Jtwo said:
Ok, so I have two issues that may be one in the same.
1.] I just hooked up a WRT54gs v.5 because this old Dlink router I had been using was slow and would drop wireless pretty frequently. The weird thing is.. if I plug my modem into the "internet" port on the router.. it won't give a connection either by wireless or through the lan.
But if I plug the modem into one of the lan slots it gives a connection just fine. I've reset it a few times and made sure I have the latest firmware.
2.] If I plug my xbox into one of other lan ports it won't connect. On the Test connection thing it says it is connected to the internet, but can't access LIVE. Now here's the puzzler, if I connect the Xbox directly into the modem it still won't connect to LIVE and gives the same error.
I made sure the Xbox was still configured to "automatic" and restored the wireless settings to factory defaults just incase, but still no dice. So just for kicks I plugged the old Dlink that drops wireless all the time back in and Voila! the Xbox has no problems connecting!
Who's your internet provider?
I know in California for Verizon DSL. they lock MAC addresses according to router so they avoid doing PPPOE. No other device can connect except the previous ethernet connected device. The MAC Address resets every two hours. If you just leave your modem + router disconnected for that period of time (or overnight), then it should work.
If your provider doesn't do that, then ignore what I said.
Dechaios said:
Power supply replacement:
Okay, so the fan in the power supply of my pc has been busted for a long time. I've just used a fan behind the computer to pump air in and keep it cool but I'd like to just replace my power supply. I've got a $100 best buy gift card so I'd like to order it online there.
What do I need to know about my power supply to find a replacement? I looked for the same model as I currently have but I don't think it is being made anymore.
Do you game on your computer? Does your graphics card use a dedicated power supply plug?
If it does, then you have to be careful what power supply you purchase. I don't know your specs, and since you have a $100 gift card, I would opt to buy a 80+ efficient power supply. I've heard a lot of good things from Corsair since their units provide high amps over 12V plugs (important for gamers) on a single rail. Tell me your computer specs, so I can narrow it down for you.
Maklershed said:
I was wondering if anyone could help a computer noob (me) and his dad. My dad's computer is borked big time. Just doing the simplest thing .. like seeing the start menu after clicking the start button .. takes forever but I'm not seeing anything weird via malwarebytes or adaware. Anyone have any ideas what I could to do help alleviate the situation?
Also, does anyone notice anything odd in these run time processes while the computer is idle or does it all look kosher:
Computer Info:
HP Pavilion
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 64 Processor
984MHz, 448MB of Ram
For 448 MB of RAM, XP will definitely crawl. Look at how many resources are consumed! It's definitely using virtual disk at that point.
It needs a reinstall. If you want, give the computer a Ubuntu shot if you don't want to try XP. Windows 7 may crawl on that if you don't add a bit more RAM.
Jakeh111 said:
my wireless mouse MS LASER MOUSE 5000 sometimes will act strange. I will be going across my desktop and then the mouse might stop and when I move it it only goes maybe 10 pixels then stops again and will do that 2 times in a row and then just work fine. I have switched out the batteries and reinstalled the regualr drivers but it still seems to be acting wonky.
Sometimes interference from wireless routers and microwaves can cause your mouse to behave eratically. Also, check the surface you're riding your mouse on.
Get new hardware if you need to.
Ashhong said:
just in case nobody saw this post =)
At that CPU load, I wouldn't worry. It doesn't hurt to add more fans in a system though.
You should definitely worry if your CPU temps are going to 70-80.
eznark said:
Interesting question:
I have a wireless router connected to my DSL router. Also connected to the wireless router are my 360 and PS3. I had no problems until recently, when I discovered that turning on the console(s) kills my wireless signal. Obviously the two consoles are hard wired through the router, but my laptops (including my wifes work Dell which she uses often at home) have a spotty connection when I'm trying to game on a console.
Any ideas as to how to fix this?
Don't use an all-in-one router+modem. Those are so shoddy at holding connections together.
It also sounds like your DSL connection uses a lot of bandwidth when you game. Perhaps you need a router that does QoS (prioritizes data so that one connection doesn't take down the whole network).