So I've got a HP laptop, yesterday I turned it on to find it flickering to a black screen several times, before just going black entirely after a few minutes. You'd occasionally see a very thin, dotted red line on the left edge of the screen, top to bottom. There was still stuff being displayed -- although basically completely black. If a video or song was playing, you'd still hear the audio after the computer would cut to black, so it wasn't outright crashing. In the weeks prior, I'd see a couple of black flickers upon start up, on the initial transition to my desktop from boot -- although I thought at the time that this was a side effect of f.lux.
I plugged in a monitor, to see if it was just the native laptop screen failing, or some other problem, and the black screen (with the thin red dotted line) would still display on an external monitor (connected by HDMI).
Today, I turned it on (roughly 17 hours later), and nothing. So far no flickering, maybe one or two on startup, but no permanent cut to black -- it's been about half hour here since I started it up -- and no problems.
Although I'm quite worried the display might fail again, I'm just curious whether anyone is familiar with this issue, and would have any advice if this were to occur again.
Edit: Yeah, it's flickering again, only temporary so far, but it's doing it.