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Team Soho should be on charge of Ian Fleming's creations vg adapations


Well, I have started reading some Ian Fleming's books, which differ a lot from the films and I thought: "Wouldn't be great to play a decent James Bond Title nowadays ??"
Yes, sure it would be.
I am talking about something more story driven, just like THe Getaway, where the story was an important element. And I can only think in Team Soho when it reffers to recreate the exact ambience the Sean Connery Films had.
After the great ammount of James Bond videogame adaptions it's hard to not think in James Bond Game and crap at the same time, I know...
That's perhaps one of the things that made me love the Getaways and it's the fact that the game's ambience was so-well recreated that it put you on the story without problems.
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