So, I built my PC a few months ago and I love it and all, but the WiFi issues I'm having are ruining it for me... Some specs: (Core i5 4690k, 8gb RAM, GTX 760, 500gb SSD, Windows 8.1 64-bit, etc.)
The important part is my motherboard, which came with a WiFi card that I thought would be pretty good. The mobo is an MSI z97 mini-ITX, link here:
The included WiFi card is an Intel Dual-Band AC 7260.
My problem is as follows - while I get a consistent connection to my router via WiFi, the internet is either extremely slow, or not working at all. I have updated the drivers for the WiFi card, and have the OS all fully up to date.
Now, importantly, my iPad works fine with my router, and I've never had an issue connecting to the internet with it. Also, the consoles I have work very well (360, PS3, Xbox One) wirelessly, including from the same distance to the router as my PC. No slowness, no dropped connection, nothing amiss.
What's weird is that, on the occasions when the internet connection on the PC does work (and remember, the connection from the PC to the router itself is always on, and always at full bars) - the internet is blazing fast, and I can download from Steam and watch videos and all that without any speed-related issue - the problem comes from the internet only working some of the time (like 10% or so).
What could be going on here? If it's interference, wouldn't it also affect the iPad and consoles? If it's a faulty piece of hardware, wouldn't it also affect the connection to the router (and how would it work so well when it does work)? If it's a bad router, why does it work so well with my iPad/consoles? If it's Windows or software-based, wouldn't having the up-to-date drivers and OS and all that take care of it?
I've tried rolling-back drivers, and flushing the DNS via command prompt, and releasing/renewing the IPconfig, and all the other tips-and-tricks I could find online, but nothing has improved. Even troubleshooting the WiFi connection via right-clicking on the icon on Windows either gives me nothing back (as in, nothing's wrong!), or it tells me that the DNS sever is not responding (this happens seldom).
What could it be? What am I missing? I really don't want to have to go wired, as the cable would have to go across various rooms/hallways and drilling holes is not an options. Any help would be hugely appreciated.