I'm wondering if you guys can help me with my Macbook.
Quick backstory:
2006 model, white, been with me on my adventures abroad to Beijing and Rotterdam, so I'm attached to the damn thing. The hard drive finally conks out on me while in Rotterdam. When I return to the States, the folks at the Mac store replace my hard drive for free!
The replacement was a few weeks ago, and now... it's crashing. Not as badly as the first time, but it crashes completely after a few minutes of use.
It happened this afternoon. The Macbook was on a desk, a little far away from me. I slide it towards me, when the screen starts glitching and tearing. So I turn it off.
And it doesn't turn back on.
So I hold down the power button until it goes BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP and it starts!
I'm back, baby! And then after a few minutes, it asks me to restart because it crashed.
And this happens over and over.
So I find a tutorial that tells me to use fsck -y at the single user screen, so I do. It starts to do it, but it always freezes right here:
So... do I have to go to the Mac store? Is this a severe case? Someone just tell me what's going on and if there's anything I can do.