ChoklitReign said:
MSE's download link is broken for me.
Download here.
subrock said:
oh wise tech support gaf, why does my modem disconnect every time a macbook connects to my network? I have 3 roommates on with a MBP (no problem) one with a desktop PC (no problem) and one with an older white macbook (big problem). most times the router and modem are fine and stable, but the macbook roomie comes home and goes online to watch jersey shore or some bullshit, and the internet dies for everyone while leaving us connected to the modem. I think she is just doing web based stuff, and shes too dumb for torrents so what is it?
What do you mean by drop? Does everyone's wireless disconnect or is everyone still connected but the internet just crawls?
If it's the later use QoS on your router. It'll route service and prioritize packets to what needs to be streamed so that the internet doesn't grind to a halt for everyone. Is your roomite watching a lot of videos everytime she's back?
Please reply back what your router is.
If it's the wireless connection drop, thenyour router sucks.
ChoklitReign said:
my laptop keyboard isnt working. what could cause this? its A Dell xps m1530.
Check the keyboard connector. Unplug it and replug it in:
Here's the Dell website that'll show you how to open your laptop:
Leunam said:
What's the best way to figure out if the graphical artifacts I'm seeing on my screen are coming from my monitor or my graphics card? Can I "capture" artifacts using the print screen function?
Try different video connectors. If your graphics card has two ports, try the other.
Also, try your monitor on another computer.
Likely it's your graphics card unless somehow you bent the pins on your connector.
Viewt said:
Hey guys, quick question:
So a friend of mine and I were recording a podcast, and he was using Audio Recorder for OS X, and he saved the file, but it sort of disappeared (it wasn't showing up on his desktop). He was able to eventually find the file, but it wouldn't play. It's 61 MB, so something is there, but we can't access it.
Do you guys have any ideas? It's an .m4a file, if that helps.
Any thoughts would be massively helpful, thanks.
Try opening the file using VLC. See if it plays back. It could be that when your friend saved the file, it closed the program prematurely and corrupted it.
Follow me up on that.
firehawk12 said:
Okay, my HDD failed a short DST test which means it's probably going to die soon. The question is, how do I back up the data?
I tried Ghost, but it fails on an I/O error and won't complete.
I tried Clonezilla, but it gets hung up on trying to read the same sectors over and over again in an infinite loop.
Is there any way to fix this I/O error long enough to just copy my data over?
I would backup the data externally. Just turn the hard drive into an external and see how much you can do. There's no part in copying the partition since it's close to failure.
ultron87 said:
So I think my video card might be fried:
My friend was playing Starcraft 2 earlier today on my machine and after he logged in the screen got all pixeley and fragmented and he wasn't able to do anything so he turned it off. When I got home I tried and get a number of fun visual abnormalities including jagged green lines across the screen or only the color red being shown from my background image.
This screams video card problem to me, but I thought I'd get a second opinion. I checked all the connections and cables and those seem to be fine.
What kind of graphics card do you have? There's been a problem with some very beefy graphics processors that it renders the Starcraft 2 menu screens too quickly; thus causing the graphics card to overheat and permanently damage the gpu.
Check the insides of your computer if it's dusty. Dust out. If that doesn't help, then you have to buy another graphics card.
At this point in time, Blizzard for whatever reason has not decided to force patch it. Go to your documents folder and you should find your Starcraft II folder containing your profile and replays. Inside, there's a text file called variables.txt.
Add this text in any place. Just make sure it has its own row:
Tashi0106 said:
Hi TechGAF, I need your help again. My brothers ~2.5 year old Mac Book Pro is acting up. First, the battery never full charges and drains quick. Whatever, batteries do these things sometimes. Yesterday though, the laptop would start, show the Apple logo and a little loading icon and then the laptop would go black and unresponsive and basically shutdown. Today I looked at it myself and it did that, however I did notice what I'm guessing to be the hard drive start up and build up speed which I guess is normal. Then the screen would go black and the spinning would slow go down. This seemed to have happened a few times to my brother yesterday from what he tells me.
After this happened to me today when he told me to look at it, I held the power switch while the what I'm guessing is the hard drive slow down, it shut down completely. I held the power button down again to reboot it and it started to work as normal. It let me log in and I was able to go on Safari and use it normally.
Obviously my brother is cautious now. I'd like to know if anyone here has had similar problems. I'm guessing the first thing to do would be to back everything up on an external drive in case it does happen again and permanently. Is there any way to find out for sure what the problem is? Is there a diagnostic I can run? I'm a PC guy and I'm not familiar with the Mac environment much at all. Are MacBook Pro hard drives hard to replace? How about the batteries? Hard to find? Any advice would be helpful, thanks a lot.
I said something earlier this thread regarding this. Look below. Reset the SMC.
claviertekky said:
Try resetting the SMC:
If that doesn't work, then take it to the Apple store for a fix.
Also, try running the laptop without the battery. What happens?
I would also say the battery sounds like it's dead. 2.5 years and probably plugged in most of the time.