and maybe three new hats. I know we still have tomorrow, and maybe they will reveal a Valve-made Pyro set, but after seven months, I expected a ton of stuff considering Valve called the update "massive" and said they had a "bunch of new stuff this week." And after months of teasing, all the way back to secret stuff in Foundry, we still don't have MVM mode. I wouldn't care as much if Valve didn't constantly tease the community about it.
great movie.
I'd rather get 3 interesting, balanced weapons than 100 broken and/or useless weapons.I'm glad we're finally getting new stuff, but this update seems pretty miniscule compared to last year's Uber Update. Last year we got 20 weapons, a new map, seven or eight new hats, Strange weapons, new taunts, Meet the Medic, and it went F2P.
I thought they would go the Mechanical way with mechanical parts as misc and the Mann vs Machine raid mode, oh well, OK-ish stuff so far but I would have loved the mecha-stuff with raid mode
If you reload past three it EXPLODES and does SOMETHING BAD.You should be reloading all the time as a Soldier if there's nobody to shoot at, so I don't see what the problem is there.
If you reload past three it EXPLODES and does SOMETHING BAD.
Wonder if switching weapons empties your tube?
Of course you start out empty. That's the point! You're trading versatility for raw damage.You hold Fire to prep up to 3 rockets, then release to let them fly. Charging up the shot past three makes it misfire. It doesn't mean you start empty, or can't reload normally. It would be worse than the Cow Mangler if you started out empty each time.
That's what I'm thinking it is.Or are you thinking you always have 1 in the chamber, and then you can hold and release for a 2 or 3 shot?
Of course you start out empty. That's the point! You're trading versatility for raw damage.
Got your back with Buff Banner.Why yes, I would like to fire 3 rockets at once.
No new Spy weapons?
Bullshit update.
I wonder if the bazooka is going to have its own rocket jumps with its multirockets.
Combo with Gunboats?You would probably die if you shot 3 rockets at your feet.
Combo with Gunboats?
Sounds like you don't even have 6 inches.Um I don't have 6 feet DUMBASS.